Chapter 158 153. Travel (2)

When it was close to noon, the two entered a nearby restaurant. The overall decoration was very local and Japanese, and there were quite a lot of local dishes on the menu. After all, it is rare to go out for travel. If you go to a chain store to eat, it will be too bad.

"Kazuto, Hatsushima, we can go later, let's look around in Atami City now, is there any place you want to go?"

Kazuto Mogami thought for a while and said casually, "Then go to the mountain and have a look."

"On the mountain?" Xiaoxi Saori was taken aback, and looked at him strangely.

"Yeah." Kazuto Mogami nodded.

Xiao Nishi Saori didn't say anything more.

Although Kazuto Mogami has made up his mind not to look at Saori Konishi with prejudice, it is inevitable that there is still some resistance.

Just like Qingshui Yousha said, as long as you can handle the relationship with the woman beside you, treat it with a normal heart.

Then he can get rid of the shackles, respond to the expectations of other girls, and even pursue whom.

Kazuto Mogami is just a vulgar mortal, somewhere in his heart, he also looks forward to the family that truly belongs to him.

Not predatory, not camouflaged.

It is the family that belongs to him in the true sense and can stay by his side for the rest of his life.



Sitting on the cable car leading to the observation deck, besides Kazuto Mogami and Saori Konishi, there were two other passengers who looked like couples from other places.

The cable car to the top of the mountain costs 400 yen for a one-way trip and 700 yen for a round trip. Kazuto Mogami is here for tourism, not for exercise, so he naturally chose the round trip.

Under the cable car, the bushes were dense, and it looked like huge broccoli one after another. Mogami and others were not interested, but Xiao Nishi Saori was very active in taking pictures.

Regardless of external factors, Mogami Kazuto thinks that he should be regarded as a person who likes traveling and scenery.

Because of his occupation, he always stayed at home in his previous life. Although it was very relaxing, it was inevitable that he would have longing for things he had never seen before.

Moreover, this is also a source of inspiration for his writing.

For example, the cable car under him can be dumped in the snow in dilapidated condition, and become a kotatsu covering the hero and heroine in the snowy night.

The cold wind of the foreign snowy night blows into the compartment along the gap, and the burnt firewood has long been turned into cold sticks, and they embrace each other and fall asleep.

See, as long as you think about these things, even if you are traveling with strangers, Mogami Kazuto can still appreciate the beauty of nature.

"and people."

Konishi Saori's voice came from next to his ear, and Mogami Kazuto looked slightly sideways.


"I remember I was a little afraid of heights before I was with someone. Is it okay now?"

"That's right, it's something for the lower grades of elementary school."

Mogami Kazuto responded calmly.

"That's true, but... it still doesn't make much sense.

When Kazuto was a child, even going down the slide, he had to be pushed by someone behind him.

And when you are on the swing, you are very afraid that someone will stand next to you, worrying that they will play tricks and push you further and further away. "

The childhood sweetheart beside him kept revealing [his] dark history.

Kazuto Mogami has an impression of all of this. The movie, which lasted more than 1000 million minutes, was replayed in his mind all the time. He didn't even understand how he finished watching it.

Every time [myself] is bullied, the woman beside me will appear handsomely, like a prince in a fairy tale, coming to protect [him] and yelling not to bully [him].

Girls are incredible creatures, what could have made her what she is now.

Mogami Kazuto probably knew it, but he didn't care.

He is not her real childhood sweetheart, nor has he ever been crazy or obsessed with her, he just lived under the same roof as a pretend couple for two months.

Two months is too short compared to 24 years.

Therefore, Mogami Kazuto suddenly saw it very openly.


On the observation deck, there are sandy beaches, sea water, and crowds in the distance.

Standing condescendingly on the top of the mountain, it seems that you can smell the breath of sea water washing away the gravel.

Feeling the warm summer wind blowing, Kazuto Mogami feels very comfortable. Compared with Atami, Tokyo is really hot.

It was already August, and the season of roses had already passed, but Kazuto Mogami seemed to be able to quietly mix the aroma of roses into the wind, wrapping him in it.

Mogami Kazuto smiled lightly.

"And you, you seem to be in a good mood."

Xiao Xi Sazhi turned her head to look at him with a surprised face, his expression at the moment did not fall into her eyes at all.

