Chapter 76


Seeing Jason's resolute attitude, Long Zhan stopped talking nonsense, took the atropine handed over and walked towards the little boy.

Anyway, he had already given himself a needle.

Being a good person and saving innocent civilians is something you can do as a top special soldier in the world, but Long Zhan will not be a bad person.

Long Zhan has not forgotten his original intention of studying medicine, which is to save himself at critical moments.

Jason didn't leave after taking out the medicine. When Long Zhan was giving the little boy an injection, he took the time to ask aside, "How many people are there in total?"

"23, all infected without exception." Long Zhan said while pushing the syringe.

"Can we save them?" Jason asked again.

"It's hard to say now."

Long Zhan raised his head after the injection, frowned and said, "Everyone needs to undergo emergency detoxification to temporarily stabilize their physical condition.

If we want to cure them completely, we need to send them to emergency treatment, preferably to the hospital. "

"It's not good news."

Jason knew that this evacuation was already very troublesome. It was impossible to take them back for treatment in the original plan. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Do you know what kind of chemical poison we are dealing with?"

"I don't have any experimental testing equipment, so I can only judge by the symptoms. The probability is VX poison gas." Long Zhan shrugged, if he could only do this step.

"How long does it take to detoxify?"

"The VX virus is infected through skin contact. The skin area of ​​children is relatively small, and the time will be shorter. It takes about 10 minutes for adults on average."

"Well, it will be dawn in five hours. I hope you and Trent can finish this work before dawn."


Long Zhan nodded and continued to work.

At the same time, it is basically certain that Jason is ready to abandon the original evacuation plan in order to save the 23 innocent civilians.

Although Long Zhan felt that it was unreasonable to do so, it added a lot of difficulty to the mission.

But from a humanitarian standpoint, Jason had to do this, otherwise he would be in guilt and self-blame for the rest of his life.

In addition, there is no problem in the follow-up of the original plot, and by the way, I can still express myself.

Long Zhan did not force himself to oppose Jason's temporary modification plan.

Long Zhan knew that the change of the original retreat plan would benefit him, so he didn't try to stop Jason, but that didn't mean that other people wouldn't have any objections.

As the second person in charge of Team B, Lei felt the need to remind Jason.

He specially called Jason aside, and asked with a serious face, "Do you know who invented the VX poison gas? Does it make sense?"

"Sorry, what are you talking about?"

Jason looked like I didn't understand what you were talking about, and in fact I didn't understand.


Lei, who wanted to turn a corner, simply decided to open up.

"The British discovered VX first, but their invention was just an accident, and they realized how toxic it was, so they stopped making it immediately.

A few years later, the U.S. military began mass production. The prototype of the VX agent in this hospital was probably produced by the U.S. military.

Do you think we are good people? "

The hidden meaning of Ray's words is that the American army has used this poisonous gas and killed many people on the battlefield, and we also belong to the American army.

Now in order to save these people, does it make sense to make it more difficult to retreat?

"We're good people, Ray."

Jason's answer was firm, looking Ray in the eye and saying, "Because we've never used this kind of thing, and we never will."

What is the pride of the strongest sailor? Jason gave the most intuitive answer.

Ray was firmly persuaded by Jason.

It is true that DG has not done some nasty things that are not on the stage like other US military.

Lei agreed with Jason's idea of ​​saving lives, but it didn't mean that Lei didn't have any worries. He asked directly: "We originally planned to only have 2 to 3 cars. How do you bring them all back?"

"It's time for the special forces at the border to come out to warm up, shouldn't they?" Jason raised his eyebrows.

Immediately, he pressed PTT, established communication with the operation center, and reported the situation here and the idea of ​​saving lives to the operation center.

Sykes forward military base.

After listening to Jason's report, Commander Eric contacted the headquarters immediately.

"Sir, the situation has changed. The operation team needs to rescue a group of civilians. We have only contacted two local vehicles now. There is simply not enough space for 23 people.

We hope to apply for Border Special Forces assistance, they have special operations vehicles, enough to ensure that we can complete this retreat.


Eric tried his best to communicate with the above, but unfortunately the reply he got was not ideal.

The Ministry of National Defense does not want to leave any traces of the presence of US troops in Xulia, and is not very willing to send special forces across the border to rescue.

Eric knew there was still room to move inside, and he didn't give up taking the chance.

Instead, I contacted the command center of DG, hoping that the squadron commander or even the commander of DG's boss, the lieutenant colonel, could find a way to convince his superiors.

The higher the level of dialogue with the Ministry of Defense, the greater the chance of success.

Senior intelligence officer Mandy is not idle either, and also uses his ability to communicate with the CIA to lobby the Department of Defense and the Joint Special Operations Command.

Whether the application will be successful in the end can only be said now.

Everyone is trying to persevere, and everyone is waiting for the final reply from the Ministry of Defense. It is destined to be a long night.

(End of this chapter)

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