The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 967 The Strange Man Who Was Hanged

Chapter 967 The Strange Man Who Was Hanged
Takov's night is similar to Chinese New Year's Eve, the crackling sound is always heard, not to mention the nursing home with abundant medical supplies.

After all, things like medicine, the more messy they are, the more valuable they are, and they are always in high demand.

Therefore, even though 5 years have passed, there are still many people who come here to hunt for treasures because of the rumor that the sanatorium still has a hidden underground warehouse.

Every time someone finds a shipment of supplies, a fierce battle ensues.

Not to mention the three main bodies of BEAR, USEC, and SCAV, conflicts will never be resolved, and there will also be conflicts among various SCAV gangs due to various interests.

Dennis has seen too many firefights at night, and what he is best at is "working" at night, and he has long been numb to this situation.

And all the people who came to the sanatorium to search at night were gangs, and they couldn't take away anything they found.

For a lone wolf like Dennis, it was very unfriendly.

Dennis has no shortage of medical supplies now, and his personality doesn't like to join in all kinds of fun. He just wants to bring Long Zhan to the downtown area as soon as possible.

These dense gunshots suddenly coming from the front did not affect Dennis in the slightest.

There was a fork in the corridor. Dennis didn't go any further, but turned into the corridor on the left, preparing to leave the building and enter the next house, bypassing the battle zone in front of him across a street.

As a result, he just turned around and took a step when Long Zhan grabbed his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Long Zhan's words came.

"Listen to the sound of gunfire. There are many good guys in front. They have at least one HK416 and one AK102. Those who can afford this kind of gun are not badly equipped. Don't you want to pick up a bargain?"

Long Zhan's words sounded like he was asking Dennis, but the fiery sparkle in his eyes had revealed the true answer in his heart.

That is a must!
In fact, Dennis is also very excited. Who doesn't want to be the oriole behind, wait for others to fight you to the death, and then go on the stage to get a big deal.

In Tarkov, who doesn't know how long it will be closed, no one will dislike his too many supplies, and no one will be willing to give up the supplies that can be obtained.

However, the oriole is not so easy to do, at least you have to beat the praying mantis single-handedly.

If you can't even beat them, then you won't be taking advantage of it, and you will become the legendary "waiting for a rabbit." You are the rabbit that killed yourself.

Dennis did have a few talents, but his talents were all focused on the ability of the sixth child.

It's not a big problem to let him lie in ambush. You let him sneak into other people's homes and kill people while they are sleeping, and he can do a good job.

But let him rush up to do things, and do it head-on, it's completely useless.

If you fail, you will be eaten by the "mantis", and if you fail to steal the chicken, you will fall into the latrine.

Therefore, Dennis, who is very aware of his own strength, his instinctive reaction is not to take advantage of it, but to take a detour to protect himself.

If it's just him, that's basically it.

But now being dragged by Long Zhan, looking at the undisguised greed in Long Zhan's eyes, he finally glanced up and down at Long Zhan's bear-like body.

Dennis suddenly reacted!

He thought to himself: "Yeah, why should I leave? I really can't be a oriole, but I can't, it doesn't mean my current team can't."

Recalling that Long Zhan easily dealt with two SCAVs, he could tell what type of gun it was by listening to the sound, and he could keep up with himself while walking in the dark.

Coupled with his ability to steal people in the dark, wouldn't the combination of the two be a strong alliance?

Dennis' attitude immediately reversed 180 degrees.

Don't waste the big deal in front of you, just do it for his M

The worst thing is that there are too many people left on the opposite side, there is no way to pick up a cheap one, and the worst is to give up "stealing chickens" and sneak away.

It doesn't take long to go back and forth between this trip, and it doesn't delay going to the block.

"You go, I'll cover, five to five points."

Dennis stretched out his right hand, and with a few short words, he had already expressed his determination now.

"No problem, deal!"

Long Zhan held Dennis' extended hand, and the two reached a happy cooperation, and took the lead in touching it in the direction of the gunshot.

