Chapter 110 105. Use music to convey.

Not long after, Ms. Asano came out of the backstage preparation room and informed Aimi Terashima to go to the tuning room. Ms. Asano herself needed to leave at this time because of important matters, and she would be back in about half an hour.

"Mogami-san, if you're interested, you can also go to the tuning room together."


Before leaving, Ms. Asano said this to Mogami Kazuto for some reason.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't help looking at Aimi Terashima beside him, the girl's eyes were shining with anticipation.

"Well... I see, then I will interrupt you."


Ms. Asano waved goodbye to the two with a smile and left Across.

After that, Kazuto Mogami followed Aimi Terashima into the tuning room. This was the first time Kazuto Mogami came here. There were many mysterious switches, like the cockpit of a fighter pilot.

From here, the stage can be seen very clearly, and the entire concert hall can be seen at a glance.

On the stage, a band is ending their performance today and waving to the audience to thank them.

The mixing room can control all the controllable settings on the stage, not only the sound, lighting and smoke, these are all controlled by the side console.

Regarding this part, Ms. Tomita, who is in charge of tuning, is usually in charge, but she seems to be resting today, so Ms. Asano had to replace her.

And Ms. Asano handed it over to Aimi Terashima, who disappeared.

Controlling the light changes, the stage was plunged into darkness. After more than ten seconds, the drumsticks were hitting each other on the stage, and the sound of the keyboard player's effector broke through the air. most central.

And when Aimi Terashima saw the band on the stage clearly, she was so surprised that she couldn't say a word.

On the stage, the girl in a black leather jacket and a red plaid skirt, holding the microphone tightly with both hands, changed her usual style, her neat short hair fluttered in the air, and she wore a bright and hot lipstick, releasing a soothing and depressing singing voice.

"Screaming goodbye and gratitude."

"There are more important things than sadness."

"I want to convey to you the back view of going away."

"To feel the warmth and pain."

Familiar melody, same track, but completely different style.

The human voice overwhelmed the sound of the musical instruments, as if even the sense of existence was swallowed by her voice. The girl in the center of the stage has such a powerful aura.

Like the queen who controls this space, any gap is filled with the power of her voice.

Aimi Terashima, who was sitting in the tuning room, had to sit quietly in her original position, watching the girl's every move on the stage.

Mogami Kazuto beside her lowered her head to watch Aimi Terashima's reaction.

The soles of the shoes involuntarily hit the ground, and the girl beat the beat involuntarily, and her eyes never moved away from the girl from the beginning to the end.

Suddenly, the girl's soothing and hoarse voice suddenly disappeared, and there was a strong guitar solo, the overtones stopped abruptly, and the entire concert hall seemed to be dominated by a time-based double, suspending the entire space.

The musicians behind them began to show their charm and passed the stage in an instant.

The blank space of the girl's singing voice is occupied by the many musical notes around her, which is no less than the girl's singing voice. The audience's emotions are ignited at this moment. Such a hot atmosphere is exactly what they are pursuing here.

None of them could have imagined that the band Blessing Star, which was once rumored to be disbanded, would appear here.

The moment Sora Asano, who is the lead singer, appeared on the stage, all they had left was loud cheers as a welcome speech for her return.

On the stage, Sora Asano spread his arms, closed his eyes, and stopped singing and playing.

However, the atmosphere at the scene did not decrease at all because of this.

The electronic monsters gushing out from the speakers bit their hearing, giving them the most primitive music enjoyment.

Asano Sora raised his hand and pointed to the location of the tuning room, without saying a word, but Kazuto Mogami could feel that Terashima Aimi beside him was greatly shaken.

After all, her shoulders were shaking.

It can't be helped, the same song can show such an earth-shaking change, this is the gap in momentum.

Terashima loves her, and she will feel frustrated, and there is nothing he can do about it.

This was what Kazuto Mogami felt, and he could only understand it so far.

For Aimi Terajima, Sora Asano showed her what she cannot have. The power of one person cannot compete with five people after all.

The soul of Blessing Star is not just Sora Asano, the performance of five people is the real Blessing Star.

To be shown off, to be challenged, to be knocked down.

But she didn't feel depressed at all, and she didn't feel jealous about it.

Because, the girls on the stage, the smiles they showed were so enjoyable.

Enjoy the buddies, enjoy the music, enjoy the cheers.

Seeing such a performance, Aimi Terashima couldn't help but feel envious.

Want to sing.

It is no longer singing alone, but standing on the stage together like them, shining brightly.

At this moment, the 19-year-old girl finally found what she had been looking for all along.


At the end of the first song, Sora Asano, who was standing in the center of the stage, was already dripping with sweat and his footsteps were flimsy.

If it was before, this level is nothing at all.

The band members behind cast worried glances at her one by one, but none of them could stop her with a voice, and could only silently watch her petite and thin back.

"Everyone! Across!"

Sora Asano showed a smile, waved his arms, and shouted to the audience.


The audience off the stage responded to her.

"Thank you everyone! We are Blessing Star!"


The feedback from the sound waves off the stage is the most enthusiastic wave today.

"I'm sorry, I just came here to perform without any explanation.

Although it happened suddenly, I have a very regrettable news to inform you all. "

There were noisy sounds in the audience area, and the originally ignited atmosphere gradually began to decline uncontrollably.

"I, Sora Asano, quit Blessing Star from today."

There was an immediate uproar in the audience, and the reaction of the audience fell into the eyes of the five people on the stage. Even so, Sora Asano couldn't back down.

"But! Blessing Star will not disband! Never!

I will never let the hard work I have put in so far be in vain.

Blessing Star... is my most precious and cherished thing!
Even without me, Blessing Star will continue to go on as a band in the future! "

Sora Asano looked around the stage, crystal beads of sweat fell from his forehead, passed through his eye sockets, and dripped on the floor.

With firm eyes, she looked at the girl in the tuning room, and she couldn't help but clenched the microphone tightly.

She didn't want to hand over this microphone easily.

But she had to let go, it was for Blessing Star and for herself.

"Next, it's my last song as Blessing Star's captain, lead singer, and guitarist.


What are you looking at with your head down!

As long as I'm on stage... you guys!Just have to!look at me!
The last one!
"God Knows"

(End of this chapter)

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