Chapter 108 103. She started to laugh.

Now that he has been able to make his official debut as a light novel writer, Kazuto Mogami's financial troubles that have been plaguing him have finally been relieved to some extent, but light novel writers are after all living off royalties.

The royalties for the 5000 volumes of the library cannot fundamentally solve Mogami and Ren's economic problems, and can only be pinned on the ability to sell well and print additional copies.

The second volume is being written, but it is only a beginning.

Since Kazuto Mogami didn't have a complete outline of the story, he decided to start with an outline.

Different from the online novels in the previous life, Japanese-style light novels do not have high requirements for writing speed. Usually, a light novel of about 10 words is published in two months, and 6 volumes a year.

At this speed, it is quite powerful in the industry.

It is not uncommon for light novel writers who only publish one or two volumes in two or three years, but it does not mean that there are no human typewriters who publish two or three volumes of light novels every month.

There are also super tentacles that serialize two or three novels at the same time, but can publish at the same time every month.

It can only be said that no matter which industry it is in, it is seriously full of introversion problems.

Walking on the streets of Akihabara, you can see Two-dimensional related culture everywhere.

In front of various shops, there are all promotional visuals of animation characters posted.

Some live-action posters are mostly idol girl groups, or solo albums or photo promotions of well-known voice actors.

To be honest, the majestic hand-made pictures of beautiful girls in swimsuits are printed on posters several meters long and hung between buildings. After a long time, you will really feel that this is an incredible city.

On the screen of a certain building across the street, the promotional PV of the theatrical version of "The Hero of the Passerby" was playing, and sections of beautifully produced scenes flashed.

The release time shown on the publicity PV seems to be next week.

And before the official release, there is also a warm-up event for the theatrical version, at which time the voice actors will be invited to attend, which seems to be a common part of many animated films.

In the luxurious voice actor lineup list at the end, I saw the familiar names of Kazuto Mogami.

【Kazuto, definitely coming~】



All the way to Across without words, this has become his way of relaxing after writing.

It is precisely because of this that he is often ridiculed by Ms. Asano as the number one fan of Aimi Terajima.

Walk into the lobby on the first floor of Across, and see Ms. Asano, the boss, sitting at the front desk.

"Good evening, Miss Asano."

"Ah~ Mogami-san, good evening, Onomi hasn't come yet."

"That's it."

Asano-san said Aimi Terajima's name, Mogami Kazuto didn't care, leaned against the bar and chatted with Asano-san.

Most of the topics revolved around the bands in Akihabara and Aimi Terajima herself.

"Speaking of which, Mogami-san, can I ask a question?"

"What is it?"

"How did Mogami-san and Onomi meet?"

In Ms. Asano's eyes, there was a flame of gossip.

"Well... I just happened to meet in the game center, and then I got to know each other."

"This is really an ordinary development."

Kazuto Mogami shook his head helplessly: "What exactly is Miss Asano expecting?"

Ms. Asano thought for a while: "A more romantic encounter?"

"Why is it a question sentence? Also, although I have said it many times, I still want to reiterate that Terajima and I are not in the relationship Miss Asano thinks."

"Oh huh?"

Facing Ms. Asano's teasing and provocative eyes, Mogami Kazuto didn't feel guilty at all.

"I just think Terashima's song is great, that guy will definitely become a better singer than he is now, and stand on a bigger stage."

"Are you saying that my Across is too small to hold her?"

"Uh... sorry, I didn't mean that."

Ms. Asano snorted, "I'm just kidding."

Mogami Kazuto smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"However, on this point, I also have the same thoughts as Mogami-san.

With Onomi's strength, she can go further than being a popular singer with me. "

"I know what Miss Asano wants to say."

"I guess so." Miss Asano covered her mouth and chuckled.

"However, I don't have the qualifications and ability to influence Terajima's decision."

"Did Mogami-san underestimate his position in Onomi's heart?"

"I'm just an ordinary uncle."

"You don't look ordinary."

Mogami Kazuto smiled lightly and remained silent.

"Mogami-san, I think it's better not to use that smile on women casually."

Ms. Asano looked at him meaningfully, Mogami Kazuto smiled stiffly, looked away in embarrassment, and looked around.

Sure enough, he was still not very good at dealing with such mature women, so he had to leave the front desk embarrassingly.

Not long after, a girl with a guitar bag appeared at the door of Across. When she saw Kazuto Mogami standing inside the room, the corners of her mouth curled up unconsciously.

"Ms. Asano, good evening."

"Good evening, Onomi, you're here."

"Well, sorry to bother you."

"Don't say such things. There have been more people watching Onomi's performance recently. I welcome you very much."

Aimi Terajima nodded and stopped talking, unable to concentrate on the conversation with Ms. Asano.

Turning to look into the hall, Kazuto Mogami, who was standing in front of a certain wall and looking at the poster above, walked quietly towards him.

For some reason, just by standing there, his eyes can't help but be drawn to him, like a superstar standing on the stage, every move attracts her eyes.

It's unbelievable that he is a fan, but he is his idol.

"Mogami-san, good evening."

Her voice was much more energetic than usual, and the corners of her mouth were raised higher than usual.

"Oh. Terashima, good evening, you seem to be in a good mood, did you encounter any happy things?"

"Yeah! I met you!"

"That's it, that's good."

Kazuto Mogami didn't ask anything, and Aimi Terashima didn't mind, she probably already figured out what kind of person Kazuto Mogami was, so she wasn't surprised by Kazuto Mogami's reaction at all.

"Has the matter of last time been resolved?"

"Yes, it has been resolved successfully, thank you for your concern."

That day, after Aimi Terashima went back, Kazuto Mogami received a transfer notice that night.

Although I don't know how to solve it, but looking at the news sent by Aimi Terashima later, it should be that a consensus has been successfully reached.

"That's good, don't carelessly forget your wallet next time." Mogami Kazuto reminded.

Aimi Terashima raised her face and looked straight into Kazuto Mogami's eyes: "If I forget to bring it again, will Mogami-san still take me in?"


Seeing Kazuto Mogami looking speechless, Aimi Terashima's smile grew stronger.

In desperation, Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to change the subject: "Terashima, you've been laughing a lot lately."

"Well, girls are cuter when they smile, and Mogami-san thinks so too."

"Well... that's true."

It is indeed better to laugh than to cry, because it is very troublesome for a girl to cry.

For example, a female voice actor.

"Also, I was told that I was cute when I was laughed at by the neighbor's aunt since I was a child."

"Is this kind of thing supposed to be said by yourself?"

Aimi Terashima smiled and did not speak, but looked directly into Kazuto Mogami's eyes, which were shining with anticipation.

Mogami Kazuto sighed softly.

"Well, she's right."

(End of this chapter)

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