"Is there?"

"Well, before this, Kazuto didn't like to laugh very much."

Kazuto Mogami glanced at her, but he wanted to ask her, living in that kind of environment, how big a heart must he have to be able to laugh.

But now, Kazuto Mogami doesn't think it matters much anymore, neither likes nor dislikes.

In Kazuto Mogami's memory, when Saori Xiaonishi proposed to pretend to be married, the original owner agreed almost instantly, without even the slightest hesitation.

People have to pay the price for their choices.

Then, being possessed, he can only bear the consequences of this decision alone.

Fortunately, after that, he cut it off.

"When you said before, how long ago was it, a month ago? Or ten years ago?"

"It's all different."

"It's different."

Xiao Nishi Saori thought for a while, and said: "Is it the atmosphere, or something else, compared with a month ago, it feels softer.

At that time, Kazuto was more like hiding in his own world, not interested in anything. "

Kazuto Mogami looked calm: "That's it."

"However, compared with when I was a child, and when I met just this year, it's really... a different person."

Because there are only two people.

It was understandable for her to think so.

Kazuto Mogami back then tried his best to play the role of the original owner. He once abandoned himself and became a lonely puppet.

No doubt it was a stupid thing to do.

He has realized it and made a change for it.

Now he no longer has the idea of ​​playing someone else, he just wants to live for himself and for freedom.

Mogami Kazuto put his hand on the railing, the black railing absorbed the heat of the sun, and it was slightly hot.



"Even today, I have not regretted my decision to divorce."

Xiao Xi Saori was silent for a while, then brushed back her hair that was blown by the wind, and nodded calmly: "Well, I knew it when I saw your expression."

"I don't like you, it can even be said that I hate you a little bit."

"Being a person who pestered me every day to say that he liked me when I was a child, it feels quite strange to say such things in person."

Saori Xiaonishi smiled so naturally, so naturally that Mogami and others couldn't tell whether it was acting or sincerity.

But that's not important, Mogami Kazuto doesn't care about such insignificant things.

Compared to exploring Xiaonishi Saori's true feelings under the mask at this time, inconceivably, Mogami Kazuto's attention paid more attention to what Shimizu Yousa said to him before he left.

This was the second time he had encountered such a thing since he came to this world.

For the first time, he was still the one living in his own world.

But precisely because of that experience, Mogami Kazuya decided to be more cautious in his communication with people, and found his dream.

Kazuto Mogami said slowly, "I want to ask a question."

"What is it?"

"Because I can't always see through your thoughts, even if you ask me about some things and you answer me, I can't judge whether it is true or not.

But even so, I still want to confirm one thing with you. "

Kazuto Mogami's tone was very calm, his eyes were focused on the waves in the distance, and half of the sand castle was destroyed, leaving a sad child crying on the spot.

Konishi Saori looked at Mogami Kazuto quietly without saying a word.

"Have you ever liked the me who was ten years ago?"

This question may sound a bit strange, but to [Mogami Kazuto], it is very important.

"At that time, Kazuto was a unique childhood sweetheart for me."

She answered both tactfully and decisively.

The moment she spoke, there seemed to be a sound of chains breaking deep in Kazuto Mogami's heart.

The inexplicable haze that had plagued him until now suddenly dissipated, and his mood gradually became clearer.

All the emotions that Zeng Jinhui had because of the woman beside him were taken away at this moment, as if they never existed.

Although it was sad, and even felt a little unbearable for [him], for the current Mogami Kazuto, this was the answer he was looking forward to.

"Thank you for your honesty."

"You're welcome."

Mogami Kazuto took a deep breath, he had never breathed such sweet air.

"What about Kazuto?" Little Nishi Saori asked suddenly.


"do you like it?"

Mogami Kazuto shook his head: "I told you, I don't like you."

He was able to be sure, without any hesitation, his body that would throb because of her, could not shudder in resistance.

This is his body, and he is the supreme and human being.

Xiao Xi Saori shook her head at this moment: "I didn't mean me."

After that, she looked directly into Kazuto Mogami's eyes, trying to see through the indifference he wore.

"You should know who I'm talking about."


 On the day of Sister Shuizi's birthday, I couldn't write Xiaoshui's space, and I felt very sad.

  Happy birthday Sister Shuizi!

(End of this chapter)

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