The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 824 Fooling the Minister of Defense

Chapter 824 Fooling the Minister of Defense
"Cease fire, stop fighting, save ammunition."

Seeing the mercenaries fled back to the palm forest in embarrassment, Long Zhan gave a loud order to stop firing, and he was relieved.

The unscathed contractor team members stopped shooting after hearing the order.

Also a big sigh of relief!

From the time when the mercenaries appeared aggressively and launched an attack, to the time when they retreated hastily, the entire fighting process took less than 3 minutes.

For a battle, it seemed unusually short.

And through this short skirmish, whether it's the boss dragon battle or the contractor below, they all have the same feeling.

That is the degree of danger of this wave of earthquakes, it seems that it is not as serious as imagined.

If the Montello minions who came to attack have such a level of combat power, with the professional strength of the giant team, there is no need to abandon the base and flee.

Using the Gagda base as a defensive fortress can also deal with all threats from the outside world.

When the United Nations peacekeeping force officially enters the golden fruit and the current government receives a large amount of international material assistance, the situation will definitely change a lot.

Even if Montero's influence cannot be cleared, Montero at least dare not attack the giant team again.

Even in the worst case.

With the intervention of the United Nations and peacekeeping forces, the Giant God team can also escape from the scope of Dinbo Province, evacuate to the area controlled by the current government, and successfully get rid of the current crisis.

Compared with the threat from Montero's troops, food and ammunition are much more important.

As long as they can find a way to get enough food and ammunition, with Jagda's perfect fortifications, the giant team doesn't need to panic at all.

I was so nervous before that I just wanted to escape. I completely overestimated the combat effectiveness of Montero's minions and underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Giant God team itself.

After figuring out what he really needs to care about, Long Zhan immediately had a new idea.

Give up the evacuation completely and choose to defend on the spot.

At the same time, find ways to get more food, more weapons and ammunition, build stronger fortifications, and prepare for a long-term defensive war.

As for how to get more food and ammunition, Long Zhan decided to start from four aspects.

Think and act immediately.

The first attack of the mercenaries was repulsed, and they were beaten so painfully that they left forty or fifty corpses behind. They definitely didn't dare to attack rashly again.

After completing the communication with the superior, reorganize the personnel and prepare the materials.

The second wave of the mercenary offensive will not be until tonight at the earliest.

Taking advantage of the remaining time before dark, Long Zhan picked up the prestige phone and ran to the roof, starting his trip to get supplies.

First of all, the first aspect, I called the highest official I know in the current government——

Defense Minister General Thoron!
In order to obtain government support as much as possible, Long Zhan set his tone very high, and the tone of his mouth was serious and questioning.

Why was he attacked by a large number of militants in the territory arranged by the government?
In the contract signed by the two parties, it is written in black and white that the Jinguogan government will ensure the safety of the Jushen team, and where is the promise to send troops to station outside?
Now the Jushen team is trapped in Dinbo Province, does the current government have a specific rescue plan?

Long Zhan's three consecutive questions were full of criticism, each of which was questioned on the level of reason and evidence, which made General Thoron speechless.

In the end, he could only hold back the unhappiness of being scolded by Long Zhan, and reluctantly gave a very official explanation.

"People from Montello have occupied the provincial government building, the provincial government of Dienbo is dead in name only, and the national government can no longer issue any orders to it.

The government-controlled national army, which was sent to Dienbo Province to assemble and prepare for training, has also lost contact.

Sorry, Mr. Gibran, we can't help you now, but we've been working hard, and may God bless you. "

General Thoron's words are terrible. He said may God bless you, and the subconscious meaning is to ask for blessings.

If a different person heard these words, he would immediately yell at the government for its incompetence. We came here to train your army, but you can't even do the most basic security guarantees, which put you in such a dangerous situation.

But Long Zhan didn't do this, because he didn't put his hopes on it from the beginning.

He knows very well that the current government cannot do it!

The reason why I asked in a stern tone at the beginning and raised important questions in these three general directions is mainly to pave the way for the real needs later.

Put forward a big request that is difficult to fulfill first, and then change it to a small request if you disagree. Compared with directly making a small request, you can get a higher success rate.

This is called the "house demolition effect" in psychology.

Also known as the "save face effect".

Long Zhan's psychology is not learned in vain, he just wants to use the house demolition effect to achieve his goal and get what he wanted at the beginning——

Living supplies and ammunition!
So after General Thoron gave his answer, Long Zhan changed his style and put forward a simple request, hoping that the current government can find a way to get some ammunition and food, so that the giant team can last longer.

And also implicitly told General Thoron that the survival of the giant team has a great effect on the government.

As long as the Giants team still exists in Dinbo Province, the current government can use this as an excuse to attack the interim government, gain more international recognition, and thus obtain more material and economic support.

What is fought is the economy.

This is very important.

At the same time, on the grounds of protecting American citizens, peacekeeping troops can be driven into Dinbo Province to carry out rescue operations and fight against Montello's minions.

It is also equivalent to an indirect blow to Montero's strength.

In addition to these two benefits, Long Zhan also gave full play to his ability to deceive, exaggerating the existence of the Giant God team and its huge potential value to the Jinguogan government. Saving the Giant God team is tantamount to saving the government itself

have to say.

Long Zhan's eloquence is excellent.

General Thoron was originally kidnapped suddenly because of President Kentra, and Montello reorganized the interim government with a heavy hand. He needed to lead the team to reorganize the government and restore its functions, which led to a lot of things and was very busy.

There is no time to take care of the Colossus team. They are already planning to give up the Colossus team. The training of the army can only be done later.

But now being "brainwashed" by Long Zhan, he discovered so many benefits of the Giant God team.

General Thoron suddenly realized, and his attitude towards Jushen Company changed 180 degrees.

Not only promised to provide assistance to the Giant God team, but also through airdrops, the risk of letting the plane enter the territory of Dinbo Province, and airdrop the required materials to the Giant God team.

And also made a guarantee to Long Zhan.

As long as the current government contacts the army in Dinbo Province, the army will immediately issue an order to let them go to the Gagda base for support as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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