After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 109 104. She doesn't hate liars from Tokyo.

Chapter 109 104. She doesn't hate liars from Tokyo.

"Omi Ono, I have something extra to ask you about today's LIVE, can I trouble you to come over and discuss it?"


Miss Asano's shout came from the front desk, and Terajima Aimi responded.

"Then...Mogami-san, see you later."

"Well, come on live."

Aimi Terashima ran away with small steps, and Kazuto Mogami sat on a chair in the sitting area of ​​the living room, watching her back silently.

Aimi Terajima followed Ms. Asano into the backstage preparation room. At the front desk was the girl named Xiao Xiang who was sitting and swiping her phone.

From Kazuto Mogami's perspective, Aimi Terashima is definitely changing, which can be called growth.

At the beginning, he was cautious and wary of others. No matter who he faced, it was just a cold-looking face.

Today's Terashima Aimi has learned how to face others with a smile.

Although it may look stiff at times, this is undoubtedly a huge improvement for a 19-year-old girl.

Compared with herself, she integrated into this society much faster, which made Mogami Kazuto feel admiration.

Mogami Kazuto is not unwilling to change.

It's just that he still doesn't know where to start, just cutting off the past cannot be called "growth".

To grow up, you first need to take a step, and Kazuto Mogami just stopped where he was after cutting off the ankle chain that bound him. He needed to force his legs to move.

As for where to go, he still doesn't know.

But before that, you have to step out first, even if you take a little detour, it is much better than staying where you are.

As long as you don't stop, the road will...

Thinking of the extra lines, Mogamiwa shook his head slowly, looked at Aimi Terashima's back, and murmured softly:
"I also...have to learn from her."



"The rushing thoughts."

"It still hits my heart the same way."

"Now I will do it myself."

"Carving out our own future."

"Yes, the answer has always been in my heart."

In the concert hall, the girl's passionate singing voice was poured into the ears of all the audience through the speakers in the venue.

The electric sound of the guitar is raging, and the breath-taking notes echo in the air, engraved into the listener's ear canal one by one.

In the center of the stage, the girl who has finished singing is playing the guitar with all her strength, like a goddess in charge of the notes, controlling their size and height at will, and the combination changes into unimaginable wonderful shapes, drawing in the air anyone will be addicted to it. sheet music.

The electronic music suddenly shrank and ended, and the scene ushered in silence for only half a second, and then there was a strong applause from off the stage. They were all intoxicated by the girl's singing voice and the sound of the piano, and offered their voices for her without hesitation. .

"Thank you everyone! I'm Terashima!"

The girls on the stage, releasing light and heat, perfectly set off the atmosphere of the scene. This is her job, and it is also the feedback given to her by the audience after she played to her heart's content.

Whether it is a writer or a singer, the essence is to seek the approval of others in the process of pursuing self.

Kazuto Mogami, standing at the back of the stage, saw Aimi Terajima shining on the stage, and felt joy for her from the bottom of her heart.

At the same time, I was a little envious.

"Then, next is the last song for today."

There were cheers off the stage, no one would feel sorry, they love the music here, not only the girls on the stage, but also the bands preparing in the background, these are all things they love.

The girl's song that ended today will still be heard tomorrow, and all they can do is give her a response and cheer her up.

"Yomi sauce!"

"Yami! Wild! Wild!"

"Yomi-chan! I love you! Please marry me!"

The girl on the stage was smiling. At this moment, she was the overlord here. She slightly squeezed the pick in her hand, let out a long breath, put her lips close to the microphone, and squeezed out a hoarse, magnetic and moving voice.

"Listen to..."Different"




At the end of the song, the girl bowed and walked backstage with the guitar in her arms.

After that, a band that Mogami Kazuto didn't know took the stage, and his ears were about to feel uncomfortable.

So far, he has always left the concert hall after listening to Aimi Terashima's hot scene.

Maybe there will be some disrespect for other bands, but Mogami cherishes his hearing more.

He had just left the concert hall and sat in the rest area of ​​the living room for a short time when a girl carrying a piano bag came out of the preparation room not far away and walked straight towards him.

The rosy little face still has the aftertaste after the live.

Just as the girl walked in front of him, she suddenly remembered something and took a few steps back.

Kazuto Mogami looked at her strangely.

"what happened?"

Aimi Terashima stood in place, raised her finger at a loss, and scratched her cheek: "I just finished singing, and my body is covered with sweat..."

She is indeed an ordinary girl, and it is understandable that she would care about such things.

Looking carefully, the girl's fair-skinned neck was blush, and there were still some transparent beads of sweat.

Just like the early winter morning, the ripe peaches on the branches are dripping with crystal and attractive dew, and the plump chest rises and falls.

"Then are you going to stand there and talk to me?"


"come on."


The girl showed a slightly shy expression, Mogami Kazuto only thought that she had just finished singing and the redness on her skin hadn't faded.

Lean the guitar bag against the round table, pull out the chair opposite Mogami and sit down, and always hold the strap of the guitar bag with your left hand to prevent it from falling down.

"Today was also very good."

"Well, thanks.

Mogami-san, do you have any plans after this? "

Mogami Kazuto thought for a while, then replied: "Well... go home, take a shower, and sleep."

"That is no more."

"You could say the same."

"I'm going to help in the tuning room later, can you go out with me after I'm done?

Mogami-san helped me last time, I haven't thanked you yet, at least let me treat you to a meal. "

"Not hungry, not sleepy, not wanting anything."


"I'm just kidding."

After getting along with her for a long time, Mogami Kazuto can't help but become good at teasing her, which may be a proof of friendship.

Aimi Terashima cast a dissatisfied look at him: "Really, I am expressing my gratitude very seriously. Why did Mogami-san say such things?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean it. I just want to say that it doesn't matter if you don't do that kind of thing. I didn't help you just to get something in return from you."

"However, I want to thank Mogami-san for his help, and I want to do something for Mogami-san."

That's right, Kazuto Mogami, who is of the same kind as Aimi Terashima, can understand the feeling of being unable to repay a kindness after accepting it.

"Then...listen to one of my wishes?"

"Wish? Mogami-san's wish is... what?"

So, Kazuto Mogami slowly expressed his thoughts.

Terashima Aimi stared wide-eyed, and looked at him in disbelief: "Is it all right if it's just that kind of thing?"

"For me, that's pretty extravagant."

Aimi Terashima pursed her lips slightly, not daring to look into Kazuto Mogami's eyes, she lowered her head, the sound of the beating heart was much louder than the sound of the performance coming from the other side of the soundproof door.

She couldn't help but whispered to herself with a voice that only she could hear:
"Mogami-san, you are really too cunning. No girl can maintain a normal heart after being said such a thing."

"Huh? Terashima, did you say anything?" Mogami Kazuto looked at her suspiciously.

"No, I was just thinking, Mogami-san is indeed a cunning Tokyoite."

"Terashima, do you hate Tokyo people?"

"No, I like it."

(End of this chapter)

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