Chapter 926

"B1, this is the command center. We have received the latest news that a team of Boko Haram militants has passed through the front lines of Nigerian friendly forces and is heading towards your position. Please be careful."

Diaz's reminder was not very timely. Team B had already entered the refinery.

The refinery is located in a deep pit with a length and width of more than 200 meters. The soil quality is very polluted and has turned an abnormal black-gray color.

It is the kind of soil that is blackened by oil pollution and then dried and crumbled by the sun.

Although the enemy crossed the front line so quickly, Jason was surprised, but he didn't panic, just a little anxious.

Immediately shouted to the team members: "Guys, keep your eyes wide open, the enemy has crossed the front line and will come soon..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Da da da da..."

Before Jason could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a burst of gunfire.

The bullet hit the black soil around everyone in Team B, splashing up clouds of black-gray dust, and each impact point could be accurately distinguished.

Fortunately, the location where the enemy fired was very far away, and the enemy probably didn't expect to meet Team B here, so they were in a hurry to shoot.

Therefore, there are not many enemies who react and fire, and the hit rate of the bullets is even more touching.

It's all stroke marksmanship!

"Hidden, find a cover to hide!"

Jason searched for cover immediately, and didn't forget to give his teammates a reminder.

Long Zhan ran behind a concrete pillar, obliquely paying attention to the position and distance of the enemy on the opposite side, and after getting the result, he just wanted to scold his mother.

"Damn it, the oil refinery has been occupied, Boko Haram terrorists came much earlier than us, isn't the Nigerian army fortifying the front line? Anti-tmd air, leaking so many people in."

What Long Zhan said was really so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, and the pig teammate would not be so useless.

The most irritating thing is that it's okay if you can't hold it, but you should tell the headquarters in advance, so that the B team who come over can also be prepared.

As a result, this group of stupid Nigerian troops, on the one hand, asked the US military for support, on the other hand, they did not share information, and even actively concealed it, which almost caused a catastrophe.

How can this cooperate?

Co-fucking fucked legs!

If it weren't for his current status as a foreign aid for Team B, the retreat would be treated as a deserter and severely punished. Long Zhan really wanted to just quit.

Long Zhan felt cheated and was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

On the other side, Jason's stomach was even more angry.

He had just received a notification from the headquarters, clearly telling him that it was the militants from the Blog Holy Land, who were still on their way.

However, the next second he wanted to inform the other team members, before he could finish speaking, a group of militants appeared in front of him.

If the terrorists on the opposite side can calm down, or if there are a few sharpshooters with better marksmanship, they will be attacked suddenly without defense.

The B team is bound to end badly.

That would kill people.

If it is because of communication problems and friendly concealment, this kind of avoidable mistake will lead to the reduction of team B.

You said how angry Jason would be!

Fortunately, although the current situation is very bad, it has not reached the point of no return.

First of all, no team members died due to the attack, but they were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the enemy. Secondly, the pit under the oil refinery occupies a large area, and there are many facilities and mounds of muck that can be used as bunkers.

This allowed the B team to quickly find the bunker and start collecting information after being attacked.

"It looks like there are more than 10 of them, all hiding in the refinery facility, occupying the advantage of the terrain, all on the east side, and the gun line has not been opened." Long Zhanhui reported.

"There's a machine gun in the house on the right."

Sonny was crushed by the machine gun behind the pile of muck, and the mud kicked up by the bullets fell on him like rain, so he could only bury his head and hide to report.

"Boom! Boom!"

A rocket launcher flew over from the left and exploded less than three meters to Lei's left.

Fortunately, there was a black soil team between the two of them, which absorbed all the lethality of the rocket explosion, and it all fell on Lei.

"At 11 o'clock, there is a bazooka."

Lei scraped away the black soil that almost buried him, and relayed the exact information to the team.

After basically confirming the opponent's firepower and staffing, Long Zhan saw that his teammates were suppressed, and there was no way to raise his head to fight back.

Shouted on the radio: "I am B7, we can't stay here any longer, we must pull the gun line as soon as possible to disperse the enemy's firepower before we can fight back.

B3, you go to the right, I go to the left, others cover us, can it be done? "

In the event of a sudden emergency, all team members should do their best to help the team, and the battle plan does not depend on the captain alone.

Long Zhan hid behind the only concrete pier because it had the best view of the field.

Only by seeing the battlefield situation more clearly can we command better.

"B3 received, no problem, GOGOGO."

Sonny was quick to do things, and after finishing speaking, he raised his light machine gun and moved to the right along the reverse slope of the mound.

Seeing Sonny rushing out like this, Jason quickly shouted to the team: "Cover them, smoke bombs, throw smoke bombs to both sides."

When Clay and Bullock heard the order, they each took out two smoke bombs, disarmed them and threw them out one after another.

Although Long Zhan's location was the safest, even if a rocket hit him, he would not be able to hit him hiding behind, but the disadvantage was that there were no mounds of dirt on both sides.

So you can't move directly like Sonny, but wait for the smoke to rise before pulling to the left.

In the hands of the terrorists guarding the oil refinery, there is only one suppressive machine gun, and what the machine gun fears most is that the enemy is scattered.

Long Zhan and Sonny pulled the gun line from left to right, causing the suppressing power of the machine gun to drop instantly.

Whether to straf the smoke bomb areas on both sides or continue to suppress the main force in the middle made it difficult for Boko Haram's machine gunners to choose.

So it became a few shots from the left, and then a few shots from the right, with a shuttle in the middle.

A light machine gun can crush one place to death, but if you press three places, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Jason and the others, who were originally crushed in the middle, took the opportunity to finally show up and fight back.

There is no doubt about the marksmanship of the top special forces. Even if shooting is not as scary as a lock, it can compress the bullets to the smallest possible range.

The terrorists who had been unscrupulous in firing shots saw bullets whizzing nearby, and some unlucky ones were even killed by headshots.

The other terrorists' hearts tightened, and they started to shoot with apprehensions in their hearts.

From standing outside and firing unscrupulously before, to now firing a few shots and then retracting, firing a few shots and then retracting, the firepower began to drop sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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