The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 72 The Magical "Friend or Foe Identification Technology"

Chapter 72 The Magical "Identification Friend or Foe Technology" (Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets)
Ray and Bullock adopted synchronized shooting tactics and accurately killed their respective targets at the same time.

There was no need for anyone to give any orders, just relying on the tacit understanding cultivated over the years of cooperation, and at the same time retracted the gun and left the gap in the broken wall, and turned to the exit between the two walls on the left.

Then they filed out alternately from left to right, guarding the left and right sides of the small passage outside respectively.

Jason maintained a high level of vigilance, and came out with a gun right behind the two.

There was a cement road in front of the hospital gate, and Jason walked all the way to an abandoned car on the side of the cement road, still pointing his gun straight ahead.

Assaulting three people, one left, one right and one forward, just controlled the vision in three directions.

The vision outside the broken wall was completely controlled, Jason raised his right hand high and made a forward gesture, and Long Zhan and Sonny came out from behind the wall.

Correspondingly, they walked behind Ray and Brock, and squeezed their shoulders.

The tactical command represented by the pinch of the shoulder is to move forward.

The underlying meaning is that we are in place and you can move on.

After receiving the password, Ray and Brock continued to move forward, shifted to the left and right sides of the road outside the gate, and divided the side of the road guarding each other by crossing guns.

The crossed gun line is to maximize the field of view and ensure your own safety as much as possible.

Long Zhan and Sonny waited for Trent and the others, came out and walked into the middle of the team, and the two went forward again to meet Brock and Lei respectively.

After arriving behind the two of them, he still took the most direct shoulder squeeze.

Ray and Brock, the "front row soldiers" who received the signal, pushed forward again and began to cross the road.

The Cerberus stuck out its little tongue excitedly, followed closely beside Brock step by step, without barking or making any unnecessary movements.

What is the militarized quality of a military dog ​​has been perfectly demonstrated in the Cerberus.

A group of nine people kept covering each other and moved forward alternately. Each person's guns pointed in different directions, and each person also blocked a potentially dangerous area. No one person repeated with the others.

Under the premise of limited number of people, repetition means mistakes.

Under this "rolling" teamwork advancement, Team B formed a perfect war machine, and the entire advancement speed was very fast.

It took less than 30 seconds to reach the gate.

The team of Team B could advance all the way to the door perfectly without too many gestures and commands, relying on their tacit understanding of cooperation for many years.

The reason why Long Zhan was able to blend in was entirely due to his strong adaptability.

It's as if he can mingle with everyone as if he's familiar with him no matter where he goes, which shows his talent for adapting to the environment.


Jason's technique was sophisticated and watertight. As soon as his front foot reached the gate, his back foot immediately shot each of the two security corpses on the ground.

Replenishment guns are carried out before all tactics, and both the captain and the members must strictly implement it.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the poison gas detector from his waist, lightly attached it to the closed hospital door, and conducted an overall scan from top to bottom.

The gas detector didn't sound an alarm, so Jason gave everyone a thumbs up.

It means that you can enter.

Demoman Sonny patted Long Zhan on the shoulder. After receiving the signal, Long Zhan immediately stabilized his body, allowing Sonny to remove the bolt cutter from his tactical rucksack on the premise that he remained standing with the gun.

That's bolt cutters!

Common hospitals in China have very large gates, which are three to four meters high and seven to eight meters wide at every turn. This hospital in Xulia is completely different.

The so-called hospital gate is nothing more than an iron gate less than two meters wide.

The method of sealing the hospital gate has nothing to do with any high-level strictness at all. It is a pair of big iron chains and a big padlock.

Under the sharp tiger's mouth of the bolt cutter, it was easily broken into two sections.

After removing the iron chain from the gate, Long Zhan and Sonny stood on the left and right sides of the gate respectively, pulling the handle of the gate to open the gate completely.

Assault group Lei and Bullock file in, still adopting the crossed gun line.

Jason followed closely behind!

There were no lights on in the hospital, and Hei Qiuqiu couldn't see his fingers at a glance.

Fortunately, with the high-tech head-mounted night vision goggles, the three members of the assault team can have a panoramic view of the situation inside the gate without being disturbed by the dark vision at all.

Also because of the existence of head-mounted night vision goggles, the method of identifying friend or foe has become easier.

Long Zhan and the others all turned on the iR laser pointer, which added a thin "green light" in front of their weapons that could only be seen clearly with night vision goggles.

Through the invisible light emitted from the gun, everyone in team B can determine the position of other people.

There is an IR laser in the front, which can easily determine whether it is an enemy or a friend. There are also special equipment for distinguishing between friends and foes in other directions.

Each member of Team B has identification friend or foe Velcro on the back of the helmet, the left and right sides of the shoulders, and the back of the tactical backpack behind him.

The Velcro is invisible in normal light and does not fluoresce visible in the dark.

But in the green world of night-vision goggles, the IFF stickers stand out, glowing like an electrified LED light bulb.

Not to mention fighting indoors at close range, it can be seen clearly even tens of meters away from the outside.

It can effectively avoid friendly accidental injury.

This seemingly inconspicuous special military technology is actually of great significance in night battles. Even if it is not a black technology, it can definitely be called a cutting-edge high-tech in the new era.

Small Velcro, but it represents high technology.

(End of this chapter)

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