Chapter 161 156. Travel (5)

The sea breeze in August blows, and the sound of the waves turns into a beautiful note, which spreads to the ears.

The gravel gets into the crevices of the toes, which feels soft and cool and dry.

The shining starry sky above is a sight that is difficult to see in Tokyo.

The soft starlight sprinkled down, setting off the beautiful profile of the woman beside her.

Kazuto Mogami was not moved.

It seemed that the feelings he had for her were all like illusory lies.

Strolling on the quiet white sand beach, listening to the wind, looking at the sea, despite the starlight falling, they can't capture things other than darkness on each other.

It must be because we can't see the future about each other.

Apart from Kazuto Mogami and Saori Konishi, there were other people in twos and threes on the beach, all young lovers without exception.

They bowed their heads, held hands, looked at each other and smiled from time to time, or kissed on the cheek suddenly.

Kazuto Mogami and Saori Konishi were completely different from those people.

No holding hands, no smiles, and no unexpected kisses.

Bathing in the starlight and feeling the sea breeze, they didn't even have much communication, which was incompatible with this quiet and beautiful atmosphere.

This is a matter of course, they are not lovers, not husband and wife, but childhood sweethearts with superficial appearance.

Take this long sandy beach from one end to the other, and then circle back.

If nothing happens, then presumably nothing will happen between them in the next few decades.

Little Nishi Saori just followed Mogami Kazuto quietly, half a body behind him, and when he looked at his side face, inexplicably, his past appearance appeared in his mind.

The Mogami Kazuto who once drove her to a desperate situation was no longer seen.

When they finished walking this beach, the current Mogami Kazuto would never be seen again.

This is the result of her hard work so far, for which she actively or passively told countless lies.

Do you regret it?
She shouldn't have the right to regret it, so she couldn't say anything at this moment.

Just walk the road quietly.

The end of this beach is the fork in their lives.

Every time she took a step, her mood became calmer. Just today, she can finally say goodbye to the arranged script.

Greeting the ending that had been arranged earlier, on the cast list, as a supporting role, was written his name, and then went to participate in the next script without Mogami Kazuto.

Everything is arranged properly.

What is life?

For Xiao Nishi Saori, after that snowy night, she has long since lost the qualification to experience life.

Living in countless scripts, wearing the mask of an actor, this is the rest of her life.

Although I understood it a long time ago, if I just accept it like this, I will still feel sad.

But it's just a little bit, she's used to it.

In the distance, there is a couple squatting on the beach, carrying buckets and setting off tiny fireworks.

Fireworks splashed, burning themselves with all their strength, and finally fell into the water without causing any waves.

Xiao Nishi Saori looked at the desperately burning fireworks, as if she was looking in a mirror, and saw herself in a mess.

"what happened?"

Mogami Kazuto, who was walking in front, turned around and saw her standing still.

Kazuto Mogami followed her gaze and saw another firework stick being lit.

"Want to let go?"

Kazuto Mogami asked suddenly.


Faced with Mogami Kazuto's question, Xiaonishi Saori was a little confused and didn't react for a while.

"Fireworks, do you want to set off?"

Mogami Kazuto asked again with a calm face.

"Can... can I?"

"What's wrong? Let it go if you want."

Xiao Nishi Saori looked at him for a long time, then nodded slowly.

"Oh, then I'll go buy it, you just wait here."

After leaving these words, Kazuto Mogami left alone.

Little Nishi Saori stared at his back for a long time, then slowly squatted down and sighed.



When Kazuto Mogami came back carrying the plastic bag again, Saori Nishi was squatting on the ground, paddling back and forth on the sand with her slender fingers.

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind her, she slapped the sand with her hands indiscriminately, and the words she wrote suddenly changed beyond recognition.

"Yeah, Kazuto, you're back."

The woman who used to be his wife stood up and showed him a smiling face. Kazuto Mogami didn't pay attention to her smirk, and now, he won't be shaken by such things.

And the reason why Kazuto Mogami went to buy fireworks is only due to his personality, and it has nothing to do with who the person in front of him is.

Even if he cut off the identity of the past, his most essential indiscriminate tenderness will still not change.

Whether it is said to be indecisive or weak, he is unwilling to change only this kindness towards others.

He didn't like Xiao Nishi Saori, and thought this woman was outrageous, hypocritical, and a riddler.

But between people, you can't love if you say love, or hate if you say hate.

"Fireworks, I bought them back."

"Oh... oh, thank you."

Mogami Kazuto hummed, took a borrowed bucket, filled half a bucket of sea water, and knelt down facing Saori Nishi.

In the dark blue bucket, the sea water swayed slightly, and the ripples had not completely disappeared.

He took out two firework sticks from the plastic bag, and handed the lighter to Xiaonishi Saori.

Even when she touched her snow-white and soft hand, her body didn't react at all, and her heartbeat didn't speed up, like a fresh beef roll sold on a supermarket shelf.

It is also a bit like the tactile feeling of picking up a beverage can that was thrown crookedly after drinking it on a hot summer afternoon.

The faint halo of flames lit up her cheeks, she focused on the firework in her hand, and ignited it.

Accompanied by a slight sound, gorgeous fireworks burst out, and at the same time, starlight was reflected in the eyes of the two of them.

Kazuto Mogami looked down at the burning fireworks, although they were small, they were equally beautiful.

The sea water rose and submerged his slippers-clad feet, taking away the gravel that adhered to the skin.

The gorgeous burning fireworks are beautiful and short-lived. When one is extinguished, another is lit, making a sizzling sound.

Kazuto Mogami did not deliberately distinguish its pitch, but just wanted to experience the sound and the light purely.

He watched the fireworks burn silently, his eyes glowing.

She silently watched the light in his eyes, which was brighter and more dazzling than the fireworks in his hand.

There is still something in my heart that cannot be relieved.

Everything is her choice, and there are almost no mistakes in the unfolding of the script.

But when the end is really ushered in, why can't the restlessness in the chest calm down?

It can't be said that it is a feeling of regret, it is suppressed in the bottom of my heart, and I can't tell anyone.

If you really want to say it, this should be her punishment.

Punish her for lying that day.

This lie changed Kazuto Mogami at that time, and also changed the life of her, Saori Konishi.

after all,

Why... did it become like this?
 Although I will have a physical examination the day after tomorrow, I decided to code all night today.

  I've started to dread seeing the medical report.

(End of this chapter)

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