Chapter 157 152. Travel (1)

late at night.

The moonlight was quiet outside the window, Mogami Kazuto sat quietly on the chair, a little lost in thought.

Today's Mogami Kazuto only occasionally thinks of himself when he sees the moon.

He seemed to be assimilated by this world and became Mogami Kazuto.

He could not resist, nor did he have the will to resist.

There is nothing wrong with spending the rest of your life peacefully and doing what you want to do.

If it is possible to do it all over again, Mogami Kazuto hopes that he can be Mogami Kazuto from the beginning.

She didn't appear on the wedding day, but was born into this world as "Mogami Kazuto".

In that case, his personality and life may undergo earth-shaking changes.

Presumably, she will still become childhood sweethearts with Xiao Xi Sazhi, but as long as she doesn't like her, or is not as obsessed with her as the original owner, there will be no problem.

They can grow up as ordinary childhood sweethearts, whether they fall in love with each other as time goes by, or have their own lovers, or have their own continuations.

Not all sounds like a bad result.

Why must he be burdened with another person's life? Mogami Kazuto couldn't figure it out.

But this is at best what Mogami Kazuto once thought. Now that he has decided to get out of that circle, there is no need to be obsessed with the past of this body.

At least mentally.

He said it was his life.

So, is it just like Qingshui Yousha said, is his attitude towards Xiao Nishi Saori too strange?
Kazuto Mogami has the answer in his heart.

Qing Shui You Sha is right, he is just a coward.

Then when a coward realizes that he is a coward, if he doesn't do something, he may be like this for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Mogami and people made up their minds.

He can't live forever in the shadow of the original owner and Xiao Nishi Saori, even for a guy like him, in this world, some people will say they like him.

Kazuto Mogami tried to respond to them.

To do this, he must break free from the cage.

Looking at the chat box page on the phone screen, Mogami Kazuto felt calm in his heart, less turbulent than he imagined.

[Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, do you have a job? 】

I did have a slight finger jitter while sending, but that was no big deal.

Soon, the reply came.

[No need. 】



Saturday morning.

Kazuto Mogami didn't run in the morning today, and he didn't even make breakfast for himself. After washing up, he packed his sports bag with clothes and toiletries, and went out.

Kazuto Mogami saw many hanging red lanterns on the way to the station because the Obon Festival was approaching.

Before the temperature rose and the dew on the leaves of unknown trees on the roadside had not evaporated completely, Kazuto Mogami arrived at Tokyo Station early.

At a nearby convenience store, he bought sandwiches and milk. The ham was full of starch, but he still ate it clean.

After waiting for a long time, the agreed object appeared in the field of vision, wearing a pure white shirt with the hem tucked into the plaid skirt, which was quite simple and refreshing.

She didn't seem to see Mogami Kazuto right away, she stood there and looked around, checking the time on her phone, as if hesitating whether to send a message to Mogami Kazuto.

For some unknown reason, Mogami Kazuto watched like this for five or six minutes without going up to talk to him.

And she was just standing, like an actress on the stage, behind the curtain, waiting to play.

Taking a step back a little, politely and gracefully rejecting the man who came to strike up a conversation, the smile on her face remained undiminished.

She seems to be able to show that kind of smile to anyone, the corners of her mouth are clearly upturned, but she seems to reject people a thousand miles away.

Tired of watching, too lazy to observe humans, Mogami Kazuto walked over.

She finally saw the figure of Kazuto Mogami, and waved to him from a long distance away.

"Good morning, Kazuto."

"Well, good morning."

Without pretending to be indifferent, Mogami Kazuto greeted him in a normal tone with a slight smile.

It's like the tone of a convenience store clerk who shouts "Welcome" hundreds of times a day when he meets a regular customer.

It's very simple isn't it.

"Then let's go."



Their destination today is Atami Station. From Tokyo Station, take the limited express train, and they can arrive there in one hour, two and ten minutes.

Konishi Saori was still sitting by the window, looking in a good mood. What surprised Kazuto Mogami was that she didn't do anything that bothered him.

Just quietly looking out of the car window, with a gentle smile, without saying a word.

So far, Mogami Kazuto's heart is very peaceful, without the throbbing that suddenly appeared that night.

He is still awake.

Mogami Kazuto became more determined with each passing minute.


Atami City is located in the eastern part of Shizuoka Prefecture. It is a mountain city and is famous for its hot springs.

For this city, Mogami Kazuto’s deepest impression is that in some third-rate TV dramas, there are always male characters who will take their lovers to the island to soak in the hot springs under the pretext of a temporary business trip, leaving a deep impression on Mogami Kazuto. Impressions of the Holy Land.

After getting out of the car, the air that penetrates the tip of the nose along the soft summer wind is much cooler than Tokyo, with the unique smell of mountains and seas, refreshing.

Outside the station, besides lush trees everywhere, there are two rows of foot baths at the entrance of the station. Many people are sitting there, soaking their feet in the pools, including children and adults.

"Kazuto, it seems to be a shopping street over there, let's go there and have a look, you can buy some specialties to take back."

"Go back and buy it again. It's not convenient to buy it now."

"Well... that's right, then go and have a look."

Because Atami City is a mountain city, almost all of them are slopes. I am used to walking on the gentle avenues of big cities like Tokyo. It feels amazing to walk on the sloped trails.

No, the wonderful feeling didn't come from the ramp, but from this woman next to me.

Going on a wedding trip with a newly divorced ex-wife sounds really ridiculous.

Now, what kind of relationship should be called between me and her?

Childhood sweetheart?ex-wife?
None of these terms are accurate.

He is Mogami Kazuto, but not completely, at least for him now, Xiao Nishi Saori is just a stranger who has crossed paths with him.

It might sound odd to be courteous or indifferent to an ordinary stranger.

Keep a humble and normal heart towards others, and stabilize yourself. After this trip, Kazuto Mogami will be able to gain complete control over this body.

He will no longer be troubled by his body instincts, he will break the attachment that made him anxious, and he will even be able to use this as an opportunity to find the love that truly belongs to him in this world.

After all, there are still people in Tokyo, waiting for him to go back.

At that time, how should I answer her?

 At the end of November, I'm stretching my hips, and there are still 11 chapters to be added this month.



  Why do you owe more and more!

(End of this chapter)

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