The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 870 The butt is not hot, the task is coming

Chapter 870 The butt is not hot, the task is coming

the next day.

Suoto, as the person in charge of the stationed operation, called the team B into the conference room early in the morning, including the newly joined foreign aid Long Zhan.

The conference room on the ship is very small, and 10 people can squeeze it to the brim.

Jason, Sonny, Clay, and Brock came first, occupying the only couch in the room, and all metal could only sit on the arm of the sofa.

Directly in front of the sofa is a wall with a large projection screen hanging on the wall.

There is a table in front of the projection screen with projectors and computers on it.

As the current intelligence expert of Team B, Diaz stood with Soto, the black team leader, on the left side of the screen, that is, against the door.

Ray was now an Intelligence Warrant Officer in the First Action Group and could not sit down as he had done before.

So standing on the right side of the screen, there is also a young woman standing next to him.

Because the CIA and the army are in conflict, but it is impossible to completely cut off each other, so we can only arrange personnel as a buffer.

Lei's current role is that of a military buffer, responsible for intelligence communication with the CIA.

In the past, people were sent directly to the army to report information, but now a person is required to act as a microphone in the middle, and the military has to send soldiers out to obtain it in person.

In Long Zhan's personal opinion, this is completely equivalent to taking off his pants and farting.

This is politics.

Long Zhan, because you are a foreign aid, you live in a single dormitory, unlike the rest of Team B, who all live in a Datong shop.

Therefore, Long Zhan was the last one to come over, and when he entered the door, everyone else had already arrived.

"This is Long Gibran, a newly transferred foreign aid. He once worked in the B team for a while. You guys know each other well, so I won't introduce too much."

Seeing Long Zhan coming in, the action officer Soto introduced a few words casually with a blank face.

Obviously, there was a strong repulsion in the heart of Long Zhan who had close contact with Jason yesterday and believed that Long Zhanshi was his current opponent, Jason.

Immediately afterwards, pointing to Lei's side, the white female officer who was over 1 meters tall said, "This is Senior Sergeant Mina Hassan, an expert in cryptography and special activities.

She has been active in West Africa these years and has developed many valuable intelligence personnel.

And built an amazing intelligence network, enough to support our operations in the region.

During this eight-week deployment, she will serve as our local liaison officer, working with Ray and Ensign Diaz on intelligence.

Please welcome him. "

Soto took the lead and clapped his hands after speaking, and the team B below cooperated sparsely.

"Jason is right, this new heart-beating officer is really a bit crazy."

Long Zhan patted his palms casually, his eyes flicked across the skinny black officer, and the corners of his mouth turned up to show a bit of disdain.

Then he glanced at the room and saw that there was nothing to do.

He took two steps to the side, and sat down on the desk by the wall. His huge body pressed against the fragile table, making a creaking sound.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, time is running out, and you have taken action."

As soon as Mina finished speaking, Sonny interrupted and complained: "We just came here, and we didn't even heat up our buttocks. We have a task so soon?"

Whining before action is a seal trait, and Sonny made it even more so.


Mi La nodded expressionlessly, held the remote control and pressed it, and a picture popped up on the screen.

A young black man with a gun pointed at the sky in one hand, wearing a short-sleeved camouflage uniform that was washed to white, and a black turban on his head.

"This man is Oroku Attenga, and he is considering surrendering to us.

Attenga, a senior Boko Haram leader who has lost hope in his group, wants to help stop the violence from continuing. "

After Mina finished speaking, she looked at Ray.

Lei continued: "At present, he has accepted the CIA's preliminary review and is in constant contact with the CIA. If he can be pulled over, the other party's actions will be very helpful."

"excuse me, may I ask."

Long Zhan interrupted Lei, and asked curiously: "Atenga is already a high-ranking member of Boko Haram, and Boko Haram is a radical organization.

He climbed from the bottom to the top step by step, and it is impossible that he has not experienced violence.

Now he has suddenly decided to surrender to us on the grounds that he no longer supports the violence at the Burke Holy Land, don't you think that is suspicious? "

Long Zhan's question directly hit the key parts, and won the approval of others.

They turned their attention to Ray.

"According to the information I got from the CIA, the contact person who helped Atenga surrender is the local Cameron and the warlord Elon Dobby Moussa. Whether it is reliable or not, there is no way to be sure at the moment."

When Lei said this, he looked at Mina next to him and asked, "You are very familiar with this area, is Musa reliable?"

"Moussa's track record in the area has been mixed, and I'm not sure if he's reliable."

Mina pressed the remote control, and the character on the projection screen was replaced by a 30-year-old black man wearing white glasses and a red hat with a very flamboyant expression.

Then he said: "But in the past ten years, he has been leading his armed groups to fight against Boko Haram. From this point of view, he should at least not be a member of Boko Haram."

"The enemy's enemy is your friend? Based on this?" Long Zhan raised his eyebrows and said.


Lei nodded and interjected: "So our first task now is to assist Musa, and Mina will relay the details to you."

After Lei finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to Mina, signaling to leave the rest to her.

Mina calmly introduced: "A village under the protection of Musa, named Manaka, was recently cut off from food by Boko Haram.

Both deliveries of food and medical supplies by Musa were intercepted by Boko Haram militants, killing Musa's personnel and looting all supplies.

So, in the next 3 deliveries, Team B will accompany Moussa as bodyguards.

When we reach Manaka together, Musa will fulfill his promise to give us Boko Haram's Attenga and the information he has. "

What Mina said was very concise and to the point, she explained the task clearly in a few words.

But the people in Team B are not dissatisfied.

"Sounds good, but how do I feel, this routine is not new." Full Metal joked.

"Team B was in Afghanistan before and did similar missions for warlords." Jason frowned deeply, obviously the results in Afghanistan were not good.

"That means we have to work as a delivery driver for Musa before we get Atenga?" Clay asked.

"The same routine, but a different clown." Sonny sarcastically said.

(End of this chapter)

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