In order to prevent any accidents, Long Zhan also took out all four eyes.

With the help of the thermal fusion night vision device, Long Zhan's vision became clearer, and he could even see the mice running past the corner.

The only uncomfortable part is that the night vision device has to be held in one hand at all times.

This Chujikang four-eye thermal fusion night vision device is very guaranteed in terms of image quality, but the disadvantage is that it cannot be used alone.

It must be mounted on a helmet to effectively hold it in place.

Because of the urgent need for night vision goggles in this regard, tactical helmets have become one of the most desired necessities of Long Zhan after weapons.

More urgent than body armor!
Night vision ability is really very important in Takov.

Walking along the corridor to the end of the building, the gunfire was very close. It sounded like it was near the building next door, and the distance would not exceed 50 meters.

Long Zhan, who was walking in front, could witness the battle scene as long as he climbed over the window, crossed the road and entered the corridor of the building next door.

But Long Zhan didn't turn over the window, but stopped suddenly while standing by the window.

"What's the matter? Why don't you go forward?"

Dennis leaned over suspiciously, glanced at the three to four meter wide road between the two buildings, and saw nothing unusual.

"There, put on your night vision goggles."

Long Zhan had a strange expression in his eyes, and pointed out the window on the right with his finger.

At the entrance of another building about 20 meters away, someone built a two-meter-high fence with wooden boards, and it was unclear what it was used for.

Dennis didn't take out the night vision goggles at first, but looked in the direction Long Zhan pointed out.

The fence was obvious at a glance, and he couldn't tell what it was for either, but he saw something on it.

It was a big black mass, and I couldn't see what it was.

Through Long Zhan's expression, Dennis realized that there must be something wrong with this dark mass, so he took out the night vision device from his satchel and turned it on.

Put it on your eyes to see the black group.

This look.

He couldn't help but get hairy all over.

I saw that black lump on the fence turned out to be a man in his 30s who was nailed to it without a piece of cloth all over his body.

And a person who is still alive.

Because the place where his hands and feet were pinned was still dripping blood.

The head is also raised.

Dead people lose their muscle strength, their necks can't support their heads and they will naturally hang down. Only living people can keep their eyes on the front.

However, it was such a living person, his hands and feet were nailed to the fence, but his face did not show any pain or other expressions.

As the saying goes: Ten fingers connect to a heart.

The wrists and ankles were pierced by spikes, and the weight of the whole body had to be supported while hanging on the fence. The pain was heart-piercing.

No matter how brave and resolute a person is, if he can hold back the excruciating pain without shouting out, the muscles on his face will become distorted due to the pain, which cannot be controlled by the body's reaction.

Unless you feel no pain at all.

As for the man who was nailed to the fence, he seemed to feel no pain at all, his face was as calm as water, and he didn't even twitch his muscles.

What's even weirder is...

The body is obviously not tied to the fence forcibly by ropes or the like. The only anchors are the four spikes piercing through the hands and feet. There is a high probability that they can break free from the fence with just a few random movements.

But the man didn't try to make any struggle, and survived by saving himself.

Just like this, he kept his limbs pinned down, allowing the blood to flow continuously from his hands and feet, with his head facing straight ahead, and his eyes staring blankly at the front.

It seemed that something in the sky directly in front of him had already sucked his soul away, and what was hanging on the fence was just a body without a soul.

He was obviously in pain, but he had no expression.

Obviously he could easily escape the pain, but he didn't make any struggle, just bleeding there to die.

It's like being possessed by an evil spirit! ! !

Such a serious and unreasonable scene, coupled with the dilapidated sanatorium that has been abandoned for many years, is dark at night and has its own buff.

A little more eerie and scary.

Long Zhan couldn't understand it, and neither could Dennis.

Why is this happening?

Oh my goodness.


Dennis felt that there was something unclean inside, and some kind of weird power was controlling this person, making him feel hairy all over his body.

In order to get rid of this strong anxiety as soon as possible, Dennis chose to leave this place immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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