The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 973 The Mysterious Gray Iron Box

Chapter 973 The Mysterious Gray Iron Box

Armed with weapons and wireless headsets, Long Zhan and Dennis officially set off.

Compared with the "light body" when he came here, even Dennis, who has been here for many years, only has a pistol all over his body.

It is not ruled out that he may have had a lot of good equipment before, but he is so poor now.

It may be that he was caught and stripped halfway, and now he just ran out to start a new life, or it may be other reasons that made him so shabby.

Now that the two of them started again, they became fatter all of a sudden.

Long Zhan has a Kaglock 34 and a commander's saber, a 50-round drum drum HK417 on his back, a semi-automatic continuous spray MP153 with explosive modification, and a wireless headset in his ear.

The chest hanging on his body and the backpack on his back are full of ammunition and various supplies.

Dennis also had a suppressed pistol on his waist, a modified MPX submachine gun in his hand, a backpack and a chest hanger full of supplies, and a hidden ammunition storage room. The radio made the communication between the two of them no longer a distance.

The distance between the two of them is the last tactical helmet and a tactical body armor full of plates.

Although only the last two items were missing, the last two missing items were the most difficult to obtain.

Only luck!
Dennis is the top sixth professional, and Long Zhan is also a capable professional. It goes without saying that the two have stealth abilities.

Back to the Yinren's building, came out from the front and turned the corner, and the two found several more corpses.

Right in the middle of the street!

There are BEARs in black combat uniforms, USECs in camouflage uniforms, and SCAVs in miscellaneous uniforms, mixed around these corpses.

Some SCAVs keep their hands in their backpacks when they die.

"This should be the battle point. The battle has passed for so long, and the equipment has not been taken away. There are more SCAV corpses. There must be someone in the shadows around here. Be careful, let's find the goods first."

Long Zhan, who was hiding behind a broken wall with a night vision device in his hand, smelled the danger and whispered a reminder.

Dennis nodded, indicating that he received it.

One must be careful and careful here, the corpses all died on the street, the environment of this street is complex, surrounded by buildings with several floors.

There are at least a hundred points on the roofs and windows of these buildings, and these corpses can be seen.

If there are people hiding behind these points, if you go to the street to lick the bags of these corpses at this time, there is a high probability that you will die and never come back.

And even if Long Zhan holds a night vision device, there are so many places where people can hide, but there is no way to find out all the shady people.

The best decision at this time is not to go!

Even if the corpses of these USEC and BEAR are equivalent to a small treasure house, they can make a fortune by selling their guns for the last time.

Long Zhan did come here for greed, but he didn't come here to die.

With the help of the buildings and debris around the battlefield, the two quietly jumped out, turned over, and went from one bunker to another.

The time for the body to be exposed never exceeds two seconds, and it is always kept behind the cover.

There is only one goal in sight——


After a minute or two of searching, the two found a 2 cm square gray suitcase near the corner of the east building.

About five meters away from the box, there is a BEAR facing down.

From the place where he crawled, there was a bloody band, and the direction of his head was the gate of the building next to him. It could be seen that he was one of the porters.

After being injured, he wanted to climb into the building to hide, but unfortunately he failed in the end and died less than one meter away from the door.

Someone had shot him in the head from a distance, and it had been pierced through, and there was a spray of stains on the ground, a gory painting of brains and blood.

Beside him is his weapon...

An RPK light machine gun!
75 rounds of large-capacity magazines, M-43 type 7.62×39 mm intermediate power ammunition, 600 rounds of fire rate, empty weight of only 5.6 kg, 1.2 rounds of continuous fire without failure record, it can be called the hardest bone of a firearm.

Strong firepower, simple operation, durable, ultra-low failure rate.

It is Tarkov's strongest light machine gun.

none of them!

Long Zhan fell in love with this RPK at a glance, and his heart beat faster because of his joy, but he observed the terrain and did not rush over.

Instead, he gritted his teeth and defeated greed mentally, and gave up the idea of ​​taking this light machine gun away.

Guns are good, but lives are more important.

Compared with the position of the corpse is very exposed, and there is a very tempting light machine gun beside it, there is a high probability that people around have been stared to death.

The location of the gray box is quite hidden, it is located in the narrow corridor between the two buildings, in the shadow of the house on the left behind the moonlight.

It is estimated that the BEAR team hid in this place when the fighting just broke out.

Later, I couldn't fight and wanted to move away, only to realize that it was too late, so I had to leave the gray box here to reduce the load to facilitate the evacuation.

It may be that the USEC team is too fierce, or it may be that the mentally ill BEAR's command ability is too poor.

As a result, only one was hunted down by four USECs.

Long Zhan and Dennis came here for the goods, that is, the gray iron box, the light machine gun and the supplies on the corpse came second.

As tempting as these things are, the risk is too great to be worth it.

The two walked through the inside of the building, jumped out of the side windows and reached the aisle in the middle of the building, and the box was in front of their eyes.

Dennis turned over before Long Zhan, and ran to the box as soon as it landed, eager to lift it up.

As a result, I almost lost my waist!

This iron box is not big, but it is surprisingly heavy, weighing at least 150 kilograms. For Dennis's thin body, the box seems to be glued to the ground.

Looking at it, Long Zhan wanted to laugh but couldn't do it. He walked over and hugged him casually, just like hugging a cardboard box.

Dennis looked silly.

Only then did I discover that there can be such a big disparity in the power between people.

Long Zhan carried the box back to the place where he came out, put the box on the window sill, and took a last glance at the light machine gun. He was very reluctant and had no choice but to grit his teeth and cut off his thoughts.

Years of combat experience on the battlefield, as well as the combat intuition from his mind, are telling Long Zhan.

As long as you are greedy and want to take it despite all warnings, there will inevitably be an extra corpse on this street full of corpses.

People can be greedy.

But excessive greed is a disease!

Anyway, the core goods have been obtained, and the purpose of coming here has been achieved, so there is nothing to regret.

Long Zhan took the goods over the windowsill, walked along the corridor to the stairs, walked all the way up, and found a suitable room to unpack the boxes.

Dennis followed Long Zhan the whole time, and he was also very curious about what was in the box, which could attract the two classes of PMCs to make such a fuss here.

After Long Zhan and Dennis Baghuo left, whispers rang out on the roof of the building to the south.

(End of this chapter)

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