After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 156 151. Until your chapter comes, I will still be your friend.

Chapter 156 151. Until you come back, I will still be your friend.

After dinner, Shimizu Yusa was hugging Mogami Kazuto's tablet computer, curled up in the sofa, watching with relish the copy of the first draft of the second volume of "Journey to Death".

Kazuto Mogami stood on the counter in the kitchen, talking on the phone with his mother.

[Tomorrow is Saturday, I will come to the hospital to see you. 】

[It's okay, it's a hard day off, you still have to come here, it's too troublesome. 】

[No trouble, I can't see you on weekdays, at least let me take care of you on weekends. 】

【Mom, it's okay, Saori has been coming to see me, saying that you are busy with work. 】

It was the first time Kazuto Mogami heard such information, and he couldn't speak. He hadn't told his mother the news of his resignation from the company.

With Mochiyo's personality, even if he told the truth, he probably wouldn't blame him for quitting his job without authorization, but only worried about his future source of income and whether he could take care of his family.

But fortunately, he is now making money from his novels. As long as he maintains his standards and speeds up his writing, he will earn more and more royalties in the future.

Mogami Kazuto himself doesn't take money too seriously, but he also understands that without money, it is absolutely impossible. At least this string of numbers can bring parents peace of mind, and money can do a lot of things when major events happen.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami thought that it would be better to have more money.

[Compared to this, the matter of going to Atami is really not good, is it? 】

As expected, Mokamiyo still mentioned this matter.

It was difficult for Kazuto Mogami to quibble, so he had to use Saori Konishi's work as an excuse to get away with it.


After hanging up the phone, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but sigh, thinking about going to visit his mother tomorrow and confessing his work problems.

Back in the living room, Kazuto Mogami sat down on the sofa and glanced at the time, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

"There is sand, it's getting late, it's not safe to go back too late."

"Well, I know, let me finish this volume."

Shimizu Yousha flicked the screen of the tablet, without even looking at Kazuto Mogami, Kazuto Mogami shook his head.

Suddenly, Shimizu Yousha stopped swiping his finger on the screen, and looked up at Kazuto Mogami beside him.



"Heren-san, who do you want to travel with?"

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback: "Why do you ask that?"

Shimizu Yousha pointed to the coffee table: "Just after eating pudding, when I was looking for a napkin to wipe my mouth, I found two vouchers for a hot spring hotel in the drawer of the coffee table. The deadline is this weekend."

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

After thinking about it, he didn't intend to hide it. Qingshui Yousha was the one who knew the most about his affairs with Saori Xiaonishi, and was even a party in the changing relationship at one time.

"My mother said that when Saori and I got married, I couldn't go to the wedding trip, and gave me this when I went home last time."

"Didn't you say anything about the divorce?"

"Well, I originally wanted to say that my father has confessed everything that happened, including my resignation from the company and the matter of writing light novels."

"That's it."


After hesitating for a while, Kazuto Mogami said slowly, "My mother is hospitalized, but I haven't been able to visit her on weekdays because I haven't told her why I left the job. Does it sound ridiculous?"

He has never been able to say such things to anyone. If it is a flower with clear water and sand, he might be willing to listen.

"To tell a lie, one must use more lies to perfect the original lie."

Mogami Kazuto doesn't like to lie, I believe that no one likes to lie, but no one can't tell a lie.

There can be many reasons for lying. There is no difference between inadvertent lying and deliberate lying.

"I'm already, I don't want to continue to deceive her."

Shimizu looked at Kazuto Mogami silently, the tablet computer in his hand turned off at some point.

"Heren-san, have you been worrying about these things all by yourself?"

"Say it, it won't change anything, will it?"

"Since it won't change whether you say it or not, it will make you feel lighter if you say it."

Mogami Kazuto looked at her, with a slight smile in Shimizu and sand, his voice was still so sweet and soft.

"If Heren-sang thinks that I have nothing to do with you, you can treat me as your tree hole, and you can confide to me whether you are happy or troubled.

In the past, Kazuto-san didn't say anything to others, and always looked sullen. Recently, he managed to change.

He talks a lot, and occasionally jokes, and even laughs a lot more than before. "

"that is because……"

"It's because of Saori." Qingshui Yousha answered before him.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head: "It has nothing to do with her."

