The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 969 The legendary "silenced sniper shotgun"? ?

Chapter 969 The legendary "silenced sniper shotgun"? ?

As luck would have it for the BEAR member, he found a nice retreat point.

About 10 meters behind him on the left, there is an entrance that can enter the underground garage. If you can run in, your chances of escaping will be greatly increased.

No matter what.

Good luck does exist, but not much.

The opponent who chased them all the way was very smart, with rich combat experience and strong insight ability. They also discovered the entrance to the basement and made corresponding countermeasures.

Instead, one person is responsible for punching the face, and the other two are responsible for shooting at the same time.

No one blocked the line of guns of other people, and the three people could move while firing at the same time, and the bullets were fired at the flower beds without interruption, achieving a perfect seamless connection.

It is not difficult to see from these actions and tactics that can be executed with one action without too many words.

They are very good at this kind of teamwork!
It is suspected that BEAR tried to rush out from behind the flower bed, and even managed to shoot a few bullets in order to scare the opponent away and gain space for himself to run a distance of 10 meters.

It's a pity that his struggles were in vain, and he was pushed back several times.

I can only continue to hide behind the flower bed.

Fortunately, the USEC was shooting a small-caliber assault rifle, and the mere 5.56mm lead-core bullets were not enough to penetrate the concrete guardrail of the flower bed.

Therefore, even if they cooperate well in firing, there is no way to damage the BEAR hiding behind.

But 嚒.

From the perspective of the third-party observer Long Zhan, this suspected BEAR is actually dead, and now he is just struggling before dying.

USEC pushes forward another 5 meters, and then the grenade can be thrown.

The fence of the flower bed can block the 5.56mm bullet, but it cannot stop the explosion of the grenade.

It is not difficult to deduce from the tactics of the USECs that they have found that BEAR has a tenacious will to resist, and completely cut off the idea of ​​​​catching alive.

Now they are trying to move forward, the purpose is to throw grenades.

5 meters...

4 meters...

3 meters...

1 meters...

The advancing USEC arrived at the position, and began to take out the grenade after taking cover. Not surprisingly, it was suspected that BEAR would become a corpse in a few seconds.

at this time.

From behind the corner of the opposite house, another person suddenly appeared.

This person is holding a gun in his hand - Baikal mp153 shotgun, with two serial scopes on it, and a silencer on the front. It has obviously undergone various magical modifications, and its performance has been enhanced.

"Tandem scope? This it the legendary sniper shotgun??"

Long Zhan can be regarded as a well-informed veteran, but it was the first time he saw two optical sights on the shotgun, and he couldn't help calling it a good guy in his mind.

In his big head, there are all big question marks.

The location of the troll BEAR's sneak attack is very tricky, just behind the three USECs.

The distance is only less than 10 meters, all within the optimal killing range of the troll.

who is he?from where?

Long Zhan and Dennis were on the opposite side, and they both spotted this guy who came out at the first time, looked at each other and asked each other, and they both saw the same answer in each other's eyes——

How the hell do I know where he came from!
Although I don't know the origin of this guy, but from his professional way of holding a gun, fancy modification of the gun, and the timing and position of his appearance are all just right.

And wearing the same black combat uniform, it can be judged that this guy is not an ordinary person.

It's not weird, it's cruel.

"There's a good show to watch!"

Cheng Yaojin suddenly appeared on the way, the situation will definitely change soon.

Long Zhan Zhengchou didn't know how to get it done. The three tacitly cooperated with the USEC contractor, but he didn't expect someone to come out to replace him and become a squirrel, and he upgraded to become a hunter. The difficulty was greatly reduced.

Long Zhan couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart and said: "This guy is a good guy, now there is a good show to watch."

The sudden emergence of Cheng Yaojin's position is very tricky, and he must be able to take advantage of it. Regardless of the outcome of the battle between him and USEC, as long as he can kill a USEC, it will be a good thing for Long Zhan.

Dennis didn't expect someone to do it before them. While secretly thanking himself for being calm, he also looked at the mysterious BEAR on his head.

The BEAR who came out to attack is a master, and his strength is a level stronger than the guy who was hunted down.


Flames spewed out from the muzzle of the wire shotgun, and the USEC, which provided fire cover on the left, fell face down in response, and a bullet hole could be seen on the back.

It can be seen that the 12-gauge buckshot was used, and there were 10 to 20 lead shots in one bullet.

With the muffler installed, the sound is not very loud.


The second shot was fired with an interval of less than 0.5 seconds.

The USEC on the right, which provided covering firepower, just turned his head around and ate the spray, his face was smashed and his body was thrown aside.

The USEC rushed to the flower bed bunker, heard the sound of thumping behind, and turned around just in time.


Received his share of buckshot head-on!
The advantages of the semi-automatic shotgun were fully demonstrated at this moment, and the short burst of firepower was very exaggerated.

that's it.

Just a moment ago, the three USECs who were going forward in an orderly manner to suppress the attack, nailed the opponent in the corner, and were about to take down the victory.

In less than two seconds, they received three buckshots belonging to them.


And the troll BEAR killed three USECs, but he didn't rush to lick the bag immediately, nor did he go to meet up with BEAR who was hiding behind the bunker.

The first thing he did was to reload, this is a professional battlefield machine.

Although his modified magazine can hold 8 rounds, and only three rounds have been knocked out, he must maintain his best condition to deal with what may happen next.

"The marksmanship is accurate and fast, and the battle is calm and sophisticated. From this point of view, he is a veteran with rich combat experience. There is a high probability that he has retired from the Maozi Special Forces. The water in Tarkov... really bottomless."

A random person popped up from the corner with top-notch combat abilities, and Long Zhan had to marvel inwardly.

And this troll BEAR is so powerful that Long Zhan will inevitably fall back into his old troubles. If he doesn't want to kill him just like that, if he wants to become friends with him, it's best to be able to absorb him into the team.

Although Long Zhan jumped in alone, he couldn't compare with those agents who came in in groups.

But coming in alone doesn't mean you can't form a team.

Long Zhan made preparations before coming, that is, to find as many people as possible to form a team in Takov, and it is best to find a group of experts to form a team.

Only in this way can we have the capital to compete for the Terra Box in the decisive battle later.

No matter how strong a person's combat power is, it is still too weak. If you want to stand out among the heroes, you have to develop your own team.

The troll BEAR in front of him is very powerful, and Long Zhan feels that he is qualified to be his teammate.

Both Long Zhan and Dennis have night vision goggles, and both hide in hidden corners without being exposed. This is the biggest advantage.

But how to absorb this guy, thinking that the stronger the ability, the weirder the character and temper, Long Zhan feels very tricky.

Just when Long Zhan was thinking about what to do, whether to grab things or make friends.

The troll BEAR has reloaded the bullet, clasped the shotgun with both hands and continued to hide by the wall, carefully watching the surroundings, and shouted: "Hey, I am also from BEAR, are you still alive?"

BEAR, who was being chased, was very nervous, and didn't dare to answer immediately, but carefully poked his head from behind the wall full of bullet holes.

He is inspecting the battlefield.

A BEAR "old six" took advantage of the sneak attack and killed three USECs in an instant.

This scene is so awesome, it is definitely worth watching.

(End of this chapter)

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