The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 884 People are still on the road, people are gone

"I got an email from Hannah at the time, she was talking about complications, I was very worried about them, it made me very upset, my mind went blank, so I forgot about the meeting, let the brothers in the team Disappointed." Sonny explained guiltily.

Sonny is indeed quite irritable and doesn't think about things in such detail, but he is an elite seal who has gone through many checkpoints and all kinds of devil tests.

Important matters related to the lives of everyone on the team, he will definitely take them seriously.

It is precisely because of Sonny's soft-tempered temperament that he doesn't care about Soto's opinion of him because he doesn't like him.

At that time, facing Soto's cold face and pressing questions, he did not take the initiative to give any explanation, and chose to face-to-face.

In the end, they broke up badly.

Now with Long Zhan and Clay, both of them are brothers that Sonny recognized from the bottom of his heart. He didn't want them to misunderstand him, so he chose to explain it at this time.

"Actually, you can explain it to Soto. I think he should have another solution." Clay also has a wife and misses his wife every day. He understands Sonny very well.

"To make a mistake is to make a mistake. How do you explain it? Do I embarrass myself more? Or, let me say to him, I'm sorry, I made a mess, I want to make up for it now, please give me a chance, okay?" so?"

Sonny curled his lips after finishing speaking, and said disdainfully: "I am not such a person, I am so humbled, you might as well throw me into the shark pile."

Sonny is most afraid of sharks, and it shows how determined he is to say that.

"So, you just let him call you a fool without a brain? Let him see you like that?" Clay said a little helplessly.

"It doesn't matter what he thinks, maybe it's better to let nature take its course, I just don't want you to misunderstand, can you understand clearly?" Sonny said seriously.

"of course."

Long Zhan put his arms around Sonny's shoulders, and said with a hearty smile: "You can rest assured about this, we are the best comrades-in-arms and the best brothers."

After finishing speaking, Long Zhan quickly changed the subject and said: "Okay, let's not talk about these unhappy things. The task is very difficult, and the preparation plan must be done well. We have to hurry up and finish the work at hand."

"OK! I'll be done right away."

"Help me with a handle and lift the upper box down."

Clay and Sonny didn't want the atmosphere to be oppressive either, so they simply followed the Dragon War talk and skipped this unpleasant topic, speeding up the action at hand.

11:7 p.m.

Without any combat equipment such as bulletproof vests, tactical vests, and helmets, the B team, all in casual clothes, assembled on the deck, and each carried a travel bag and boarded the Black Hawk helicopter.

The difficulty of this task is very high, and if you make a mistake, you may lose everything.

Suoto, who forced to follow the action last time, finally had a little self-knowledge this time, and did not go out with Team B.

I chose to stay in the base obediently, commanding with a radio remote control.

Soto, who lacked a combat strength and had a full stumbling ability, virtually reduced the difficulty of Team B's mission.

11 points.

The helicopter crossed the Gulf of Guinea to land and air, then flew forward for more than ten minutes and then landed in a remote place to meet the CIA's response personnel.

The CIA did not join the operation this time either, but only provided the vehicles needed for the mission.

A total of two Toyota off-road vehicles.

According to the personnel arrangement made before the operation, three people, Jason, Clay, and Lei sat in the front car, and the remaining four Long Zhan sat in the back car.

Follow Jason's route of action and drive all the way to the handover location.

more than an hour later.

Seeing the convoy passing a stone bridge, Jason picked up the car radio and called, "Call the command center, this is No. [-], and it has passed the mercury stage."

"The command center has received that you are still 15 minutes away from the meeting place, over."

Diaz cut off the radio call and smiled at Mina who was sitting next to him: "If I say, I am very envious of them being able to go out on missions, would you believe it?"

"I believe."

Mina flicked a willow bang on her forehead, pursed her lips and said, "Because I don't like life on a boat either, so I really hope to go on land to get some fresh air."

"We think the same way." Diaz smiled.

The people on the boat are not in any danger, but they are envious of Team B who can go ashore, and Team B who has already landed is not too excited at the moment.

"Is it really a good idea for us to have a mass murderer at the top of a terrorist organization decide where and when the handover meeting will take place?"

Long Zhan was still obsessed with this matter, even when he was on the way to act, he always felt that something was wrong.

"I know this is a stupid decision to pat my ass, but even if I am ambushed, I don't want to stay in that water madhouse any longer." Sonny complained.

"You are right. I think the prison is more comfortable than that." Long Zhan agreed.

"If I had a choice, I would rather go to the Middle East to stay for 8 months than come here for 8 weeks. This is really not a place for people to stay." Full Metal also said.

"You guys are much better than me, I feel like I'm going to die." Said Brock, who was seasick.

The concerns about action that Long Zhan had originally provoked were suddenly distorted by Sonny's words and turned into a collective complaint.

Compared with the atmosphere of the rear car being taken to the rear, it is more relaxed, while the atmosphere of the front car is much more depressing.

Both Clay and Jason felt faintly uneasy that this was a bad time and place for the operation, but they had to do it after the task was over.

This made them feel aggrieved.

Just when the two of them wanted to say something to break the atmosphere and make the atmosphere a little better, the satellite phone brought by Lei rang.

This operation can only be disguised as a charity member, which makes it impossible for Team B to even carry the radio station.

There are only two ways to communicate with the outside world——

Car radio and satellite phone!
"Please, Mr. Musa?"

Lei picked up the phone and recognized who it was, but he frowned the next second and asked eagerly, "What? What did you say? Calm down, can you speak clearly? I can't hear what you said clearly."

"Things seem a little bad."

Jason couldn't see his demeanor wearing sunglasses, but his tone was already more dignified.

"Yes, it sounds like our Mr. Warlord has been so frightened that he can't even speak clearly." Clay, who was in charge of driving, said.

"What, there is such a thing, just wait a moment."

Lei took a lot of effort to understand something, and immediately covered the microphone while listening to the words inside, and said to Jason, who was sitting in the front co-pilot: "Boko Haram attacked our high-value target and left him behind. the scene of the attack.

Moussa said he saw the ambulance coming and took Atenga away, but he didn't know where because the bastard slipped away by himself.

You must contact Diaz immediately and ask her to find a way to find out where the ambulance took Attenga as soon as possible. "

Team B has not yet arrived at the handover point, and is still on the way to the handover point, and the person to be picked up has already been attacked.

This is too fucking nonsense!

Jason didn't agree with the action plan. Now that he heard the news, he didn't know whether to be grateful or angry. He had no choice but to pick up the mobile phone and call: "Call the command center, this is No. 1..."

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