The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 75 VX Nerve Agent

Chapter 75 VX Nerve Agent (Please recommend, ask for a monthly pass)

Jason and Ray walked all the way through the corridor full of dead people, and finally came to the big room at the end.

Long Zhan was already waiting by the door, and when he saw two people coming over and pointing to the inside, he said, "Boss, there are quite a few people inside, and their condition is very bad."

Jason could already hear coughing, and walked to the door frowning.

There was no light in the room, and it looked very dim. As Jason's head-mounted flashlight swept past, the scene he saw was simply horrible.

old people, children, women...

Everyone was in very weak condition and all showed signs of poisoning.

Seeing someone walking in, this group of people had no fear of seeing strangers in their blank and numb eyes, but instead had a desire to survive.

A child who was only a few years old with a dark face reached out to Jason with difficulty, and prayed in Arabic: "Help me, I don't want to die, please."

Jason is a father with a child, and what he hates the most is the child's prayer.

I couldn't hold back on the spot.

"I'm B1, Brock's protection expert team. Everyone else rushed to the second floor. Emergency rescue is needed here. Bring all the medical supplies."

Jason ordered without hesitation, his tone as heavy as his current mood.

No matter how iron-blooded the tough guy soldiers are, seeing the sufferings of these innocent civilians will trigger sympathy in their hearts, not to mention that among the civilians who come here, they are all women, children and the elderly from vulnerable groups.

After receiving the order, the members of Team B rushed to the scene, and began to work together to treat these civilians and investigate why they appeared here.

Team B now has two medical soldiers, namely Trent and Long Zhan.

The two of them took the role of first responders as a matter of course, responsible for diagnosing all the symptoms of civilians in this room, and treating them as best they could.

Jason and others were responsible for appeasing a group of civilians and repairing the lighting system of the house.

Then figure out what exactly is going on here.

After nearly 10 minutes of busy work, everyone in Team B who divided the labor had their own gains.

Through communicating with women and children, Jason learned the identities of these civilians and why they were abandoned here.

It turned out that they were civilians of the Communist country, and the Syrian army seized their villages.

All the men who had reached the age of joining the army were taken into the army, and they were used as cannon fodder to fight against the rebels, reducing the casualties of the Syrian army itself.

The rest of the children, old people and women were all taken to this hospital as handymen.

As a result, there was an accident some time ago. The poisonous gas leaked and caused the death of a lot of animals outside, and the people in the hospital were not spared either.

Those who worked near the explosion and outside died on the spot. Although those who worked indoors avoided the first wave of poisonous gas, the permeating gas still caused them all to suffer and fell into the torment of nerve gas.

The Syrian army is worried that a large number of civilians will die due to the poison gas leak, and the news spread badly to the international community.

So the most inhuman treatment was made, the entire hospital was completely sealed off, and all the poisoned personnel were detained on the second floor of the hospital.

And set up security guards on the first floor to prevent any poisoned personnel from coming out.

No medical treatment or food was given, and they were left to fend for themselves on the second floor.

After these days of continuous torture, most of the people on the second floor have died of "sickness" one after another, and now there are only a mere 20 or so people left from hundreds of people.

Those who survived were those who had absorbed the least poisonous gas, but their condition was still very bad.

The body was continuously ravaged by the nerve gas, and they had not eaten for several days. Without timely medical treatment, none of them could survive.

Knowing all the information about these civilians, Jason's heart was heavier than ever.

But it can also be figured out.

After all, Jason is very aware of the cruelty of war, not to mention that it is for the sake of the country's face, he has seen even more exaggerated things.

People living in peaceful countries can never imagine how terrifying the darkness of war-torn countries will be.

"Long, how is the child?"

What Jason was most worried about was the little boy who pulled the hem of his clothes and begged when he first came in.

"His entire respiratory system is very dangerous. If his throat muscles continue to be paralyzed, he will be drowned by the saliva he secretes," Long Zhan said.

Through the TV plot and personal inspection, Long Zhan can basically confirm that the people here are VX poison gas.

It is also a fast-acting nerve agent, and symptoms will appear within seconds after exposure, including salivation, pupil constriction, and chest tightness.

Like some other nerve agents, VX acts on enzymes that control the body's glands and muscles.

When this enzyme is blocked by the gas, the molecules continue to stimulate the muscles, which fatigue after constant spasms.Eventually suffocation or the heart stops working leading to death.

The good news is that people exposed to VX are very small and have a good chance of being rescued.

The bad news is that if there is not enough antidote and follow-up detoxification, the death rate of the poisoned person is also very high.

Jason has received training on biochemical poison gas, and the individual first aid kits carried by Team B contain emergency agents to deal with this poison.

"How much atropine did you give him?"

Facing Jason's question, Long Zhan stretched out two fingers of his right hand and said, "I have limited medicines, and there are too many people who need to be rescued, so I can only give him two injections."

(Atropine: A specific drug used to treat nerve gas.)
"Give him another injection. His condition is very serious. Two injections are not enough." Jason took out a dose of atropine from his medical kit.

In the soldier's medical kit of Team B, each person is only given one dose.

Jason used his on the little boy, which was tantamount to using up a backup guarantee that could save himself in advance.

"You keep it, in case you get infected..."

"Give him another shot!"

Jason interrupted Long Zhan's words, and the look in Long Zhan's chest, which took a photo of atropine, was very determined.

(End of this chapter)

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