The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 800 The Most Beautiful "Starry Top"

After about 10 minutes.

Long Zhan put the prepared snake meat into the pot, added some simple ingredients brought by Cook, poured a little white wine to enhance the flavor, and put it on the firewood for cooking.

Bobby, who had just left, came back and reported on the situation of the palm grove.

The two team members sent to investigate the situation did not find traces of the government army or the group of mercenaries in the palm forest.

It was only on a shallow grass field behind the palm forest that there were traces of vehicle tires that had just been crushed.

It should be someone secretly hiding in the palm grove. When he found out that someone was coming to the palm grove to check, he drove away one step ahead of time.

Judging from the cautiousness of the government soldiers, it should be that they don't want to conflict with the Giant God team yet.

This made Long Zhan heave a sigh of relief!

Because even if a major event is about to happen, it can be judged from the reaction of government soldiers that it should not be a matter in the near future.


Long Zhan still has more time to prepare for potential threats.

"Hey, I knew this money was hard to earn, but I didn't expect it to be harder than expected. There is a high probability that something will happen to this damned place."

Long Zhan sighed helplessly, but after only a second or two, he readjusted.

He solemnly said to Bobby and Cook: "Since we have come here, we must not leave easily, and we have to bear it first when the sky falls.

I have a premonition that there will be a big earthquake next, and Jagda and even the whole of Dyenbo will be affected.

You two spend more time during this time, and pay attention to the abnormal personnel appearing around the camp. It is best to pick a few smart guys to form a mobile patrol team, divided into three shifts and on duty 24 hours a day.

The Gagda Mine is our only and last bastion of survival in this country, and any mistakes are absolutely not allowed. "

Bobby and Cook are not new to the battlefield, and they also smell something very wrong from the recent abnormal phenomena.

Knowing that there is no one to rely on when entering the territory of other countries, the only way to protect yourself is to be cautious and cautious.

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely pay close attention to the security work of the base, and I will speed up the construction of fortifications in the future," Bobby said.

This large piece of work related to base construction is mainly entrusted to Bobby to take full responsibility.

"As long as you can purchase from the city, food is no longer a problem, but..."

Cook frowned, and said worriedly: "The weapons and equipment we have on hand are too backward, and there is a serious lack of heavy firepower.

If there is an enemy attacking the camp, a small group of enemies may be able to hold on, but if it is a large force, it will be very troublesome. "

How strong a soldier's combat effectiveness is, personal military quality and combat experience only account for half, and the remaining half is in weapons and equipment.

The ace special soldier has only one dish in his hand, even if he encounters a monkey with a gun, he will feel frightened.

"You don't need to worry about the weapon. I'm already thinking of a way. If there are no accidents, there should be news in the next few days."

Long Zhan stabilized Cook's emotions, and then discussed some other details with the two.


The time came to noon.

The snake meat that has been simmered for an hour or two, even with the simplest cooking seasonings, already exudes a strong aroma.

Long Zhan asked Cook to bring the snake meat back to the office, and the three of them had a hearty meal with wine.

Compared with other contractors who can only eat canned biscuits, as well as bread, milk, sausages, bagged meat, etc. bought from the city, the food is cold.

You can eat a mouthful of boiled snake meat and drink a mouthful of not delicious but nutritious snake soup.

The latter is simply a treat in heaven!
Long Zhan wanted to share it with the guys, but two snakes were not enough for 200 people, so the three of them could only hide in the office and eat alone.

Fortunately, God favored this group of diggers, and didn't want the three of Long Zhan to eat alone.

During the excavation work in the afternoon, the team members continued to dig out various wild objects frequently, which made the whole excavation site more cheerful.

Hare, snake, mole, warthog, aardvark...

During this burst of knocking and flying dogs, most of the game that was dug up was caught and sent to Long Zhan in a group attack.

Smelling the smell of snake meat at noon, the team members who had a mouthful of Hadazi believed in Chef Long very much.

So after a hard day's work, when the sun sets and the evening comes, the strong aroma of mixed stew wafts in every corner of the camp.

The contractor gave each person a piece of meat and a bowl of soup, along with a can of meat and a box of biscuits, plus a pack of bread and a box of milk. .

And the most important soul water——

One bottle of beer per person!
Gathering in twos and threes, drinking wine and eating meat, the tiredness of a busy day dissipated under the rays of the setting sun.

The joy that can only be born under difficult conditions filled the entire camp at this moment.

In the evening, except for those who have patrolling tasks, everyone else is free to move about. Long Zhan has not arranged any tasks, and everyone can do whatever they want.

Free movement sounds wonderful, but it's completely useless here.

There are no bars to drink and disco, no sexy girls to make your hormones rampant, no exciting ball games, and even limited electric lighting.

There is only one diesel generator in the camp, and the electricity provided can only meet the needs of the office building.

The light source needs of 200 contractors at night mainly come from the bonfires that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years from ancient times and are still continuing in many parts of Africa today.

It was so hot in the early hours of the night that no one wanted to be around a campfire.

Didn't even bother to stay inside the house.

As a result, most of the contractor team members, under Long Zhan's speechless but helpless gaze, climbed onto the roofs with blankets or sleeping bags.

Compared with a room without fans, without lights, and hot as a steamer.

On the roofs of the one-story bungalows all over the mine, you can not only enjoy the gorgeous "starry sky roof" that is less than 1% of even Rolls-Royce.

You can also enjoy the cool breeze of the African grassland at night on the higher roof.

Last but not least.

Compared with sleeping indoors where the doors and windows are broken and there is no way to isolate it from the outside, the safety factor of the roof is several grades higher.

Sprinkle a circle of insect repellent around the edge of the roof, and you don't have to worry about the nasty scorpions, centipedes, snakes and poisonous spiders, etc., crawling on you while you are asleep and giving you a bite.

Let you fall into the sweetest sleep, once you sleep, you will never have to wake up.

You don't have to worry about being surrounded by a group of mane dogs with glowing eye circles, or being taken away by lions and leopards when you sleep comfortably at night.

Before he understood what happened, he was torn into pieces.

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