The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 954 The reality of Tarkov?

The end of the Cold War decades ago was only the end of the struggle between the two giants, the Soviet Union and the United States. The United States and Russia have been secretly "learning" from each other

As a western company, Terra Group has contracted projects by any means in the territory that used to be the Soviet Union. What is the idea of ​​this company?

As long as a discerning eye sees it!
Naturally, in addition to taking the opportunity to make a lot of money, it is also necessary to collect intelligence for the forces behind it.

Russia itself is a European country, and the purpose of setting up the Norvinsk Special Economic Zone is indeed to absorb high-quality resources from Europe and the United States.

After all, since the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia has been gnawing at its roots and going backwards.

Without innovation and development, Russia's economy will never rise.

At the beginning of the establishment of the special economic zone, the Russian government wanted to attract Western companies to enter, so that they could compete with each other and restrain each other. While the government could make money, it could also control Norvinsk.

But plans always fail to keep up with changes, and imagination is always defeated by reality.

Terra Corporation quickly stood out from the large number of Western companies that had settled in by various means, both open and dark.

The competition of wolves that Russia wants to see has become the current pattern of one tiger over a pack of wolves.

By the time Mao Zi reacted, the TEDA Group was already deeply entrenched in Novinsk, and the law enforcement and judicial systems were completely independent, so it was too late to restore the situation.

Terra Corporation bought and controlled the Lonsk government and began to continuously investigate sensitive areas of Russia.

Russia is known as a country of bears, and bears have a bad temper.
Unable to bear the growing expansion of Terra Corporation, and the GRU, Maozi's strongest intelligence agency, having stolen the secrets hidden in the BS laboratory, Russia decided to take action against Terra Corporation.

Terra Corporation has completely controlled Venvisk, and behind it is the full support of Western forces, and it has no cowardice towards Russia.

The war between the two sides broke out.

Maozi, who couldn't send troops to flatten Norvinsk, decisively dispatched the strongest "private" combat force——


BEAR is an abbreviation, not the meaning of "bear".

Its full name is "Battle E Regiment", and its Chinese translation is "Battle Encounter Assault Regiment".

This is a secret decree issued by the Russian Federation government, and the PMC company was deliberately disguised and established. It is more "official" than Wagner, who has been fighting all over the world.

It can be said to be the most loyal dog!

BEAR is only active on Russian territory, and it is not convenient for the government to do all the work by themselves, and it will be handed over to them.

Therefore, BEAR's political purpose is stronger.

Backed by the Russian intelligence agency, BEAR was dispatched by the Russian government to enter Tarkov. It has two mission objectives.

The first is to use all means to investigate all suspicious activities of the Terra Group in the Norvinskd area, and to collect and preserve evidence.

This allowed Terra to be "expelled" from Norvinsk in a reasonable and legal manner in the follow-up measures.

The second is to find ways to enter the Terra laboratory and obtain the latest biotechnology developed by Terra through cruel human experiments.

Since BEAR acts in a standard "hair style", it is inevitable that they will not be able to control their hands and feet when fighting. …

Blowing up the gas station caused a fire, destroying the factory caused a large number of civilian casualties, and attacking the signal transmitter station paralyzed the Norvinsk area.

Every action, far from legal, was enough to send them to a military court.

The Russian government forcibly suppressed all this, which also provided an excuse that Russia could not refuse for the subsequent United Nations stationed in Takov.

As a world giant, Terra Corporation has direct departments and subsidiaries in more than 200 countries around the world, and it is involved in more than 40 industries.

Involves military, politics, education, biology, chemistry, scientific fields and financial investment, etc.

With the support of strong financial resources, coupled with the support of a large number of Western forces behind it, it can even influence the resolutions of the United Nations.

Facing Russia's actions, Terra Corporation responded in the same way, choosing Genmaozi to be tough head-on, and dispatched the people it controlled! "Private Armed" PMC——


The full name is Uy Effepany, United Security Response Group.

USEC was established as early as 1994. At that time, USEC was just a small military training institution and could not be put on the table at all.

But with the help of funding provided by Terra, USEC has grown in just a few years.

At present, there are more than 3000 core contractors, and the total number of operational personnel and logistics members serving the company has exceeded 7000.

With members all over the Balkans, the Black Sea, and the Middle East, it is one of the largest PMC companies in the world today.

USEC is a thug trained by Terra. Their rich financial resources allow them to recruit a large number of elite soldiers. The team's combat effectiveness is no less than that of the special forces of major countries.

These recruited private contractors were deployed to Tarkov in large numbers by the Terra Group.

As a "security" team, they were divided into parts and deployed in various industries under the name of Terra Corporation, playing a decisive role in maintaining law and order.

At the same time, in a dark place, he wiped all kinds of buttocks for Terra Corporation.

Once any insider is exposed, or someone wants to investigate the intelligence about the Terra Group or the laboratory, they will be evaporated by USEC through "legal" means.

They claim to be Takov's defenders of peace, but they are well aware of their status.

On one side is the backing of the Russian government, and each member is a senior veteran and retired special forces; on the other side is the current "Emperor of Earth" who is backed by Takov, and the members are all elites hired with high salaries from all over the world.

With a huge team size of thousands of people on each side, the damage caused by the fight is comparable to a national war in a small country. How could the small Norvinsk survive.

In the end, the result of the war has come out, that is, no one has taken advantage of it.

Both parties withdrew from the Tarkov area, and the Russian government and the United Nations co-hosted the entire Tarkov area.

Anyone who enters or exits will be considered illegal and will be court-martialed if caught.

Dragon War is no exception!

It is precisely because of this serious consequence that the giants and organizations who know the secret of the Terra Box dare not act openly, no matter how eager they are to snatch the Terra Box.

They are all just like client No. 13, hiding their identities and secretly hiring agents to enter the venue.

Even BEAR, which has the background of the Russian government, and USEC, which is secretly supported by the United Nations, dare not blatantly send large troops into the country.

Only a few small teams can be sent in to search, so as not to attract a storm from the entire international community.


"I didn't expect that the cause and effect of little Tarkov would be so complicated."

It took nearly an hour to read all kinds of intelligence materials about Takov, Terra Group, BEAR, USEC and other internal forces. Even if Long Zhan was mentally prepared in advance, he was still a little shocked.

The heart that was already vigilant enough couldn't help but tighten another string.

In the case of guaranteeing your life, go to search the Terra box to earn this [-] million commission.

"Hey, how come there is still a document?"

Just when Long Zhan thought he had finished reading all the materials and was about to close the U disk interface, he found that there was still a folder marked as the linker that had not been opened.

Opening the file and reading it in detail, Long Zhan couldn't help sighing: "What kind of secret is this Terra Box, that it can make No. 13 spend so much effort, and the investment is estimated to be no less than 10 billion U.S. dollars."

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