The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 968 USEC Chases and Kills BEAR

Chapter 968 USEC Chases and Kills BEAR
"The gunfire over there is no longer so intense. We have to hurry over and find out the situation first, otherwise it will be too late."

Then you jumped on the window sill first after speaking, turned over skillfully, and went straight to the window of the opposite building.

"This place is really evil."

As a man who walked out of hell, Long Zhan didn't care about superstition at all, but the scene in front of him really made him unable to understand.

Even the kidney warrior who has been brainwashed the most in memory, who blew himself up all day long, is not as crazy and weird as the man in front of him.

At least kidney fighters are also afraid of pain, and they also have the most basic emotions and desires, and they will also be emotionally excited when they reveal themselves.

Not without pain and emotion like them!

"Hey, it looks like he has been brainwashed very thoroughly. I hope he won't be a brainwashed lunatic."

Seeing that Dennis had climbed into the opposite building, Long Zhan took one last look at the hanging man, sighed secretly and followed.

It's a pity that Long Zhan has forgotten a sentence at this moment, this sentence is called "the more you are afraid of, the more you will be".

Entering the corridor next door, the sound of the firefight was closer and clearer, but it was no longer so intense.

And it can be judged from the sound that the battle area is rapidly shifting, and they are actively approaching the building that Long Zhan and Dennis entered.

"Slow down, you don't need to go there, they are coming, we just hide here and wait."

Long Zhan far surpassed Dennis in terms of battlefield intuition, and realized that the pattern of the battlefield had changed dramatically, and immediately stopped Dennis who continued to move forward.

And leave the corridor and enter the house on the left, and hide beside the window sideways.

Dennis is an experienced sixth child. He is already a veteran in how to hide himself, and he also skillfully found a place to hide.

Two people are in the same room with two opposite windows, which can collect external information to the greatest extent.

Less than 20 seconds passed.

A muscular man in a black combat uniform walked awkwardly across the street of the building in front, and appeared in the sight of the two of them.

As expected, he held a long gun in his hand, the environment was too dark to tell what model it was.

I only know that it is an AK series weapon!
He didn't choose to enter the building, but chose to run along the side of the street full of various abandoned vehicles and sundries, so that he could reach the fastest speed.

After running for more than ten meters in a sprint, the strong man stopped suddenly.

He slipped neatly and fell sideways, just lying behind the half-meter-high flower bed. The edge of the flower bed is a concrete pier, which is strong enough to withstand the bullets of the assault rifle.

Immediately afterwards, he placed the gun on the edge of the flower bed, pointing the muzzle at the direction in which he was running.

Look at the posture is waiting for the enemy!

Looking through the night vision device, Long Zhan could vaguely see a few English letters from the guy's back, two of which seemed to be "B" and "R".

"Are they Bell's people?? Private thugs of the old Maozi government? It seems that life is difficult, and they don't even have basic armor on them."

Long Zhan thought to himself, a little disappointed.

I thought that I would be able to grab a set of armor and weapons to put on when I encountered a fight with big guys in full suits, but I didn't expect to encounter a group of shabby goods.

Although very lost.

But Long Zhan can figure it out.

After all, Tarkov has been blocked for more than 5 years. Bell and Usak, as top-level full-suit bosses, are feared by all SCAVs, and at the same time they have become "big fat pigs" in the eyes of all SCAVs.

While everyone was terrified, they racked their brains to succumb to a big fat pig, and from then on, they flew up the branches and turned into phoenixes.

As a result, whether it is USEC or BEAR, every time they come out to perform a mission, they have to be sniped, and everyone will find time to give them a few blows.

And no matter how good the armor is, it is also a consumable, and no matter how strong the plugboard is, it can only take a few shots.

The PMC blocked in Takovri, although they can still contact the headquarters outside, it is difficult to obtain supplies.

People can be cured when they are injured, but it is not so easy to repair broken equipment.

