The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 799 is very wrong

Long Zhan ran to the ditch next door where there was also a snake, and found that there was also a snake of the same type underneath.

"These two scammers probably dug into the snake hole, and they frightened themselves. The heads of the two snakes are round, so they shouldn't be poisonous snakes."

Long Zhan quickly analyzed the scene, and then jumped into the pit under the eyes of everyone.

The onlookers were startled.

Just as Cook was about to run over to help in case Long Zhan had any accidents, he just took a step when Long Zhan jumped up from the pit.

What he was holding was none other than the snake that had frightened Maynard half to death.

The 7-inch non-poisonous snake pinched precisely by Long Zhan, the nearly two-meter-long snake struggled to wrap around Long Zhan's arm, trying to escape by wrapping around and strangling the enemy.

Unfortunately it was all in vain.

Long Zhan grabbed the snake's tail and pulled it "gently", forcefully tore off the snake wrapped around his arm, and pulled it into a "snake stick" in the air.

Immediately after holding his hands back and forth, the snake stick immediately turned into snake noodles.

After one snake was dealt with, Long Zhan followed suit, and then another snake in the pit was dealt with.

Holding a snake's head with the last hand, he walked back excitedly and said, "Luck, this is luck. I was just sucked by a woman last night, and I came across a good one when I came back today. Now there are some good ones." Made it up, haha."

Seeing Long Zhan walking away excitedly dragging two snakes, it felt like he picked up a big treasure halfway.

The surrounding people suddenly couldn't help talking about it.

"I'd rather eat those biscuits posted yesterday that looked like they were eating dried mud than these things, it's so disgusting."

"In this place where the birds don't shit, this is a rare fresh ingredient. I want to try it."

"Don't even think about it, just the big guy, grabbing 10 more is not enough for him to stick between his teeth, but you still want to eat? Just wait and dream at night."

"Indeed, you're thinking about farting, hahaha."


Amidst the laughter and cursing among the crowd, everyone returned to their respective jobs and continued to dig the soil with pickaxes and shovels.

Long Zhan went back to the house and took an iron bucket, and brought the two snakes to the left faucet.

Pack up the two delicious ones you just got!

Beheading, bleeding, skinning, viscera, cutting into 5 cm snake segments with a knife, then putting them in an iron bucket, adding water to prepare for stewing.

The whole set of procedures is very skillful, and it is not the first time to do it.

Cook, who had been watching by the side, chased after him, and asked with disgust on his face: "Boss, do you really want to eat this stuff? Just boil it like this?"

"You don't understand, it's called food supplements."

Long Zhan looked at Cook with contempt, and then continued: "If you want to share a piece of the pie, hurry up and bring me the seasoning you bought yesterday."

After finishing speaking, he added: "Oh, by the way, bring the brandy I brought back yesterday."


Cook hesitated and didn't move for a long time.

"What? Do you have hemorrhoids on your mouth? If you have anything to say, hurry up." Long Zhan urged.

Cook scratched his head, and said awkwardly: "The brandy that Bobby brought back yesterday is gone, and my brothers and I drank it."

"Fuck, your hands and feet are quite nimble, you don't want to leave a bite to me."

Long Zhan kicked Cook on the ass with a smile and cursing, and then said: "Just take a bottle of other wine to make do with it, I'm in a hurry, so hurry up and get it."

"Yes sir."

Cook saluted deliberately and solemnly, and ran to the office building in a hurry.

Long Zhan got two pieces of wild game here, and he has already disemboweled his belly and prepared to cook a pot of soup to nourish his body that was consumed last night.

On the other side, Bobby, who was urging work on the periphery, discovered something was wrong at this moment.

To the south of the Jiageda Mine is a big hill, and although the topography is all flat land as far as the eye can see, the east side is very different.

The east side is like a small oasis in the desert, with a very dense palm tree.

The length is about 200 meters, and the depth is only tens of meters.

This palm grove is about 30 meters away from the 300-meter outer trench designated by Longzhan in the Jiageda Mine.

Under normal circumstances, none of the contractors in the base would pay attention to such a palm forest.

Bobby felt a different atmosphere in the bar because he went to the street with Long Zhan yesterday, and realized that there must be something tricky about the mercenary.

Therefore, while he was in charge of peripheral supervision, he also paid special attention to the surrounding situation.

From time to time, he would take out the binoculars he brought to observe the situation on the hills in the south and the palm forest in the east where people are easy to hide.

No abnormality was found when I came back yesterday afternoon, and no abnormality was found this morning.

But when Long Zhan drove back for a while, maybe it was to find out what was going on with Long Zhan, or he was attracted by the exclamation in the camp.

When Bobby looked through the binoculars again, he found a person on the edge of the palm forest.

Dark green training uniform, black beret, dark skin, armbands on shoulders, and military ranks on shoulders.

This image and this set of fully equipped military uniforms, at first glance, are soldiers of the national army with dried golden fruits.

Seeing that Bobby locked himself with the binoculars, the National Army soldier immediately stopped observing and retreated back into the palm forest.

Bobby felt that this incident was very strange, and immediately returned to report to Long Zhan.

After listening to the report, Long Zhan also felt that something was wrong, and immediately arranged: "This thing is really wrong, you should send someone over to check it out quickly, bring the guy with you, and report to me in time if there is anything wrong."

"Okay, boss."

Bobby didn't dare to slack off after receiving the order, and immediately trotted down to make arrangements.

"What are these guys up to?"

Looking at the back of Bobby leaving, Long Zhan looked at the palm forest in the east, frowned and fell into deep thought, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

The Jushen Company team entered the Gagda Mine, and its main task was to help the government forces.

The national army in Gagda is also a part of the government army. There is no need for him to "peep" in such a sneaky way. He can walk in openly and have direct contact with the Jushen company team.

That being the case.

Why are there soldiers of the National Army hiding in the palm forest and peeping?

Is it surveillance?
Or an overseer?

Or, is it related to the inevitable thing that Angelina said?
Long Zhan had no clue at all for a while.

Only the inexplicable uneasiness in my heart occupied more space in my mind as Long Zhan continued to think deeply.

"Could it be that what Angelina said will really happen? A catastrophe will come, and my place will become the center of the storm?"

Long Zhan muttered to himself, his brows became more and more tense.

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