Chapter 815

The No. 2 car started the violent blast regardless of the cost, and used the rapidly depleted bullet reserves to cover the big rocks blocking the road.

The No. 1 road car is also fully fired, helping the No. 2 car to take charge of the cover work.

The heavy-duty armed truck at the back also started its "Transformers" at this moment.

The two Maxim heavy machine guns that had been huddled in the carriage without being exposed, slowly emerged from the carriage, revealing its hideous scene.

"Everything, all, all..."

Liang Ting's heavy machine guns roared one after the other, and the bullets roared out like a storm. The militants ushered in their doomsday.

The power of the 11.43 mm caliber heavy machine gun is not comparable to that of an assault rifle.

Regardless of kinetic energy, penetration force, or stopping force...

It's not the same!

The two Maxim heavy machine guns fired at the same time, and only 5 seconds passed.

Parked on the road behind the convoy, several pickup trucks used by the militants as shelters were smashed into honeycombs by heavy machine gun bullets.

Even most of the car body was beaten and deformed, deeply dented and flattened.

The militants hiding behind the pickup truck turned into pieces of meat all over the ground, all smashed by the bullets that penetrated the truck.

The remaining militants had never seen this scene before, seeing the blood and various pieces of meat all over the ground, their pupils trembled.

Some people's stomachs were churning, and they threw up on the ground on the spot, and ran back while throwing up, for fear that they would become pieces of meat all over the place.

The enemy position at the rear of the convoy turned into hell, and the militants on both sides were not much better.

Due to the angle problem, the heavy machine gun in front of the tail truck couldn't shoot the enemies directly behind, so it poured its firepower into the grass on the left and right sides.

Plus the heavy machine gun on the leading car, and the heavy machine gun on the leading car.

Three heavy machine guns fired at full fire at the same time, and the lethality can be described as devastating.

Hundreds of bullets per second swept past, not to mention enemies as big as the target hiding in the grass, even the grass was cut off by the middle.

The weeds, which were half the height of a person, were cut to less than knee height by the bullets.

Even the tiny grass was interrupted by the middle, and the enemy hiding in the grass naturally had a fate, very few of them survived.

Most of the people were smashed to pieces on the spot, and the blood stained the rainwater on the ground in large swathes of red.

The remaining militants were scared out of their wits again, completely disregarding the tasks originally assigned to them, they threw away their helmets and armor and ran as fast as they could.

I was afraid that if I ran so slow, I would be swallowed by the terrifying heavy machine gun.

It was just a convoy transporting ammunition, since it had four large-caliber heavy machine guns, and the bullets seemed endless.

This is something the militants did not expect, and they never dreamed that they would kick such a hard iron plate.

If I knew this piece of meat was so difficult to chew, I wouldn't come even if I gave them more money.

Watching the last militant disappear from sight, leaving only a battlefield riddled with bullets and corpses strewn all over the ground.

Long Zhan picked up the walkie-talkie and gave the order again.

"Cease fire! Cease fire immediately!"

"Car No. 2 hastened to clear the roadblock."

"Car No. 1 bypassed the side of the road and went ahead to check for other situations."

"All members of the No. 6 car are on guard. Once they find anything behind them, they don't need to notify me, they can fire on their own."


As Long Zhan issued orders one after another, the convoy's focus instantly shifted from fighting to clearing roadblocks, and each began to take charge of new tasks.

The conversion process is extremely smooth.

Long Zhan originally thought that thousands of bullets in a short period of time, regardless of the cost, exploded with crazy consumption, killing a large number of enemies, and buying enough time to clear the roadblocks.

As a result, the No. 2 car had just pulled away the first big rock and was about to put the trailer rope on the second rock when there was another movement from the rear of the convoy.

It was very loud, booming, booming.

Long Zhan ran to the car in three steps and two steps, and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a new convoy appearing on the road 400 meters away. There were more than a dozen vehicles, and hundreds of people were running behind.

The most unbelievable thing about Long Zhan is that the leader is actually an armored vehicle——

BMP-1 tracked armored infantry fighting vehicle!

Although this is an armored vehicle born in the Soviet era, its overall performance and defense capabilities are not much worse than modern armored vehicles.

The most terrible thing is that it has a main weapon, a 2A28 73mm low-pressure smoothbore gun.

This thing is not easy to mess with.

Although Long Zhan didn't know where this group of militants got this big guy, he knew very well how much of a threat this thing was to the convoy.

Once this armored vehicle is driven close to the convoy, it will shoot at the convoy.

Not to mention other ordinary trucks and jeeps, even the turtle with a padded tail that is welded with steel plates as the strongest in the entire fleet can't stand it.

It only takes one shot and it will be shattered, and the steel plate will be torn like paper.

"MD, never let it come close."

The moment he saw this armored vehicle, such an idea popped up in Long Zhan's mind, and his calm state of mind also had ripples.

I have to use my brain quickly to come up with the most suitable solution as soon as possible.

Assault rifles definitely can't do anything with BMP-1, hitting it is like scratching an itch.

The Maxim heavy machine gun is effective, and it has a high probability of penetrating the armor of the BMP when hitting the side, causing damage to the personnel hiding inside.

But the problem is that if the heavy machine gun can hit the BMP, the main gun of the armored vehicle can also hit the heavy machine gun.

This is a big problem.

Heavy machine gun bullets have limited damage to heavy equipment, and can only kill armored vehicles with a certain probability. It is not so easy to paralyze armored vehicles.

Even in the most ideal state, you have to scan hundreds of rounds.

However, the 73mm main gun of the BMP armored vehicle can scrap the heavy machine gun and truck together with one shot, and the battle ended in that instant.

And as long as the convoy's heavy machine guns are knocked out, the militants following the armored vehicle will rush forward unscrupulously.

At that time, the Giant God convoy will have no heavy firepower, and it will not be so easy to repel the militants.

The attrition of the dead is inevitable.

Maybe it will capsize in the gutter, and everyone will fall here.

The only way to solve this armored vehicle is not to let him approach the convoy and destroy it as far away as possible.

As long as this armored vehicle can be destroyed, it is equivalent to destroying the last hope of the militants.

With the tragic lessons of the failure of the previous two attacks, this group of militants will give up coveting the Jushen convoy even if they are greedy for profit.

"Fuck his uncle, we can only take a risk."

Long Zhan glanced at the munitions in the carriage, and immediately had an idea in his mind. He picked up the walkie-talkie and called, "Call No. 1 car. I'm the captain. You should turn around immediately and come to No. 3 car to pick me up."

After talking about Long Zhan, he put down the walkie-talkie, jumped out of the car and climbed into the rear compartment of car No. 3.

When the No. 1 jeep received the order to return from the front and parked beside the No. 3 car, Long Zhan also jumped out of the rear compartment.

Long Zhan, who went up with bare hands just now, now has a big guy in his hands——

RPG-7 rocket launcher!
Putting the extra rocket in his left hand carefully on the back seat of the jeep, Long Zhan stepped across the door and got into the car with the rocket in one hand.

Said loudly to the driver: "Go around to the rear of the convoy at the fastest speed, and drive forward along the road, we are going to do something big."

(End of this chapter)

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