Chapter 162 157. Travel (End)

The last firework burned out, the ashes fell into the water, and the fire in his eyes disappeared.

What penetrates into the tip of the nose is the smell of the humid sea breeze on a summer night.

Her eyes flicked across her face inadvertently, she seemed to have lost her usual smiling face, and her eyes were a little blurred as she watched the fireworks burn out.

"Let's go back."

Mogami Kazuto's clear and emotionless voice came from beside her ear, she nodded and stood up slowly.

Saori Nishi walked in front, and Kazuto Mogami followed behind, carrying the remains of the fireworks and the bucket.

Her back is thin and slender, giving people the illusion of being crumbling, which reminds Kazuto Mogami of the scene he once saw in his memory, the scene where [I] and her came home from school.

For some reason, a sentence came to Kazuto Mogami's mind.

The past is fake. Memories are a path with no return. All the past springs cannot be restored. Even the most fanatical and steadfast love, in the final analysis, is nothing but a fleeting reality, only loneliness and eternity.

Whether the original owner's feelings for Xiao Nishi Saori can be called love, he is not sure.

But at least, he didn't.



All the way back to the hotel without incident, looking at the two futons in the bedroom, Xiao Xi Saori took the initiative to distance her own bed.

She said with a smile: "It seems that today you will be wronged to sleep in the same room as me."

Mogami Kazuto didn't speak, but just slipped into the bedding silently, hearing the slight sound of the air conditioner operating, and the seemingly invisible sound of the waves crashing against the table.

"Kazuto, I turned off the light."


The moment the light faded, the room was enveloped in silence. Kazuto Mogami stared into the darkness and sniffed the strange air, which reminded him of the night when he proposed divorce to her.

"It always feels like a school trip."

Aside, Nishi Saori's voice echoed in the bedroom.

"Ex-husband and ex-wife's school trip is really rare."

"Pfft... so you can joke around with people."

Even in the dark, Mogami Kazuto could imagine her smiling at this moment.

"Hey, with people."

"Didn't you say you're going to sleep? This is chatting."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a chat before going to bed anyway."


Mogami Kazuto responded simply, he did not veto Xiao Nishi Saori, he would not reject Xiao Nishi Saori now, even at this moment, sleeping in the same bedroom, he did not have any thoughts.

"It's incredible."

Because I couldn't see her face, I felt that her voice was really pleasant, like a clear spring flowing from a mountain stream, hitting the rock wall, making a pleasant and ethereal sound, which made people feel comfortable.

"What do you mean?"

"Sleeping in the same room as my ex-husband."

"Don't forget, it's just a fake marriage."

"It's true, we are just ordinary childhood sweethearts."

"It's good to know."

That is to say, but for Mogami Kazuto, they are not even childhood sweethearts.

Kazuto Mogami thought for a while, and said, "Speaking of which, I might have to apologize to you for something."

"And people to me?"

"Well, I received the event ticket from you that day, but I didn't go, it was wasted."

Xiao Xi Saori, who was sleeping beside her, was silent for a while, then said with a light smile, "It's okay, it's over anyway, and Kazuto has his own affairs, right, so don't worry about it."


Regarding the night when the event was held, Xiaoxi Saori saw him with another girl, but so what, it can't change anything now.

"Heren, our matter, your mother's side, do you need me to explain it face to face?"

"No, let me talk. Dad and I will talk to her properly."

Xiao Nishi Saori is no longer suitable for this kind of thing, Kazuto Mogami decided to solve it by himself.

"Hmm... I'm causing you trouble."

Kazuto Mogami stopped responding.

As for the parents, because of their marriage, they have indeed caused a lot of harm, but since it has already happened, it will only appear hypocritical to regret it now.

To face it upright is the attitude Mogami Kazuto should have now.

Then one day, Kazuto Mogami will have a new encounter with someone, and meet a girl he really likes. At that time, he must make his parents feel at ease.

"It's getting late, go to bed."

After Kazuto Mogami said this, he silently turned his side.

"Well, good night, and people."



Outside the house, the silver moonlight shone, covering the island, and the waves hit the reef and swept the beach.

I don't know if it's because I'm not used to sleeping on the tatami, or because someone else is sleeping in the room. Kazuto Mogami only slept for a short while, but couldn't fall asleep again.

I glanced at my phone, it was three in the morning.

