The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 869 Win over Jason

Chapter 869 Win over Jason
At that time, Lei went to finish his warrant officer studies, Jason went to the DG logistics office to drink tea, and the most capable rookie, Long Zhan, had already left the team.

Both the team leader and the squadron leader have been replaced, which means that there is no core left in Team B.

Without someone who can stand up to the leader, Clay and Sonny couldn't hold on to this explosive situation because of their qualifications and personalities.

Everyone can only be in harmony with the new captain, and live a miserable and painful life day by day.

The B team is basically useless.

In the later period when the new captain led the B team, the situation of the B team did not improve but worsened, and even the normal tasks could not be completed.

Even if Lei came back after finishing his studies, this situation could not be changed.

Ray doesn't have the guts to be a leader!
In addition, although Lei is still in Team B, his status has changed from a first-level operator to an intelligence warrant officer. While he is an operator in Team B, he also needs to be responsible for the intelligence work of the first action team.

simply say……

Lei now belongs to the B team, and even belongs to the first action group.

Even if there is no field intelligence mission, Lei is still B2, the deputy captain of Team B. Once there is a field intelligence mission, he needs to leave Team B immediately.

The new leader of the action team, Soto, is arrogant and conceited, and the new leader of the B team is not gregarious, and so on.

Ray couldn't resolve it!
The only thing he can do is try his best to adapt to his new status as a warrant officer.

It wasn't until Lei cooperated with CIA agents to go to Africa to collect intelligence and was kidnapped by militants that the situation of Team B improved.

Jason was very anxious when he heard that Lei was missing. In order to save his missing brother, he applied to join Team B to rescue him.

However, team B went to rescue their own people, but because team B's current situation is too bad, it can't become the main force, so it has to be split into other teams to "start".

Recalling the glory of the B team back then, Jason was so angry that he almost flipped the table.

Although in the end, after going through all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, Lei was finally rescued without any risk, but Jason had a new view on the b team.

As the person who once brought the B team to the peak, he already regarded the B team as his son.

The downfall of the B team made him unacceptable.

So Jason decided to give up retirement life and return to Team B to lead Team B.

Jason's influence in DG is huge, and it is not comparable to Clay at all. Even the new squadron leader has to give him some face.

Finally, after Jason's various efforts, he finally returned to Team B and became the captain.


The B team at this time is not what it used to be.

The team members who obeyed Jason's orders at the beginning have their own views on Jason's orders, and even the good brother Ray has become abnormal.

Jason wanted to find a way to restore Team B. The operation team officer Soto had a strong desire to control, and Jason ignored many of his suggestions.

This caused Jason to return to Team B for a long time, and had officially led the team to participate in this residency, and Team B had not fully recovered.

Not only the old captain Jason who has returned, but also the action officer Soto is still "contradictory".

There are also big problems with the players.

Full Metal is only a long-term foreign aid seconded to Team B, and cannot be regarded as a permanent member of Team B. Now that Lei's status has changed, he can be regarded as half of Team B's permanent member at most.

It looks like a full team of 6 people, but in fact there are only 4 and a half people.

The environment in West Africa is so harsh, and Boko Haram is a large-scale terrorist organization that makes many countries difficult. It is very difficult for a special operations team with four and a half teams to complete the task.

That's why Kobe specifically contacted Long Zhan and paid a "big price" to invite Long Zhan over.

Long Zhan was originally a core member of Team B, and the abilities he showed in all aspects during the Team B period did not look like a rookie at all.

Even far surpassing many old players.

Transferring Long Zhan to join the B team, there is no problem in terms of ability, and because he is a member of the B team, there is no need to run in at all.

It is simply the most perfect choice in the world, absolutely none.

Jason's most promising successor at the beginning was Long Zhan, and he had great confidence in Long Zhan's ability.

Now that he can see Long Zhan here again, and Long Zhan is here to join Team B, Jason is happier than anyone else here.

The arrival of the powerful player Long Zhan gave Jason the hope of bringing Team B back to its original state.

Therefore, in the process of drinking and chatting, I told Long Zhan a lot about the latest things about the b team, and basically said everything that could be said without hiding it.

Even on the way back after drinking at the end, he even pulled Long Zhan aside to talk about the past alone.

Team B became like this, Long Zhan was also very surprised.

When Dragon War traveled to this world, the SEALs had only filmed the third season, and Dragon War hadn't even finished watching the third season.

What I learned while drinking now, and what Jason told him alone.

Long Zhantong has no impression at all!
Whether these things are the plot after the third season, I haven't seen it, so I don't know.

It was also because after I came to this world, I joined the b team for so long, which had an impact on me and produced a butterfly effect.

That's why the development direction of team B broke through the original plot and went into the unknown.

Long Zhan couldn't be sure, nor could he infer.

However, although Long Zhan has left Team B, DG is the first direction for Long Zhan to have a goal and strive for after he came to this world.

And after successfully joining the B team in the follow-up, I learned a lot of valuable things in the battle.

People are unforgettable for the first time.

Long Zhan had only this special feeling for his experience of living and fighting in Team B, and he didn't want to see Team B become so bad.

The most important thing is that Long Zhan respects Jason, feels the pain in Jason's heart, and really wants to help him.


After talking with Jason, Long Zhan promised to do his best to help Jason.

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to play a wave of advertisements.

Tell Jason that if he is interested, he can go to his company to have a look after bringing the B team back on track so that Clay can become the new successor smoothly.

As long as Jason is willing to come to the company to help, Jason can choose all positions in the company.

When drinking and chatting at the bar before, Long Zhan said that he opened a PMC company outside.

In a humorous and joking way, he introduced to everyone: "If you can trust my brother and don't want to stay in the army one day, you can come to my company, and the conditions are up to you."

At that time, everyone was very surprised when they heard it. After congratulations, they all expressed that they would definitely go if they had the opportunity.

Now hearing that Long Zhan offered an olive branch again, Jason thought that he was indeed very old, and he was no longer suitable to be in the frontline army.

If Long Zhan can really help him accomplish all these things, it seems pretty good to be an executive of Long Zhan's PMC company.

So Jason said with a very cheerful smile: "Although I want you to be the captain of Team B, unfortunately, you have your own ambitions.

If you can really help the B team get back on track, I will consider your proposal. "

(End of this chapter)

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