The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 885 The situation is very dangerous, go or stay

Jason reported the emergency to the command center, and Diaz heard that Attenga had been attacked and realized the seriousness of the matter.

We can only coordinate with Major Whitshaw of the Keating and use all technical means to investigate.


After Mina communicated with the local informant, and Major Whitshaw contacted the local CIA agent, they finally figured out the whereabouts of the ambulance.


Scheduled to be at 3:[-] in the morning, Team B, who met Atenga in the outer market of Maroua, arrived at the International Hospital in Maroua.

Jason took Lei and Kelai into the hospital and was responsible for finding the injured Atenga.

Long Zhan, Full Metal, Bullock and Sonny are in charge of responding in the car outside.

The three of Jason were all dressed in casual clothes and baseball caps, with a pistol hidden in their waists, and walked into the hospital openly.

Because it is an international hospital sponsored by charity, there are medical staff of all colors in the hospital.

Jason and Kelai, two tall, tall white men, and a mixed-race Lei, walked into a hospital where most of them were black, and they didn't attract too many people's attention.

The three of them began to look left and right from the moment they entered the door, not letting go of the patients in every room.

"Hush, he's here."

Jason was lucky, his eyes were sharper, he saw Attenga through a crack in the door, and immediately whistled to Kelai and Lei at the other end.

"Can you confirm?" Ray asked, walking over.

"Confirm! It's not wrong," Jason said.

Just when the three of them confirmed Atenga's location, they were about to think of a way to get him out of the house and put him in the car outside to take him back.

A black female doctor with an afro came over, stared at Jason and asked the three of them, "Do you need help?"

"Yeah, hello, we are..."

Jason reacted very quickly, and said with a sudden inspiration: "We are members of a charity organization. This gentleman lying on the bed is our object of assistance. We hope to take him to our medical facility."

"The patient lying on the bed is very seriously injured. He is still being rescued and can't go anywhere," said the female doctor.

"We have better medical conditions, and we can arrange for a medical helicopter to come over for transfer." Lei helped.

The female doctor looked at the three strong men in front of her. Life experience told her that it was not that simple, and she didn't want to let the three of Jason take them away.

He said seriously: "With assets like helicopters, it must be a great support organization. If you don't mind, I would like to know what organization you are."

Jason knew that the female doctor was suspicious, but he couldn't just rob her.

I can only explain patiently: "We are from the US State Department and have cooperation with your government. If you insist, I can let your government contact you."

In the process of explaining, Jason added a little threat.

No matter which country's grassroots personnel, they will feel nervous when they hear about the government, and they don't want to involve the government unless it is absolutely necessary.

The female doctor was really scared!
He slowed down and explained: "I don't care who you are or what your purpose is here, but I need to tell you clearly. …

The wound of his carotid artery needs emergency surgery. Once moved, it may cause secondary injury. Once the carotid artery is completely ruptured, he will die within 1 minute.

We are now preparing him for surgery and he must not move until it is done. "

Hearing that the doctor said that the situation of A Teng's family was so serious, the three of Jason found it very difficult to deal with, and their faces became extremely serious for a while.

Jason touched his hat in discomfort and asked, "How long will the operation take?"

"At least an hour! If he is lucky enough, God can bless him, maybe it can stabilize and accept your transfer."

As soon as the female doctor finished speaking, a nurse came to take her to prepare for the operation.

"Jason, what should we do now?" Lei asked softly.

"Sooner or later, Boko Haram will realize that he is still alive. We have no way of predicting when they will come back to silence him. If it stays here, it will be very troublesome."

Jason also understood what Ke said, and it was difficult to let him go or stay for a while.

But after careful consideration, Jason finally made a decision: "Atenga must be brought back, and he must live, so we can't go anywhere now, we can only wait here.

Come on, you go and inform the people outside and get them ready.

Lei, come in with me. We need to check the situation of A Teng's house first, and then you will transfer the situation to the command center. "

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Jason had made the final decision, and all the players had to do was obey and do it well, so Clay ran out the door immediately.

Lei and Jason also entered the ward immediately and began to check on Atenga's condition.

1 minutes later.

Jason and Ray determined Attenga's injuries and retrieved something from him. Ray pulled out his satellite phone and called the command center.


After receiving the latest situation from Ray, Diaz realized how dangerous it was, and his heart sank to the lowest point.

Immediately ran to the command table and said: "Now the task has completely changed, and team B will stay at an unplanned location for an hour. This is not good news."

"That's right, Atenga made the hospital a target. The appearance of Team B will arouse suspicion, and there will be a place of right and wrong." Mina agreed.

"If Boko Haram finds out who is with Team B, they will never miss the opportunity, even if they attack the entire hospital, including civilians." Diaz said looking at Soto.

"I contacted the Naval Medical Center, and the medical team agreed with the diagnosis of the doctors at the International Hospital. It is too risky to transfer Atenga now."

Not knowing what to do with the situation, Soto could only share the news he had just received.

"Jason said that he found a mobile phone from the pocket of a high-value target. There may be information on it. I think it is best for team B to take the mobile phone and evacuate immediately." Diaz suggested.

Diaz grew up with the b team and has a very deep affection for everyone in the b team. In his heart, the safety of the b team members is more important than anything else.

Even if the mission fails, people must be alive, not to mention bringing back valuable intelligence manuals.

that's totally enough

In this way of dealing with emergencies, Diaz's thinking is exactly the same as that of the original team leader Eric.

However, they are both action team leaders, and their attitudes towards tasks are completely different in society.

In the mind of the new operation leader Soto, the safety of personnel is far less important than the completion of the task.

Therefore, he refused without hesitation: "What the bureau wants is not the information in the mobile phone, what they want is the information in Atenga's mind, and that is the only mission goal."

When Diaz heard Soto's utilitarian words, his face turned cold all of a sudden.

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