Trucks can't drive on wet grass outside the road, but the lightweight Jeep doesn't have to worry about the tires sinking in.

The No. [-] jeep carried the Long Zhan against the bazooka, and one side of the wheel was half off the shoulder and flew up.

From the front of the army convoy to the rear of the car, they stepped over the militant vehicles that were smashed by heavy machine guns, and then returned to the main road.

The mighty armored vehicle leading the way appeared in front of the jeep.

The team member in charge of driving the jeep, seeing the exaggerated battle in front of him, couldn't help cursing: "Xie Te, these guys are really crazy. Are they going to start a war? They even got armored vehicles."

"I knew from the beginning that Kearny Town was not easy to mess with, but I didn't expect it to be more difficult than I imagined. Fortunately, we are not easy to pinch. Although armored vehicles are troublesome, they want to eat us with just one armored vehicle. , is simply fantastic.”

Long Zhan looked at the armored convoy and said he wasn't nervous, it must be a lie, but being nervous doesn't mean he's afraid, it just makes him more excited and secretes more adrenaline.

My heart, which had been quiet for a long time without stimulation, began to boil hotly at this moment.

Stress can motivate people.

Nervousness can also be exciting.

The driver knew that since he saw the other side, the armored vehicle on the other side must have spotted them, and his nervousness was even worse than Long Zhan.

He asked in a tone of [-]% nervousness and [-]% excitement: "Boss, what should we do now? Let's just drive there?"

"Yes, just drive over like this, don't slow down, keep speeding up, and stop when I tell you to stop."

Long Zhan's answer was very resolute, and the driver did not hesitate to execute the order. He kicked the accelerator, and the jeep began to rush forward with black smoke.

The armored vehicle convoy spotted the oncoming jeep and would normally take countermeasures.

But it didn't!
Perhaps it was due to their excessive confidence in armored vehicles, which made them swell to ignore everything, or standing behind a convoy of hundreds of people was enough to start a war.

The armored vehicle just maintained its speed and pressed forward along the road.

It looked like waiting for the jeep to come up by itself, and then using the huge and sturdy body of the armored vehicle to smash the jeep into a pile of scrap iron.

Compared to a cannonball.

It's even better to smash it head-on!more exciting!More emotional!

Armored vehicles can indeed do it, at most, some paint will be wiped off.

However, it was this arrogant arrogance that caused the life of this armored vehicle that survived the Soviet era to stop at this ordinary day.

Long Zhan let the jeep speed up and rush forward, not to play bumper cars with armored vehicles.

Just the two iron sheets of the jeep...

That's like hitting an egg against a rock!
The main purpose of the dragon battle is to shorten the distance and increase the hit rate and accuracy of the bazooka.

The arrogance of the armored vehicle gave Long Zhan the opportunity to ride the jeep forward smoothly, and finally came to a distance of less than 100 meters.


Long Zhan suddenly issued an order.

The driver slammed on the brakes and trampled the car to death. Amidst the ear-piercing friction of the tires, muddy water surged into the sky.

Long Zhan grasped the handlebar with blue veins in his left hand, and with his strong strength, he forcibly resisted the inertia of the brakes.

The moment the car stopped, he immediately stood up from the seat, picked up the rpg rocket launcher he brought, and began to operate it skillfully.

The distance of 100 meters is not long or short.

Long Zhan can use the mechanical crosshair of the rocket launcher to precisely aim at the connection between the turret where the 73mm smoothbore gun is located and the armored vehicle below.

The head of the armored vehicle is exposed from the roof, and the militants in the jeep can be seen, and the big guy on the shoulders of Long Zhan can also be seen.

That round, long tube.

Ordinary people know what it is, not to mention the militants in this area.


The militant was startled and exclaimed, a chill ran from the tailbone down the spine to the top of the head, the strong desire to survive made him slam the roof of the car, and shouted into the car: "Fire the gun, fire the gun and blow up the car in front of you!" Drop, they have rpgs, they brought rpgs over."

When the people in the car heard that there was a rocket launcher, their original mentality of playing cat and mouse exploded.

We all know that we have played with fire!
The driver wanted to take evasive action, the gunner wanted to adjust the gun holes to aim at the jeep, the loader hurriedly reloaded, and the machine gunner wanted to go out and shoot...

Everyone wants to do their own thing, everyone is interfering with each other, and the armored vehicle is a mess.

If they do their preparations 30 seconds earlier, or don't be so arrogant and conceited a little bit, they will use the power of a goshawk to fight a rabbit as soon as they come up.

Long Zhan is not so easy to get close to a distance of [-] meters, and the ending may go in another direction.

But now.

Everything is doomed.

As the most professional heavy fire supporter, Long Zhan is good at all kinds of heavy individual weapons, especially the rocket launcher.

In less than two seconds, Long Zhan completed all the work before firing.

Then the trigger was pulled...

"Pfft! Phew—"

The rocket sprayed flames out of the barrel, and the balanced tail automatically popped up and opened.

After flying 50 meters, the self-contained engine started to work, endowing the rocket with more powerful power, and went straight to the BMP armored vehicle targeted by Long Zhan.


The militants on the armored vehicle just watched the rockets flying and uttered desperate shouts, but they couldn't change any ending.

A few tenths later!

A huge explosion sounded.

The rocket hit the moving armored vehicle, and the smoke and flames from the explosion enveloped the entire vehicle, and the militants who leaned out of the roof were directly blown out.

The strong impact and setback caused by the explosion knocked everyone in the armored vehicle off their feet.

Either the head is broken and bloody, or the ears are dizzy.

The driver of the armored vehicle instinctively stepped on the brakes in a strong dizziness during the explosion, causing the armored vehicle to suffer a second strong setback.

The members in the car were affected by inertia, and once again turned over in the car and fell down.

Lucky enough to catch the armored car.

Although the rocket fired by Long Zhan hit the target, and the metal jet from the explosion of the rocket penetrated the armor, it hit a little too high.

The imaginary blown turret did not appear, but the barrel was bent.

The people in the car only suffered secondary damage from the explosion. Although they looked very embarrassed and painful, it was far from fatal.

"Damn, second-hand goods are unreliable, and the accuracy is really poor. Fortunately, I brought spare ammunition."

Long Zhan was very dissatisfied with the effect of the rocket. While cursing angrily, he picked up the spare rocket and removed the safety cap, and skillfully put it into the rocket launcher.

Aim, lock, fire again...

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