After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 155 150. The gear of fate between them is about to turn again.

Chapter 155 150. The gear of fate between them is about to turn again.

Sakura Ayane never imagined that Kazuto Mogami would use "Norwegian Wood" to satirize her.

Is there something serious wrong with this person? Even speaking bad things so politely, is he showing off his knowledge?

After all, "Norwegian Wood" can't be called showing off knowledge, or is it seeing her as a fool?
Anyway, Sakura-san got a little angry.

"You're not very pleasant."

"I agree with you on this point."

Mogami Kazuto didn't cater to her ideas, don't think that you can do whatever you want because you are a rich woman.

"Hmph. I've already apologized, and I've given you the gift of apology. I'm going home." Ayane Sakura wrinkled her nose, regardless of her personality, the small crease between the bridge of her nose was quite cute.

"Walk slowly without sending."

Look, he's really not likable at all.

Ayane Sakura glared at him, but the lights here were dim, and Ms. Sakura didn't know whether the emotion in her eyes was conveyed smoothly.

But that kind of thing is fine anyway, in this way, she can finally make her feel a lot better with guilt, and then as long as she doesn't have any interaction with this person, and gradually forget about it, it will be fine.

"Miss Sakura."


"I just want to give you a piece of advice, it is indeed a great thing to be considerate of your friends, but Miss Sakura, you are an outsider after all, no matter what you do, I hope you can have a standard.

Otherwise, sooner or later, you will get yourself into trouble. "


Sakura Ayane stared into his eyes for a few seconds, and slowly said: "If similar things happen to my other friends in the future, the anger in my heart will not change."

"I guess so."

"If you discard this feeling, then Sakura Ayane will no longer be Sakura Ayane, but someone else."


"But because of this incident, in the future, I will take such matters more seriously, and will no longer draw conclusions based on my own opinions."

"Then it's none of my business. How you deal with it and what you think is your business. Just don't have anything to do with me."

Sakura Caiyin frowned: "You guys really have thorns in your three sentences."

"I do not deny."

Sakura Ayane waved her hand: "Forget it, Miss Ben won't care about such trivial matters."

"This is really funny, obviously I am the victim."


Sakura Ayane suppressed the irritability in her heart, and after taking a deep breath: "I'm leaving, I won't see you again, Xiaoren-kun."

"Well, see you again, Caiyin-chan."

Ayane Sakura suddenly felt a chill, and showed an expression of disgust without concealing it. It seemed that Kazuto Mogami's disgusting tactics were successful, and she fled in despair.

Back in the house, Kazuto Mogami placed the gift box in his hand on the dining table casually, turned off the lights in the entrance and living room, and went upstairs.

Lying on the bed, enjoying the 24-degree air-conditioning, Mogami Kazuto closed his eyes comfortably.

About 5 minutes later, Mogami Kazuto opened the panel.

Uchida Maaya's intimacy has increased a bit, it is now 76, and no one else has changed.

But when Mogami Kazuto slid the character information to the bottom, he suddenly became speechless.


Name: Sakura Ayane

Age: 23
Occupation: Voice actor

Relationship: none

Current Amity: -1000

Not to mention why there was an information panel about Ayane Sakura, just the dazzling -1000 made Mogami Kazuto a little confused.

He probably knew that Ayane Sakura hated him, and he didn't care at all. There were so many people who hated him, and if everyone cared about him, then he must be suffering from severe depression.

Even so, Mogami Kazuto never expected that Ayane Sakura could hate him so much.

There really is her.

Thinking about it carefully, he couldn't fully figure out what the value of intimacy is.

In short, if this number is too high, it will bring a series of troubles to Mogami Kazuto, such as stealing relatives or confessing.

From this point of view, Ms. Sakura at -1000 is simply the least troublesome one, so you don't have to worry about being entangled by her at all.

Life is really amazing. Just thinking from another angle can bring about such a big change in mood.

But even so, Kazuto Mogami has no intention of getting along with Ayane Sakura, and getting too close to such a troublesome girl probably won't do anything good.

It's a pity that there is no "disassembly" button on the panel, otherwise Kazuto Mogami would really like to erase this name from the panel.



Time to Friday.

As early as last night, Shimizu and Yousha had sent a message saying that they would come to eat dinner tonight, so this afternoon, after practicing guitar for a few hours, Kazuto Mogami went out to the supermarket.

Coincidentally, Mogami Kazuto met Maaya Uchida again.

The supermarket near his home can already be regarded as a singularity.

She seems to be going out with her younger brother today. Kazuto Mogami has seen him before. He is a very smiling boy. His name seems to be Uchida Yuma.

The reason why he is called a boy is because Mogami Kazuto is not sure about his age, and he is not too tall and looks relatively young, so he is called a boy.

Although it was just a few simple exchanges, it can be seen that he is a very lively and cheerful person, and belongs to the completely opposite type of Kazuto Mogami.

I don't know what Uchida Yuma said in his sister's ear, which made Uchida Maaya blushed and yelled at him not to run away. Kazuto Mogami envied this kind of relationship between brothers and sisters.

When the shopping was over and I was walking home alone with the ingredients, I met that petite girl at the intersection.

She stretched out her hand very naturally, Mogami Kazuto almost subconsciously, handed the lighter shopping bag to her hand, and she raised a sweet smile.

"Will you buy too much?"

"Anyway, you can eat it."

"Such words are really too much for a lady."

"Will you be angry?"

"Well... no."

"That's all right."

"I said, isn't the attitude towards me recently a bit too perfunctory?"

"It doesn't matter if you are more polite and humble, Miss Shimizu."

"I didn't say I wanted you to do this."

Kazuto Mogami chuckled and led her into the gate of Mogami's house.



Ueno General Hospital.

After finishing work in the afternoon, she stayed with Mogami until dusk until Junpei Mogami finished his work. After rushing to the hospital, she let Mogami take care of his body with a light smile and bid them farewell.

The air outside is always sweeter than the air in the hospital.

She walked all the way towards the station, quietly watching the passing pedestrians and vehicles, everything was no different from ordinary daily life.


She stopped suddenly.

The heavy traffic in front of him was once again covered with a color-breaking filter.

Looking at the options given in the script, she sighed softly.

 I suddenly thought of a stalk today. I hope that Qidian will not have another novel called "After Marriage, Popular Voice Actors Suddenly Moved to My House".

(End of this chapter)

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