Leaving the bedroom lightly, Mogami Kazuto undressed in the dressing room and entered the open-air bath outside the house.

Kazuto Mogami likes to take a bath alone. When he first entered the hotel, because other people took a brief bath in the hot spring, he just left the matter hastily.

It is rare to come to Atami, and it is really unreasonable not to enjoy it.

And just as his feet touched the water, a woman's panicked voice came from a corner of the bath.

"and people?!"

Undoubtedly, it was Saori Konishi's voice.

Mogami Kazuto was obviously taken aback, he didn't expect that there would be someone in the open-air bath in the room.

It's three o'clock in the morning, why doesn't this woman sleep well, she wants to take a bath.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were in there."

"'s fine."

"Then I'll go out first."

The temperature of the water flow felt by the toes is extremely comfortable, but even so, Mogami Kazuto cannot be retained.

Konishi Saori sat in the open-air bath with a thin towel around her body, silently watching the silhouette of Mogami Kazuto under the moonlight.

However, in the next second, the darkness in her eyes changed, the moonlight was no longer bright, and the water no longer flowed.

The surrounding wooden decay, black and steep rocks, and lush green leaves are all covered with fragmented and strange colors.

The movie, which was supposed to be over and ushered in the curtain, seemed to have an easter egg for a sequel after the cast list was broadcast, which shocked her and made her speechless.

Looking at his frozen figure, the voice that has troubled her since that day rang in her ears.


"Wait a minute, and people."

Mogami Kazuto turned his head, but still couldn't see her expression clearly, the sound of water could be heard, and he could only faintly see her standing silhouette, leaving the bath and walking towards him slowly.

"I've already soaked, you go in, I'll go back to my room now."

The bath towel soaked in water was attached to her body, dripping water all the way down, the footsteps were light, Mogami Kazuto backed away silently, and got out of the way.

Her hair was coiled up and her neck was exposed. When she passed by Mogami Kazuto, following the moonlight, she caught a glimpse of her devastated back from the corner of her eye.

The back that was supposed to be clean and clean, was covered with bruises and scars where the bath towel couldn't wrap it.

Kazuto Mogami thought he had read it wrong, but when he wanted to take a closer look with some uncertainty, she had already opened the door and walked out.

After a while of silence, if it was a gentle protagonist in a light novel, she might rush forward without hesitation, grab her by the shoulders, and ask her gently and sternly what's going on.

But he didn't.

Mogami Kazuto entered the bath silently, and the warm water wrapped his body, trying to force himself not to think about what he saw just now.

Is it an illusion?

It would be great if it was.

Mogami Kazuto closed his eyes, it seemed that even taking a bath was not as comfortable as he imagined.

Sighing softly, he took a sharp breath and sank into the water.

The ripples gradually dissipated on the surface of the water, bubbling and bubbling.




Take a boat and return to Atami City.

Xiao Xi Saori was no different from usual, with a gentle voice and a warm smile, and there was no shadow on her face.

Perhaps, it was just that he saw it wrong last night, those scars were just the reflection of the leaves.

If this was the final trial, then it would be too easy.

Kazuto Mogami had no intention of getting to the bottom of it, just as he had no intention of telling the truth.

Everyone has their own secrets, Mogami Kazuto's secret is his outsider identity, as for Xiao Nishi Saori's secret, he doesn't want to know.

Before returning to Tokyo, the two went to the shopping street outside the station to buy souvenirs.

Kazuto Mogami has no friends, so he can only give it to his parents when he brings it back, and there is sand in the clear water.

But presumably there is sand in the clear water, Xiaoxi Saori should be prepared.

In fact, Kazuto Mogami only bought four boxes of hot spring buns, while Saori Konishi bought a full twenty boxes.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help sighing in his heart, as expected of a popular voice actor, he has so many friends.

Starting from Atami Station and sitting back to Tokyo for 10 minutes, the two of them were still just chatting normally, and more time was silent, each looking at their phones.

Saori Konishi kept sending messages to her friends on LINE, while Kazuto Mogami wore headphones and watched some music videos he was interested in.

The trip didn't last long, and it took less than thirty hours, but Mogami Kazuto's state of mind had already changed.

The chains that entangled him were severed, and he was nowhere to be found. He was already a brand new Mogami Kazuto, and he would not be affected by other things in the future.

