Chapter 159 154. Travel (3)

Today I woke up very early. I usually sleep until after nine o'clock, and I opened my eyes at eight o'clock.

I don't go to bed until five o'clock.

Really strange thing.

After waking up, I didn't make a complicated breakfast because I was worried about setting the kitchen on fire again.

In fact, I don't cook too complicated dishes.

Pretending to put on an apron, spread jam on toast, pour a glass full of milk, and sigh in my heart that my femininity is really incredible.

It's just that recently, for some reason, even my appetite has decreased a lot.

Originally, I shouldn't be full after eating three slices of toast in the morning, but now my appetite is surprisingly poor.

As for the reason, I actually know it very well, but I just feel that if I admit this kind of thing, I will be very shy.

After breakfast, I went to the office to show my face. In the morning, I needed to catch up with the recording set of the sound audition, because the recording studio was in Shinjuku, so I had plenty of time.

In short, I try my best to concentrate on my work so that I can force myself not to think about strange things.

As for the strange thing, if you want to break it down and talk about it, it will sound inexplicable, but I don't intend to lie to myself.

In short, I am very concerned about Saori and their movements.

Saori and Kazuto-san went on a trip. Although I'm not sure, I must have contributed to this incident.

This is actually a very normal thing. I can't see the depression of my friends. I hope they can recognize each other's feelings. If they can reconnect with each other because of this, I will happily send my blessings and say congratulations.'s fake.

In the past, I might really have such an idea, and even took the initiative to persuade He Rensang, hoping that he would think about it carefully, and I also did a lot of homework for Saori, thinking that as long as they treat each other honestly, things will go smoothly. direction of development.

However, an accident happened.

An accident called "favorite".

But by the time I noticed something was wrong with me, it seemed too late.

Unknowingly, I fell into the gentleness of that person.

Because he was too gentle, I didn't even notice the love trap he set during this period.

Hmm... This kind of statement is a bit unfair to him. He Rensang must really want to get along with me as friends.

I thought the same at first, but in the process of getting to know him gradually, my feelings changed a little bit, but when I noticed.

I... can't get away from his tenderness anymore.

This statement may be a bit wrong, I am more worried about his loneliness than his tenderness, just looking at it makes people feel uncomfortable.

Want to do something for him, think about what you can do for him.

What words should be used to describe such feelings?
It all sounds a little different than I imagined.

Just pure, wanting to give back to him.

Is it gratitude?

I like his cooking, I like his writing, and I often worry about his recent situation, so I always show up at his house.

If you call it gratitude, it may be a bit too disgusting.

After all, he never expected my gratitude.

It's too strange for me to have such feelings just because of a few meals.

But I knew that I was strange, but I let this feeling grow, and continued to interact with him, and continued to be entangled with him in the name of "good friend".

What a crafty girl.

Qingshui Yousha is such a bad girl.

When my friend was sad about this, I monopolized his cooking and his tenderness, and I couldn't even find the words to justify myself.

I, who lacks language, and who cannot convince myself, can only stop thinking about it.

It doesn't matter, because we are good friends, as long as we are good friends, no matter what I do.

Even if I take him home to meet his parents, or tell him something that would bother him without authorization, he will respond to me in his gentle way.

It is in such a gentle swamp that the more I struggle, the more I cannot get out.

...This sentence is actually a lie.

I have never struggled at all, let alone struggled and resisted, I simply enjoyed it.

I thought, I must have been hit by the delicious poison called love.

But whoever has tasted it once, no one can refuse the temptation it brings.

Like a giant bear with forbidden symptoms, licking a jar full of honey with love.

But compared to ordinary men and women, there is a deeper barrier between me and that person.

Saori Konishi, my best friend.

I wandered in the relationship between the two of them, and the communication between either party and me would become the source of hindering my voice.

Before this, I never thought that I would have strange feelings for my best friend's ex-husband.

I dare not think about it.



After the dubbing session this morning, I met up with friends for lunch at a nearby family restaurant.

During the recent period, I have gradually become unaccustomed to the food outside, but it is not to the point of disliking, but I have a thought in my heart, any other choice will be a compromise.

I've always thought of myself as a willing person.

Turns out, it was just what I thought.


"Qi, what's the matter, eating so little, it doesn't look like you at all."

Ai Kakuma, who is also a voice actor and a resident of lonelyhome, looked at me with some concern.

"Hey hey~~ I'm losing weight recently."

"Huh?! No way, I hope you are so skinny, do you still need to lose weight?"

"Kuma, I'm a singer who is going on a live tour. If I don't manage my weight well, I will be scolded by my manager."

"Hey... the singer voice actor really worked hard."

"Who said it wasn't."

"Then I won't be polite, I'll start."

Kakuma loves to smile very happily. She looks very gentle, with medium-length hair and a beautiful mole on the side of her nose. Her smile is quite contagious.

We all like to call her kuma. I heard that her surname is quite rare, and there are only about 200 people in the whole country.

Seeing her eating very deliciously, for some reason, a faint sense of superiority rose in my heart inexplicably.

【If you have tasted Kazuto-san's cuisine, you will definitely not show such an expression now. 】

This must be an abnormal thing. In the past, I would definitely not have such an idea.

Sure enough, I am a somewhat strange bad girl.

Just the fact that he became good friends with his best friend's ex-husband is incredible enough.

As if to soothe the guilt in my heart, I would persuade Rensang only after I said that to him, hoping that they could have a good talk.

...Actually, this is also a lie.

I realized that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to snuff out the guilt that was growing inside of me.

Only by resetting their relationship, can I show my feelings without leaving any room.

 Today I returned to my hometown for a long time, and I haven't been able to go home for three years.

  The death of my grandfather became an opportunity to drag me home.

  No one blamed me, and no one expected me to make a lot of money. The most common sentence everyone said to me was "just come back".

  I feel that life is really more important than anything else. I hope everyone can cherish their families and not be like me.

  I drank some wine with my family, and there may be a lot of typos. This chapter is a bit dizzy to write. I will check it again and make changes after I wake up. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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