The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 930 One Person Outflanks the Enemy's Back

Chapter 930

There is a group of rocket launchers on the left side of the ridge, and there are a lot of Boko Haram terrorists on the right side, and the second group of Team B is shooting wildly across a hill.

The gap between the two places was so huge that Long Zhan couldn't figure it out at first.

But seeing the position of the bazooka player, Long Zhan immediately understood everything.

Most likely, this group of bazooka players came to launch a sneak attack. The large force restrained Lei's second group on the right, and the bazooka quietly circled to the right to outflank it.

If they hadn't bumped into a group here, both of them would have died tragically at the hands of Long Zhan.

As long as the two of them descended from the ridge and joined the Boko Haram terrorists in the house, they could reach the side of the second group by walking tens of meters forward.

The terrain of the ridge can only block the front, and the defense on the sides and rear is almost zero.

If the bazooka shoots from this position, the second group led by Lei will definitely be caught off guard, and there is a high probability that someone will ascend to the sky in place.

Fortunately, the three of Long Zhan, Jason and Full Metal appeared on this side in time.

In particular, Long Zhan responded in a timely manner, killing the rocket launcher in a nick of time, saving the life of Full Metal, and at the same time saving the overall situation that almost collapsed.

Terrorists want to sneak attack through the ridge line, and Long Zhan can do the same in turn.

Now the dragon battle occupies the left ridge route, Boko Haram's terrorists do not have individual radios, and there is a high probability that they do not know that the bazooka route has been cleared.

This is equivalent to giving Long Zhan an excellent opportunity!

Thinking of the great opportunity to copy the enemy's chrysanthemums, at Lei's request, Long Zhan, who had set up a gun on the side of the ridge to provide fire support, decided to play an exciting game.

Abandoned the initial plan to provide firepower with guns, which would expose one's position.

Instead, he ran all the way down the slope from the bottom of the mountain, sneaking towards the ridge occupied by the terrorists on the opposite side, and successfully touched it after more than a minute.

The terrorists in the holy land of blogs never thought that when they sent people to the left side to outflank, there would be enemies coming along the route.

No defense at all!
Long Zhan walked around behind them and set up his gun. Looking at the group of enemies with their butts pointed at him, he started his ruthless harvesting mode.

"Tuk, tuk, tuk..."

The light machine gun was adjusted to a single shot, and the side-turning magnifier was turned on, and there were live targets in front of them.

In just 10 seconds, 7 targets were overthrown.

The terrorists were spread far apart on the ridge, at least three or four meters apart from each other, and it wasn't until then that something was wrong.

Realizing that their ass has been stolen, the remaining terrorists react in different ways.

Some want to find out Long Zhan and fight back.

Some people see that there is no shelter on the bare ridge, and instinctively turn over the ridge to hide on the other side, forgetting that the other side is the main battlefield.

As a result, the people in the second group "picked up the head".

Others saw that the situation was wrong and wanted to run away, but their legs couldn't escape the bullets after all, and they were killed by Long Zhan one by one.

Only a few people were able to escape smoothly because of the relatively long distance and the surrounding obstacles such as weeds and bushes.

After clearing the last target in the field of vision, Long Zhan called through the radio: "B2, this is B7. I have circled around the enemy's rear and cleared all the targets. How is the situation on your side?"

"B2 received, our side is safe, you can come back."

Lei replied to Long Zhan, and then called out: "B1, I'm B2, the enemies on the ridge have been cleared, do you need us to return to your position?"

"No, you continue the mission. I need you to check all the access points and build an effective defense." Jason replied.

"Clearly received!"

After finishing the call with Captain Jason, Lei greeted the three people in the second group and said, "Move, guys, we need to check all the access points..."

"Attention all units!"

Before Ray could finish his instructions, he was interrupted by Diaz's radio.

"The Nigerian army has just had reports that about 30 Boko Haram militants have broken through the front lines and are heading behind the lines."

As soon as Diaz's reminder came through the radio, Long Zhan on the other side had already seen three vehicles driving along the dirt road to the oil refinery at high speed.

If you don't count the twists and turns of the road, the straight-line distance is less than 500 meters.

The enemy has already arrived behind the defense line, and the report from the front line has just arrived. The delay in the battlefield report of the Nigerian army is simply outrageous.

Just when Long Zhan wanted to complain, Lei on the other side had already connected to the communication first.

"Command center, this is B2. I saw four vehicles approaching our position, and they will pass the first access point soon. We need to set up an ambush to intercept them outside the access point."

"The command center has received it and continues to communicate."

Diaz did not expect that the enemy had already arrived, and the advance notice became a joke. There was nothing to say, so he could only end the communication with a little embarrassment.

The area of ​​the refinery is a standard hilly terrain.

There are no mountains that are more than a thousand meters high, not even more than 500 meters. They are all low hills with sparse vegetation.

The road is at the foot of these small hills, and it will meander due to the shape of the mountain.

The four armed vehicles that Boko Haram sneaked over were less than 500 meters away from the periphery of the oil refinery, but they had to detour from the foot of five or six mountains.

This gave enough time for the second group of four members of Team B to ambush at the top of the mountain next to the access point.

When two ordinary pickups and one armed pickup, a three-vehicle convoy bypassed the last hill and headed straight for the access point at the bottom of the mountain.

Even Long Zhan, who took a detour on the mountain on the left, had already run over to join the second group.

"I'm B2, ready to report."

All personnel are already in their positions, and Lei makes the final confirmation before the ambush.

"B3 is ready."

"B5 is ready."

"B6 is ready."

"I'm fine too!"

The five people in ambush reported their situation one after another, and the five guns condescended to lock the convoy.

As the terrorist convoy of Boko Haram advances, the muzzles of the five guns move in sync until the convoy reaches the road below the ambush point.


Thunder gave an order, and the battle officially broke out.

"Da da da da da..."

Sonny's light machine gun was not equipped with a silencer, and a series of fast-frequency long-burst bullets roared out, diving towards the armed convoy in a swooping motion.

The windows of the lead car cracked and the front windshield shattered, and the driver died together.

"Duk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk..."

Long Zhan's light machine gun is mainly responsible for pressing the second car. The same fast frequency can be fired at a long point with higher accuracy. The bullets left rows of bullet holes in the front fan. The driver and co-pilot were shot together by a string of bullets. kill.

(End of this chapter)

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