The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 955 SEAL 8-Minute Rest Method

Chapter 955 SEAL 8-Minute Rest Method

In the end, the content of the rest of this material is very simple, and only one thing is said.

A thing full of local tyrants!

In order to increase the success rate of the task and maximize the possibility of getting the Terra Box, the No. 13 client did not hesitate to spend huge sums of money, and came a wave of two-pronged approach.

Before finding Long Zhan as an agent, he had already deployed a move first.

At a price of 2000 million U.S. dollars, a local Maozi PMC was specially hired and sent to Tarkov to collect intelligence for him as a dark thread.

Return to the agent found in the United States, and then you can find him as a coordinator, increasing the probability of completing the task.

The coordinator deployed in advance is inside, which is an excellent thing for Long Zhan, and it also highlights the determination of client No. 13 to compete for the Terra box.

Looking for a coordinator who is equivalent to being a tour guide for Long Zhan without any compulsory dangerous work, he is willing to pay a high price of 2000 million.

Sprinkling money is as indifferent as sprinkling water, no wonder Long Zhanhui said that client No. 13 is too wealthy.

The introduction of the respondent in the information is not detailed, but the most important points have been mentioned, which is enough for Long Zhan.

The respondent's name was Andrei Boris, code-named Dog King, and he was a Russian of Chinese-Russian mixed race.

Personal resume is very impressive.

One of the core members of the former Wagner PMC, just quit Wagner half a month ago.

He himself retired from the Russian Signal Flag Special Forces, participated in the Chechen War, and also fought in Afghanistan, Georgia, Iraq and other places.

With rich experience in individual combat in a team, there is absolutely no problem in terms of personal strength.

As for the core member of the largest PMC company in Russia, why he suddenly quit, the information did not explain.

The external characteristics of the responders are easy to identify, and they always carry a black Rottweiler with them.

"Black Rottweiler? Mongrel? Wagner's contractor?"

There is nothing special about these three pieces of information alone, but putting them together, Long couldn't help but think of a person in his mind.

Long Zhan saw a very similar guy in the Nigerian oil refinery battle not long ago.

Originally, Long Zhan wanted to take him in as well, but it was a pity that this guy was too alert, and finally let this guy run away.

"Come on, what am I thinking, it shouldn't be such a coincidence."

Long Zhan laughed at himself speechlessly, instead of thinking about it, he turned his attention back to the computer screen and continued to read the rest of the information.

The meeting place was not marked in detail, only that Andre is currently staying with the doctor.

And label:
There is only one doctor in the whole Takov, and anyone who finds it will know the location, which is very easy to find.

The response code was very funny, and Long Zhan knew at a glance that it was not the client No. 13's idea, and guessed that it was probably the response person's idea.

Seriously keeping the password in mind, Long Zhan has completely completed the preparations.


The monk's laptop, Long Zhan roared, and the butler walked in immediately.

"Sir, what do you need?"

"I need to rest, wake me up when you arrive."

"Okay, is there anything else you need?"

After the butler finished speaking, he added specifically: "According to my personal experience, you'd better eat as much as possible. I have prepared all kinds of fine wine and food here."

"Are you responsible for sending people there?" Long Zhan asked inappropriately.

"Yes, sir." The butler nodded.

"Then you should have a lot of experience, and you really need to eat and drink your last meal." Long Zhan grinned.


The butler had embarrassment written all over his face.

He really had this idea in his heart, because the dozen or so agents he sent in before, without exception, are all GG now.

From a humanitarian point of view, it is necessary to persuade the dying person to have a full meal before death.

But the thoughts in my heart are my thoughts, and once I say it, it will change, let alone Long Zhan, who said it directly in front of my face.

"Don't be nervous, just kidding with you, go out and prepare something, and eat when I wake up."

Long Zhan saw that the butler was so embarrassed that he was sweating, so he didn't continue to tease him.

"Okay, sir, I'll send it in right away." The butler saluted and hurriedly ran out, afraid that Long Zhan would say something again.

This time it was a single soldier who went deep into an extremely dangerous place, and everything could only be done by himself.

If the courier is reliable, he can still help. If the courier is unreliable, not only will he not be able to help, but it will become a burden.

Sleeping is the most troublesome thing, if you don't do it well, your life will be lost in your dreams.

Therefore, before jumping off the plane, Long Zhan must not only adjust his physical state to the best, but also adjust his mental state to the best.

It is enough to sleep in advance, and Long Zhan can guarantee at least four days and three nights without sleep.

If under extreme conditions, there is no way to sleep for a long time, it is not impossible to use the exclusive rest method of the SEALs to resist seven days.

The exclusive rest method of the SEALs, the detailed name should be called "the 8-minute rest method of the SEALs".

The application scenario is when you urgently need deep sleep, but there is not enough time for you to rest, and the time given to you is only about 10 minutes.

It's like recess!
Then you can use the 8-minute rest method of the SEALs, and let you take a very high-quality "nap" in just 8 minutes.

The specific operation method is not complicated, and does not require any special object assistance.

You just need to lie face up on the ground, then lift your legs up and put them on the sofa, cabinet, chair, etc., on the same height as your knees.

It is equivalent to turning the action of sitting on the chair by 90 degrees.

There are no restrictions on the hands and head, and you can freely pose as you want, as long as your legs and body remain in the same posture as the legs.

That you will be able to fall asleep in just 3-[-] minutes and get a very good quality sleep.

This is great for emergencies when you don't have enough time to sleep, but you need enough energy for the job at hand.

Just set your alarm and sleep for 8 minutes, and you'll be refreshed for hours to come.

The premise is that the alarm clock sound must be loud.

Because after a person enters a deep sleep, the sound is not enough to wake him up.

Entering a completely unfamiliar area alone, the most dangerous is the first three days. With a high degree of concentration and alertness, energy consumption will be faster.

The only way for humans to restore energy is to have a sufficient amount of rest and sleep.

Long Zhan now sleeps on the plane in advance, has received anti-fatigue training and has a special body, so he can guarantee energy for the next three days.

After three days, if it is still dangerous, the SEAL 8-minute sleep method will play an excellent role.

As long as he survived the most dangerous three days and the most important seven days of adapting to the environment, the chances of Long Zhan's survival would be greatly improved.

(End of this chapter)

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