The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 925 The Deceitful Nigerian Army

Chapter 925 The Deceitful Nigerian Army

after an hour!

The familiar Black Hawk general-purpose helicopter, the familiar full set of SEAL customized combat equipment, the familiar combat style, and the familiar brothers.

Team B shared a Black Hawk helicopter and started the last mission of the station.

No matter how unwilling Team A was, they still provided cover for Team B this time, were responsible for providing support at the front line, and set off with Team B in a helicopter.

The difficulty of this mission was very high, Soto did not follow the team any more.

He chose to sit in the headquarters and do what he should do.

The helicopters of the two teams formed a formation, skimmed the blue sea at the highest speed, crossed a large number of low foothills in the hilly terrain, flew through various canyons and valleys, and entered the Nigerian mountains.

In the blink of an eye.

Three hours have passed.

Twenty minutes before the B team reached the target, Diaz in the command center issued an order to let the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platform start to lift off.

Carrying the V2-6 helicopters of Team A, they broke away from the formation and began to go to the combat point.

Carrying the V2-5 Black Hawk helicopter of Team B, it continued to fly north along the valley for 5 minutes, and finally landed on a designated flat ground.

The pilot landed so fast that the landing gear hit the ground hard.

There was a bang.

The seven members of team B got off the plane in an orderly manner, ran out for about ten meters to form a circle, and kept their guns on high alert.

Until the helicopter put everyone down, and flew 30 meters above the ground, and began to fly to the distance.

Jason shouted to everyone: "Okay, boys, listen clearly, no matter what happens here, you can't leave here.

Our mission is to hold this place out of the way of Boko Haram terrorists. "

"Got it, B1."

Everyone replied in unison.

"Clay, take us to the refinery." Jason gave the first order.

"Roger that!"

After Clay replied, he began to lead the way.

Lei was responsible for this kind of thing before, but later Lei became a warrant officer and no longer served as the sniper of Team B, so Clay took over his position.

As a professional sniper and observer of Team B, it is his basic duty to guide the team to the correct route.

Jason kept alert and followed Clay's guidance, pressed the PPT call and said: "Command Center, this is B1, has passed Washington and Miami, and is heading for Tampa Bay, and is expected to arrive within 15 minutes."

Each action is divided into several, even counting 10 stages for detailed positioning, which is Mite's general task method.

Each stage will take a name code, there is no special requirement for the specific name, place names, wine names, car names and so on will do.

"Command center received, B1, I wish you a pleasant walk, Over."

Diaz was in a pretty good mood at the meeting, and had a little humor with Jason.

Diaz's description was true. In order to ensure that he could approach the refinery secretly, Jason adopted the A route of the Dragon War.

The road twists and turns at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by tall weeds.

Not to mention the mere seven members of the B team walking in it, even if a company of hundreds of people rushed in, it would be difficult to find it every 200 meters.

Team B walked on this secret path, and the possibility of encountering threats was almost zero.

All the way forward.

It's really like walking.

After walking for more than ten minutes without haste, team B saw the oil refinery in a low-lying area, raised their alert again and approached.

The refinery was previously under the control of the Nigerian government, but after being targeted by Boko Haram, the refinery has now completely shut down.

All the workers and technicians withdrew, and the troops did not move in.

What's going on inside now, Team B doesn't know.

When Team B officially began to approach the oil refinery and was about to enter a critical stage, a moth appeared on the combat command center.

"Davis, is there any progress in contact with the Nigerian army?" Soto said urgently.

At the most critical moment of the mission, the Nigerian military, which was the main force of the mission, suddenly lost all contact, which would make anyone feel uneasy.

You know that without the Nigerian army, teams A and B would have faced thousands of terrorists.

This is no joke!

"For the time being, try again without me."

Diaz was also very worried, and said by name: "IT2, continue to contact the Nigerian friendly army and see if you can get in touch."

A non-commissioned officer stood up from his seat, picked up the microphone and called: "81D, this is the combat command base, I'm checking now, please reply, over."


"81D, this is the combat command base, radio inspection, please reply, over."

The non-commissioned officer called three times in a row through verbal communication, but there was no other movement other than the rustling of electricity.

"We still can't contact them. We don't know anything about their situation now, which is very troublesome." Diaz said helplessly.

"We only have one intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platform, and it is impossible to keep an eye on every place. I need Nigerians to be able to notify us at any time. No matter what the situation is, you continue to find a way."

As a military officer, Soto has the right to demand as long as the result is reached. How to do it is Diaz's business.

"I have a situation here."

A liaison officer interjected: "A1 reported that he has been in contact with them on the ground, but what they said sounds a bit wrong, the specific reason is still..."

"Hey, look at this."

Diaz suddenly interrupted the officer, pointing to one of the drone monitoring screens and said: "A group of terrorists from the Holy Land of bloggers are heading towards Team B."

Mina was attracted by Diaz's words, and looked at the group of militants on the screen.

Ning Mei said: "Team A is already in place and has not reported the situation, and the frontline Nigerian army and militants are exchanging fire.

It seems that this group of militants broke through the Nigerian front line before Team A landed, so they appeared in this position. "

"There are quite a few of them, and it may be troublesome for team B to deal with them. Should we let team A support them?" Diaz suggested.

"It is unreasonable for Team A to retreat to Team B's position in the case of fierce friendly fire. We need Team A as a blocking force to prevent more bloggers from escaping from the Nigerians."

Soto rejected Diaz's suggestion, and the final instruction was just one sentence: "Contact Team B immediately and let Team B know that an enemy is coming."

"Got it, I'll do it now."

The commander had issued an order, and Diaz had no choice but to obey, walking quickly to the radio station.

(End of this chapter)

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