Qingshui Yousha stared at Mogami Kazuto for a long time, his smile gradually disappeared, and he said in a very serious tone, "I can tell that Kazuto's eyes are lying."


Why can she be so sure?
Is it a kind of arrogance to label someone without authorization and believe that your thoughts must be correct?

Mogami Kazuto doesn't think Shimizu Yusa is an arrogant girl.

But after thinking about it, does the label "not arrogant" that I put on Shimizu Yousha also represent the arrogance of Mogami Kazuto?

Sure enough, people cannot understand each other.

If it really looked like he was lying, as Qingshui Yousha said, then what was the reason?

Does he like Saori Nishi?

He must not like it, Mogami Kazuto was sure.

So why do I resist her so much?

After much deliberation, Kazuto Mogami could only leave all this to the original owner.

Because the original owner liked her, some of the ideas that the brand new Mogami Kazuto had had must have been left by the original owner.

That's right.

As long as it happened to him, those things that made it difficult for him to come up with an answer, he would throw them all to the original owner, so that he would not have to think about his true thoughts.

Escape is shameful, but useful.

Shimizu Yousha took a deep breath, looked into Mogami Kazuto's eyes: "I think Kazuto-san is a coward."


"Kazuto-san has always said that he doesn't like Saori, but every time I talk about Saori, Kazuto-san will show a very sad expression, isn't it strange?"

Mogami Kazuto couldn't refute it, she was telling the truth.

"I think Kazuto-san should sit down with Saori and have a good talk,"

Shimizu Yusa once said this sentence, but it was overruled by Mogami Kazuto at that time.

"This is an opportunity."


"If Kazuto-san can still maintain the current thinking after this incident, then you don't have to show such a sad expression anymore.

The current Kazuto-san looks like a child whose mother refuses to buy toys for him, and just stays at the door of the store in a fit of anger. "

"Yousha, care so much about me and her?"

Mogami Kazuto couldn't figure out why Shimizu Yousa had to do this because of his affair with Saori Xiaonishi.

Is it because they are best friends, but because, from the standpoint of a good friend, she is seriously worrying about Kazuto Mogami?

Kazuto Mogami had never asked her to do such a thing, it was unnecessary.

But the reaction of clear water with sand was beyond his expectation.

She was very positive, the warm yellow living room light shone on her face, for some reason, a mysterious blush appeared.

"I don't want to be a cunning girl."


It turned out that he was deceived by the panel.

Well, this statement may not be true, it was himself who lied to him.

Kazuto Mogami was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "Yousha is acting a bit tough now."

"I know."

"You should know that I'm not good at dealing with people with a strong attitude."

Shimizu Yusha raised his head, facing Mogami Kazuto's intentional or unintentional "threats", he did not give in at all. The girl's bright eyes looked at him without timidity:
"Even if Kazuto-san hates me, I don't want to say anything to avoid it."


She is much more powerful than what Mogami Kazuto had imagined. Mogami Kazuto originally thought that Qingshui Yousha was just a stupid girl who only smirked and acted cute besides eating.

So much so that I almost forgot the initial period between them, the clear water with sand and cold attitude.

Mogami Kazuto is not a person who doesn't understand customs, he can probably imagine the idea of ​​sand in clear water.

Facing the reality that happened around him, he has been evading until now, pushing all the phenomena that happened to him to the original owner who is no longer there, and convinced himself with peace of mind.

Qingshui Yousha took a deep breath, smiled nicely again, and tried to ease the surrounding air.

She is not as lively and carefree as she looks on the surface. Besides eating, she also has many worries.

Faced with these troubles, the choices she made were completely different from Kazuto Mogami.


"Heren-sang, if this time, Heren-sang can calm down and talk with Saori, really find out his true heart, stop avoiding her, and treat her as an ordinary stranger.

After you come back from Atami, I... have something very important to tell you. "


Qingshui Yousha didn't say what he wanted to say, Mogami Kazuto knew it, so he didn't ask.

"Heren-san, do you hate me?"

"not at all."

"Then... am I He Rensang's friend?"


"Then please treat this as a request from a friend."


"Well, until the day Heren-sang comes back, I will continue to be your friend obediently."

(End of this chapter)

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