Regardless of whether it is BEAR or USEC, the equipment worn and brought in at the beginning has been fighting for 5 years. It is normal for most of the armor to be discarded. Without the armor, you can only wear combat uniforms naked.

The reason why the weapon is still so good is that it is still a modified tactical ak.

The reason is that the weapon is not so easy to break, and if it is well maintained daily, it will not be a problem to use the gun for 10 years without throwing it like a baseball bat.

And the inventory of weapons is much higher in itself.

In contrast, bulletproof vests, bulletproof plates, tactical helmets and various tactical equipment are too expensive for ordinary people to use, and the stocks are much scarcer.

If the ghost place in Takov is broken, you can only fight with naked armor.

Just like the "Suspected BEAR" in front of you!
If Long Zhan wants to make a full suit by licking his bag, and it is suitable for his big body, it will probably take a lot of effort, at least it can be regarded as a big project.

But what.

No matter how difficult it is to find defensive equipment, Long Zhan must make up a set as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if he enters Tarkov as a lone wolf, without a set of suitable weapons and equipment, it is just a dream to get the Terra box.

A lot of things were going through Long Zhan's head in the light of calcium carbide.

In fact, only four or five seconds passed.

At the beginning of the dragon battle, I didn't quite understand why the man who was suspected to be a member of BEAR didn't run away, but suddenly lay down and pointed his gun at the direction he was running.

But just a few seconds later, when he saw the change in the left corner, he immediately understood.

It turned out that there were four strong men wearing urban camouflage uniforms, armed with assault rifles and submachine guns, and one of them had an infrared laser pointer on his weapon, and rushed across the corner street.

The words "USEC" on the chest of the clothes are very clear in the night vision goggles.

The reason why the feeling guy didn't run away was that there was a deadly enemy chasing after him.

USEC's contractors are not ordinary SCAVs. Just four or five seconds is not enough for BEAR to run out of this street.

If you continue to run forward with your head buried, you will definitely get shot from behind.

In this situation where the enemy is outnumbered and we can't escape, looking for an opportunity to ambush a wave and then withdraw is theoretically the best solution.

of course.

This is just a pure theory, and there are still many variables, such as what happened to this suspected BEAR.


Suspected that BEAR's marksmanship is very accurate, relying on reverse thinking instead of running, he lays an ambush on the spot, and the USEC four-member team that was chasing them was caught off guard.

Two precise bursts of bullets hit the past, and the USEC who was running in the front fell to the ground.

The muzzle flame also exposed his position.

The remaining three USECs responded very quickly. Two of them immediately hid behind the car on the left, and the remaining one hid behind the stone pier on the right.

After finding the cover, he didn't just hide blindly, but started to fight back immediately.

The three were divided into two groups of left and right firepower, and fired continuously at the suspected location of BEAR, pressing him under the flower bed and unable to raise his head.

The distance between the two sides is less than 50 meters, and the bullet can easily be within the range of a fist.

The three USECs cooperated very tacitly. While suppressing BEAR to prevent him from looking up, they began to move forward gradually alternately.

It was suspected that even though BEAR killed one person first, he was still alone, and he was no match for four with two fists.

Under the tacit cooperation of the opponent's tacit firepower suppression, he had no way to show his head to fight back, and he couldn't run away from the flower bed, so he was tightly restrained in place.

"These three USEC's cooperation is too tacit. If there is no accident, the BEAR member will be double-teamed and killed in less than 2 minutes. If the USEC is more conservative and throws a grenade within 30 meters, it will be over in 1 minute."

Long Zhan hid in the shadows to observe the battlefield, quickly analyzed the situation between the mantis and the cicada in front of him, and figured out how this little troll should enter the arena.

Dennis pulled out his pistol, his eyes also fixed on the battlefield in real time.

His expression was very calm, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

And BEAR, which is currently at the bottom of the biological chain, was immobilized by the firepower of three USECs, and his scalp was already smoldering.

The eyes kept looking around quickly, eager to find the "breaking point".

(End of this chapter)

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