The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 974 Accepted a Smart "Apprentice"

Chapter 974 Accepted a Smart "Apprentice"

"The two people who came over just now, why haven't they appeared?"

"Don't worry, they will come, they are so greedy, they have licked all the corpses in Front Street, and they won't leave good things like Kalashnikov light machine guns, as long as you kill them both, everything is our."

"Then we'll wait...But they don't look like normal trash guys, especially the amazingly big guy who moves very carefully, crawls, leaps, dodges, and almost never comes out from behind cover, so big Big but nimble like a monkey."

"That skinny man is not simple. He knows how to use the environment to blend in. I can't lock him at all. If there is no thermal imaging, I may not even be able to find him."

"It seems that they are either very cautious and experienced fighters who are hiding somewhere now, and who has better patience with us, or on the contrary, the two of them are completely cowards who only dare to sneak around and pick up garbage. Never dared to get involved in a fight. But whatever the reason, this gun is too valuable to be left to someone else."

"Well, brother, I know, anyway, it's still early before dawn, so let's see whose patience is better."

Said that the conversation disappeared again, and the two who heard the conversation seemed to be snipers, continued to lock on the light machine gun, and were bound to ambush the trash guy they called.


Their ambush was doomed to be in vain, because Long Zhan and Dennis, who were cautious enough, had already cut off their greed and left this land of right and wrong.

Sufficient restraint on desire saved the lives of Long Zhan and Dennis.


Holding more than 100 kilograms like nothing, Long Zhan climbed to the fifth floor in one breath, pried open the door of an apartment, then walked through the living room into the inner bedroom, and opened the box that Falin's people transported.

Dennis was still so cautious, and still made a simple alarm with a glass bottle on the door.

When he walked into the inner bedroom, Dennis found that Long Zhan had already opened the iron box. To be honest, he was a little disappointed.

He thought it contained a pile of hard currency, such as canned meat and various medicines.

But the goods in the box are all computer hard drives, each of which is packed in a separate plastic box, and each box is marked with words.

"The computer of the A-level trade accounting department belongs to the general accounting department."

Computers for Nursing Home Databases.

"A Second Computer in the Logistics Department of Port Management".


There are a lot of hard drives with their names written on them, neatly stacked layer by layer in this box, and all of them add up to at least hundreds of dollars.

"This tmd has to dismantle hundreds of computers. It seems that they all came from different offices, and they were finally put together in this iron box, and there is a number 05 on the box. There may be more than one such box. It's time to take it away."

Long Zhan thought secretly in his heart that he already had the answer to the owners of these boxes.

There is no other company that can control so many industries in Takov, covering every industry in Takov, except Takov, a monopoly.

Since it is related to the Taila Group, it proves that these materials must be valuable.

However, there is a premise.

That is, it is necessary to find someone who receives these materials and understands the value contained in these materials in order to sell them at a suitable price.

To those who do not understand the value of data and information, they are worthless waste.

Giving it to him would take up space.

"Why do they need these hard drives now? Apparently they're fighting over each other's heads. It's not because of the love of modern industrial products. There must be some important reason, but what is it? I can't think of anything, but I know this thing must be worth money .”

Dennis expressed his opinion and suggested: "These things are too heavy and inconvenient. I suggest hiding them in a hidden corner of the apartment first, and wait until we find a seller."

"Okay, let's do it this way. My core task now is to find a doctor, instead of carrying these guys around the world to find someone to buy." Dennis agreed with Long Zhan's suggestion.

Finding hiding places is Dennis' specialty, and he found the perfect spot in no time.

Pull out the solid wood headboard from the wall, there is a large space behind, take out the hard drives covered in plastic boxes one by one, re-stack them behind the headboard, and then push the bed back against the wall.

At first glance, it is still covered with dust, and the quilt on it is moldy. It is impossible to find the bed, and the back of the bed is full of valuable treasures.

Learning from Dennis' previous method, Long Zhan also took out a grenade and made a defensive trap.

If someone tried to move the bed away, this grenade, a pull-action grenade hidden under the bed slab, would come out and send him to God.

"Your trap technique is really subtle, can you teach me how to do it?"

Dennis was amazed, fearing that Long Zhan would not agree, he added another condition: "You teach me how to do it, and I will find a way to take you to a doctor, how about it?"

Dennis likes to use grenades to make gifts for illegal intruders in places where things are hidden, but he is not from a professional background after all, so making traps can only be based on personal imagination, which is generally rough and simple.

And Long Zhan used the sundries he found in the house to make a trap that was invisible from the outside and could perfectly protect the hiding place, just like a precision instrument.

Dennis, who has a hobby in this area, can't help but want to learn and want to go to the end.

"No problem, the principle is actually very simple..."

Being a ghost is not an advanced skill at all, it is just a skill based on experience. In addition, Long Zhan is becoming more and more optimistic about Dennis, and also hopes that he can become stronger, so that he can help himself to grab the Terra box in the future, so he readily agrees down.

It took about 10 minutes, Long Zhan patiently and meticulously taught several booby traps, and also handed in a double-chain thunder-cracking technique.

Dennis's brain is indeed easy to use, and he can fully remember it after teaching Long Zhan only once.

Let’s not talk about whether it can be used perfectly. If you can remember it, you can slowly try it yourself later, and you will master it all sooner or later.

"Thank you so much, Dragon King, what you taught me is very practical. Don't worry, I will help you do what I promised you."

Dennis was really moved by Long Zhan's unselfish and heart-to-heart teaching.

The sense of dragon war is getting better and better.

"The ones I teach you are relatively simple, and the rest are more complicated. If there is an opportunity during our journey, I will demonstrate it to you personally." Long Zhan said with a smile.

"Thank you so much, let's continue on our way."

Dennis lifted the empty box and signaled Long Zhan to follow him and prepare to leave. After leaving the apartment, he could walk to the house on the other side and threw it on the road from the window.

Dennis specially took the box to the next door and threw it away, reminding Long Zhan that he still had an unopened box.

(End of this chapter)

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