At this time, Kazuto Mogami had to admit that the proposal of clear water and sand was correct.

If he hadn't come on this trip, he might still be that weak guy who was afraid of being swallowed up by his instinct and would just run away blindly.

Kazuto Mogami doesn't think he is extremely strong now, but at least when facing Xiao Nishi Saori, he can maintain himself and rationality, and there is nothing that can make him timid and want to escape.

Whether Xiao Xi Saori's voice, or the roar from the bottom of his heart, these are too light to shake his belief at this time.

The vehicle arrived at the station and went down the crowd. It was twelve o'clock at noon, and their trip came to an end here.

On the platform, the two who had finished their trip looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Heren, it's already noon, do you want to go eat something together?"

"No, I'll go straight home."

"That's it."

Kazuto Mogami said: "My mother, when she is discharged from the hospital, I will find time to explain to her with my father."


"I won't talk about the fake marriage. I just say that they are not suitable for each other, so that they will be easier to accept. Otherwise, I worry about what they think."

"I see."

"Your parents have to explain it carefully. No matter what our relationship is, the elders are innocent, and I don't want them to be sad."

Saori Xiaoxi nodded: "I will talk to my parents."

Kazuto Mogami was silent for a while, and said, "If you need me to come forward, just tell me."

To be honest, Mogami Kazuto, who has already divorced Konishi Saori, will not have any problems even if he doesn't come to visit. Even if he is said to be not good at etiquette, Mogami Kazuto doesn't care at all.

Since he will divorce their daughter, it means that Mogami Kazuto has already made preparations not to associate with them.

But if Xiaonishi Saori had such a request, Mogami Kazuto would still agree, he is such a person.

"Well, I'll try not to bother you."

Kazuto Mogami looked at her with a complicated face: "Aren't you causing me too little trouble?"

Xiao Xi Saori smiled lightly: "Is it more troublesome than Caiyin?"

"That's different. You have a lot of trouble."

"What about Caiyin?" Xiaoxi Saori asked curiously.

"Her very existence is a problem."

Xiao Nishi Saori was amused.

Kazuto Mogami stopped talking, Saori Nishi looked at him for a long time, and took from him the large amount of special products she bought.

A little heavy, not easy to hold.

"Then... I'll go this way."


She turned around and walked a few steps, then stopped suddenly, Mogami Kazuto just watched her back silently, without saying a word.

The woman who used to be his wife in front of her turned around, showing a warm and gentle smile, which was more real than any of her smiles.

Is this a smile from her heart?

Kazuto Mogami doesn't know.

She looked at Mogami Kazuto from a distance, although they were only a few steps away, they seemed to be as far apart as the entire Tokyo.

Her voice came with an unknown emotion, and Mogami Kazuto had no energy left to analyze the emotion of her words at this moment.

"Goodbye, Mogami-san, take care."

"Well, you too, Xiao Xisang."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then turned around, waving goodbye to each other from behind.

She will go back to be her popular seiyuu, and Kazuto Mogami will also pursue her dreams and happiness.


On the tram leading to Yuedao Station, there are scenery that he is familiar with along the way. The person who was originally embraced by loneliness has an inexplicable sense of belonging to this land and this scenery.

Glancing at the phone, Kazuto Mogami closed his eyes and waited for the train to arrive after a brief reply.

After getting off the station, take the escalator back to the ground, and you will see a familiar street in front of you.

At the exit, a petite girl wearing a water-blue dress and holding a parasol stood there with a smile on her lips.

"Welcome back, Kazuto-san."

Mogami Kazuto stepped forward and asked, "Is there no work today?"

"I have work in the afternoon." She replied.

"That's it."

Kazuto Mogami walked towards home, she stood in front of him again, looking up into his eyes, with a sweet smile still on her face.

"Welcome back."

Kazuto Mogami stared down at her in a daze, but after only seeing her for a day, there seemed to be some changes in her body.

Seeing that Mogami and others were not talking, she gradually frowned, her cheeks bulged slightly, and she emphasized the tone:

"Welcome back!"

Facing her stubborn beauty, Kazuto Mogami smiled softly.

The feeling of being waited on by someone like this is unexpected and not annoying.

"Well, I'm back."

 This chapter is two in one.

  Now it’s 2500, it’s a ball, let’s give the child a full subscription and get a badge for 3000, woo woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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