After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 154 149. On the Trouble of Ms. Sakura.

Chapter 154 149. On the Trouble of Ms. Sakura.

So embarrassing.

This is too embarrassing for the wife.

Ms. Sakura had never been treated like this before. Looking at Kazuto Mogami standing under the light in the room, she pursed her lips and was speechless.

There was only the lonely light of the street lamp on her body, which shone on her, making her look miserable.

"Hello, top."


Mogami Kazuto didn't care about the fact that she didn't even bother to add the word "Sir".

"Let girls blow the wind outside, are you considered a gentleman?"

"Well, it doesn't count, so I'm here to drive you away."


He really can't talk.

"Go home, it's so dark outside, and the lights of the neighbors around are all turned off after a while, it's weird."

"Is there any strange things near your house, don't fool me."

"It won't come out today, probably."

"Is there really anything! Tell me to be sure!"

Of course, he lied to her.

Only a fool would believe it, but Sakura-san seemed to be trembling with all her strength.

People in their 20s, do you still believe this?

The street lamp flickered slightly, flickering on and off, causing Sakura to shrink her neck.

Mogami Kazuto was tired of playing charades, so he asked directly: "Miss Sakura, did you come to see me for something?"

"Do I look like someone who would stay in front of someone else's house until dark?"

"Actually, you did that, right?" Mogami Kazuto replied mercilessly.


It seems that in the RPG game, the number of blood volume reduction will float up when she takes damage.

Kazuto Mogami doesn't like dealing with this girl, it's troublesome, and she has no common sense, God knows what shocking things she will do.

Compared with her, except for eating more, there is almost no problem with clear water and sand, so it is much easier to get along with.

"Miss Sakura, what are you doing here today?"

Mogami Kazuto didn't intend to continue entangled with her, he thought that she would leave after a long time, but he didn't expect to be able to stay for so long.

Since he had such perseverance, it would be great to find some more clues about the incident at the beginning, and he added a little bit of trouble to himself.

"Well... sorry, sorry."

Rarely, Sakura Ayane answered frankly.

Kazuto Mogami frowned: "Okay, I understand, please go back."

After all, the door will be closed.

"Huh?! Wait for me, you bastard!"

"What else?"

"this is for you."

Ms. Sakura tilted her neck, looking at the electric pole beside the road for some reason, her hands holding the gift box were stretched straight forward.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but think of the memories of his school days in his mind, it seems that every few days, a girl would hand him the letter paper stuffed in a pink envelope like this, and his response without exception was rejection.

Under the light of the street lamp, her side face was extremely beautiful. Except for the pointed and curved nose, she couldn't pick out any flaws, and her eyes looked at him erratically.

"what is that?"


"What's in there?"

"Come over here, open it and have a look and you'll know."

Hearing such words, Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to open the door and walk outside.

When I came under the street lamp, black shadows overlapped and criss-crossed each other. The overlapping shadows were extremely dark, making the surrounding shadows look gray.

Kazuto Mogami looked at the gift box in Sakura Ayane's hand, received it, and did not open it immediately.

"You just want to give me this, so you waited outside until now?"

"Yes." Sakura Ayane nodded.

"Why didn't you ring the doorbell?"

"Will you come out if you press it?"

Mogami Kazuto thought for a while: "Maybe not."

"Who wants to listen to such a big truth." Sakura Ayane looked at him angrily.


Mogami Kazuto stopped talking, looked down at the contents of the gift box, took it out, and opened the leather cover.

"Then what, I said Miss Sakura."


"what is this?"

"Can't you see? A harmonica."

Mogami Kazuto glanced up at her: "I mean, why the harmonica?"

"When I came to your house last time, you said you could play a musical instrument, but I didn't know what you like, so I picked it randomly, don't you?"

"will not."

"Tch." She clicked her tongue unexpectedly.

"Miss Sakura, your attitude doesn't look like an apology."

"Anyway, that's my personality. I'm sorry for what happened last time. It doesn't matter if you forgive me or not. Anyway, I'm very sorry."

Ms. Sakura solemnly bent down at [-] degrees, paused for a few seconds, then straightened up again, breathed a long sigh of relief, and slowly showed a reassuring smile.

She was extraordinarily frank today, even to the point of slightly surprising Mogami Kazuto.

"It's the first time I've seen someone smile and apologize."

Sakura Ayane didn't care at all about the sarcasm in Mogami Kazuto's words.

"Because I did what Sakura Ayane couldn't do before, so at this moment, Sakura Ayane is undoubtedly better."

“It’s really a positive way of thinking.”

"That's right, this is me, the lifestyle of Ayane Sakura."

She seemed to be serious, and Kazuto Mogami felt more and more that she was an unreasonable girl, and she might be seriously ill.

But in all fairness, her way of thinking is not bad.

"Then, Ms. Sakura, who is better than last second, can you please stop staying in front of my house?"

"Tsk, I wanted to say it a long time ago, Mogami, do you treat everyone in this way?"

"No, only to you who almost caused me to die socially."


Sakura Ayane faltered for a long time, and then squeezed out another sentence: "You are really, I know you are wrong."

"Also, I don't remember that the relationship between us can be called by surname directly, at least add San or Jun to me."

"You are really troublesome." Miss Sakura impatiently touched the back of her neck.

"Only I don't want to be told by you."

"Am I troublesome?" Sakura Ayane raised her neck in dissatisfaction, and looked into Mogami Kazuto's eyes.

"This question sounds like Midori asked Watanabe how much she likes her. I can almost think of how to describe it."

"Huh? What is that, the meaning is unknown."

As expected, Ms. Sakura did not understand, and Kazuto Mogami was going to teach her a lesson.

"In the dark forest, you sit alone by the lake to rest,

Next door came a tiger that had been hungry for more than ten days,

The corners of his mouth were drooling, and his eyes were wide open.

It says this to you:
'Hello, miss, can I eat it? '

Then, you were chased by the tiger for three days and three nights,
Finally got rid of it, climbed up the tree,
But the monkey on the tree laughed and clenched his hair, scratched his skin,

Are you annoying? "

"Too annoying."

Kazuto Mogami said solemnly:

"You are so troublesome."


 Add rewards (7/16)

  This month seems to be over, I'm numb.

(End of this chapter)

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