The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 929 Compared with the reaction speed, I have never lost

Chapter 929 Compared with the reaction speed, I have never lost

The timing of the bazookaman's appearance was too coincidental, just at the time when Full Metal looked to the other side. If there were no other factors, Full Metal would be doomed today.

At the critical juncture of Full Metal's life crisis, Long Zhan, who had been providing fire support from the rear, stood up.

"Tuk tuk tuk..."

The bullets from the machine gun swept over, hitting the bazooka hand's chest with blood spattering everywhere.

The bazooka player who had aimed at the target precisely and started to pull the trigger forcefully, felt the pain and shook his body at the moment of the final trigger.

The crosshair, which was originally locked on all metal, shifted a few millimeters upwards.


The rockets flew out dragging the flames, and the terrorists also vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The offset of the front sight by a few millimeters upward will affect the final impact point of the warhead, and will multiply geometrically according to the flight distance, evolving into an error of a few meters to tens of meters.

The rocket that was supposed to hit the all-metal body was a few millimeters cheaper because of the last flick, and the landing point was directly skewed by three or four meters.


He bumped his head against the edge of the second-floor window.

A gap of one or two meters was blown by the window, and a large number of bricks and cement fragments fell down.

Full Metal didn't have time to react at all, when he heard a loud bang from his head, his head was directly shaken and crashed on the spot.up
I don't know anything in front of my eyes, and my body collapses to the ground like soft noodles.

The falling broken stones did not hide, and they were allowed to hit the head with a bang.

Fortunately, the full metal wears a bulletproof helmet, which perfectly cushions and absorbs the damage of these large and small stones, otherwise he will definitely be smashed to the ground.

Jason in the room was not much better, even because the sound echoed in the room, it was more serious than full metal.

The sound of the rocket explosion passed through the floor and reached the first floor like a huge thunderstorm. Jason was stunned with a bang.

Fortunately, as the building of an oil refinery, the floor material is all cement, which is passable.

Except that the house was shaken by the explosion, and a lot of dust and items in the house fell down, there was no other major movement.

"MD, is it still a bit late?"

Long Zhan is still 30 meters away, and can't see the situation inside the house clearly. He only sees the rocket hitting the house, and then his sight is blocked by dust and gunpowder smoke.

In a hurry, he immediately retracted his gun and ran to Quan Metal's side.

I touched the carotid artery, checked the pupils, checked the body for damage, and made sure that the all-metal body was not hit by fragments, and then gave the final first aid.

He took off the tactical glove on his right hand, clasped the all-metal upper lip with his thumb, and pressed down hard.


Quan Metal took a sharp breath and was pinched awake from his coma.

For people who are comatose on the battlefield, pinching may not be the best treatment method, but it is definitely the fastest and most effective method.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?"

Long Zhan knew that Quan Metal's ears must be numb from the shock, so he leaned closer to his ear and shouted.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

Quan Metal shook his head with a distressed face. The explosion caused concussion damage to his head, and the damage continued. Even if he woke up, he would continue to suffer.

"OK, then get up first and go into the house."

Long Zhan was worried that someone would come out to attack again, so he raised the whole metal from the ground with his back, and helped him into the room to hide.

An all-metal body with a height of nearly 1 meters, the weight is still a bit heavy.

Long Zhan entered the house with Quan Metal, closed the crooked iron door with his backhand, placed Quan Metal in the corner and let him lean against the wall slowly.

Taking a quick glance in the room, he found Jason lying on the ground and walked over quickly.

Repeat the set of checks on Full Metal, confirm that Jason was only stunned by the explosion, and wake him up in the same way.

Jason stood up and walked unsteadily, staggering from side to side.

Significantly more serious than Full Metal.

At this time, Lei's call came from the radio.

"B1, this is B2, we are advancing from the right to the ridge, lacking firepower from the left, can you use fire from the ridge?"

Lei's side had apparently already penetrated the construction area and started fighting the enemy on the mountain.

"What? Didn't hear clearly, please repeat."

Jason's concussion is very serious now, and he is dizzy and tinnitus, and he can't hear clearly at all.

"B1, let me come."

Seeing that Jason was not in the mood at all, Long Zhan interrupted Jason's words and took him to the wall and sat down against the wall.

Pull out the hose from the hump around Jason's neck, put it near his mouth and say, "Come on, drink some water, sit down and rest, I'll take care of the second team's affairs, and you should recover here first."

"You be careful."

Jason knew that he was not in a good state, and believed that Long Zhan could handle it well, so he didn't force himself to be brave.

"I am leaving."

The battle time pays attention to every second counts, and the dragon battle will leave without ink marks and guns.

While walking, he also said by radio: "B2, this is B7, I am rushing to the left ridge line, and I expect to arrive within 20 seconds."

"B2 received it, you can see it, young man."

The battle on Lei's side was very fierce, and the radio was full of dense gunfire.

Long Zhan ran out of the house quickly, found the next position and ran straight up the hillside on the left, which is where the bazooka player was standing just now.

Long Zhan didn't know if there was anyone on the other side of the ridge, so he didn't dare to close his gun and run wildly.

Keeping the movement of the gun to lock the front, move the lower half to move the upper body without moving the balance step, and advance up the hillside in a calm and unhurried manner.

Long Zhan's caution brought him protection, blocking all opportunities for the enemy to steal chickens.

When Long Zhan came to the ridge along the hillside, he immediately saw an enemy lying on the ground a dozen meters to the left of the reverse slope.

This guy is most likely the bazooka deputy.

I witnessed the bazooka hand being killed just now, so I didn't rush out to pick up the bazooka and continue firing, but chose to be an old bastard.

If Long Zhan rushed forward rashly, he would definitely be attacked by the sixth child.

Fortunately, there is no Dragon War.

"Duk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk."

The first to discover the old and sinister Long Zhan, he just shot two short shots in the past.

Since he likes to lie on the ground, let him lie on his face forever.

After finishing the old trick, Long Zhan scanned the surroundings to ensure that there was no threat nearby, and then extended his observation to the right side where the dense gunshots came from.

Compared with only two people on the left ridge and the right ridge line 200 meters away, the situation is just the opposite.

At a glance, there are seven or eight firepower points, with the third-level pastry as the first line, causing the two groups of Yu to come from the right side to fight fiercely.

Judging by the quantity and quality of these people, it is the same group that Diaz saw from the drone.

(End of this chapter)

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