Chapter 165 160. Favorite person.

One thing to say, Mogami Kazuto was not surprised by this guy's question.

Since I want to fall in love with a seiyuu so much, I also want to become a seiyuu myself, and it will be fine if I get close to the water first.

Maybe you can meet a beautiful girl in the training center, graduate together in the future, enter the same voice actor firm, and become a period of mutual support for each other.

What's the use of asking me?

Although I have never been in love with a voice actor, I have divorced a voice actor, but I don’t know if you want to hear it or not.

Totsuka: [I have no experience in dating a voice actor, so I'm afraid I can't answer this question. 】

Duhang: [By the way, how did Totsuka-sensei and Ms. Minase know each other? 】

Totsuka Kazu: [You've already made up your mind, right? 】

Du Hang: [Isn't it? 】

Totsuka: 【Of course not! 】

Du Hang: [Really? 】

Totsuka: [It's absolutely true. 】

Du Hang: [Damn it!Is it true that light novelists can't fall in love with voice actors? !So unwilling! 】

Kazuto Mogami: "..."

Kazuto Mogami discovered that writers are a group of idiots who can imagine things outside of writing.

In order to prevent himself from being infected and become such a fool, Mogami Kazuto directly set the group chat as message do not disturb, and after some polite remarks, he slipped away.

There was no news from Shimizu Yusa yet, so Kazuto Mogami could only wait slowly, opened the encyclopedia, searched for the word Minase Inori, and found the official website of the voice actor agency he belonged to.

Silently waiting for the solution from the firm.

Until about three o'clock in the afternoon, the firm's official website and official Twitter simultaneously issued a statement on the [Saki Minase Cohabitation Boyfriend Incident], and the official account opened as Inori Minase announced a Handwritten statement announcement.

The general content is to resolutely deny the cohabitation relationship between Minase Qi and Totsuka Kazu, indicating that the two are not lovers, but very good friends, and why the popular seiyuu will be friends with the new light novel writer In this regard, nothing is said.

The firm's focus of clarification was completely on the photo that had absolutely nothing to do with Kazuto Mogami.

Through the agent, I often record the artist's itinerary and habits, and found the group photo at that time in the mobile phone album.

Through comparison, it can be clearly seen that in the photo released by Wenchun of Minase Inori and the mysterious man walking together, the man is one of the surrounding staff. If this photo is just used as evidence, it can be said that there is nothing credibility.

But the reason why the media is scary is that it can quietly spread the beginning of things all over the world, but the final facts and truths can only be seen by a small number of people.

Just through hearsay, when the public with a little knowledge hears this name, they will reveal [Oh!I seem to have heard the name, the reaction of the one who lived with the novelist].

As an artist, there is no way to accuse them of using hearsay as a matter of course without confirmation.

That's what it takes to be an artist.

So in the final analysis, who is responsible for such a thing?

artist?media?the masses?

Artists do not have a private life as perfect as a saint.

The media makes public what they see without authorization to guide public opinion.

The masses subconsciously regard artists as private property without personal feelings.

In fact, Mogami Kazuto didn't need to think about this kind of thing at all, and he also had the answer in his heart.

Because Qingshui Yousha couldn't deny the bonus that the word "idol" brought her, and no one could deny it.

In the definition of traditional idols, the mission of an idol is to carry the light given by fans and fall in love with fans.

Romance is forbidden during active duty. On the contrary, fans will contribute their wholehearted cooking power to her until the moment she graduates from idol.

But Qingshui Yousha is not a real idol after all, her essential job is a voice actress and a singer.

She was labeled as an idol without authorization, and she couldn't take it off with her own strength.

While gaining something by "being famous", there is also something to lose by "being famous".


Because of the firm's timely handling and the guidance of the public relations team, the most important thing was that the photo released by the media was confirmed to be a staff member at the work site, and public opinion finally stopped temporarily.

After that, at the suggestion of Shimizu Yusa's manager, Kazuto Mogami also posted a related message on his Twitter under the name Kazuto Totsuka.

And it was this relevant information that played a vital role in the fermentation of public opinion.

Mogami Kazuto was given a new title.

Cooking expert.

This is not referring to Mogami Kazuto's cooking skill level, but really exists as a profession.

Kazuto Mogami is packaged as a very powerful cooking master. In addition to being friends with him, Yusa Shimizu also has a business relationship of teaching and learning, and is recognized by the firm.

What surprised the public most was that there were other voice actors speaking for it.

Ayane Sakura, Saori Konishi, and Rie Murakami, who are popular voice actors, forwarded it one after another, and attached their comments on Kazuto Totsuka's cooking, as well as photos stored in their mobile phones.

[Ms. Totsuka's cooking is quite delicious, and I often visit and study with Qi. 】

【... If you only talk about cooking, there is really nothing to talk about. Even the star chefs among my father's acquaintances can't compare, um, if you only talk about cooking. 】

【Totsuka-sensei is not only good at cooking, but also looks great, although it’s not my style (laughs)】

In addition to Minase Inori, there are so many voice actors in the industry who know this new light novel writer, which even the media did not expect.

As the instigator, Kumasuke Murajima was completely unaware that such a situation would turn into such a situation. He thought he had found some important news, but he never expected that the other party would have such a reputation in the seiyuu circle and attract so many popular seiyuu Speak up for him.

Although the voices are all female voice actors, it is quite intriguing.

As a result, the wind direction of public opinion gradually changed, and the public began to discuss who this Totsuka Kazu is.

A rookie light novel writer, a cooking master, and besides that, seems to be a video contributor.

Because of this, the number of Mogami Kazuto's Twitter followers is increasing at an astonishing momentum, and the word "Totsuka Kazu" has successfully appeared on the hot search, becoming the source of today's melons for netizens.

And the cover video submitted by Kazuto Mogami some time ago was dug out as a matter of course.

As of 80:[-] p.m., the number of views has exceeded [-], and this number is still rising, showing no signs of decline at all, and the comments have already started to blow up.

This aspect is actually not difficult to understand. When Kazuto Mogami recorded the video, his singing and guitar skills have reached the middle and late stages of Lv3, which is enough to rival today's master musicians.

Regardless of those who follow the trend or belittle people, anyone who knows something about music can see his musical accomplishments. What Mogami Kazuto lacks is just an opportunity to be exposed.

An opportunity to detonate his name on the Internet.

Obviously, this opportunity has come.

In a way he never imagined.



One day in August, in a coffee shop in Shinjuku, Kazuto Mogami was discussing with Natsuki Yuta about the second volume of "Traveling".

The second volume has been finalized and delivered. Due to the huge sales of the first volume, the release date of the second volume has not yet been set, and drawing illustrations also requires a certain period of time.

The total printing volume of the first volume has exceeded 400 copies within two weeks of its release, and the accumulated royalties have reached [-] million yen.

For "Newcomers, New Books", it is indeed extremely rare, and it belongs to this year's dark horse of the year.

After dealing with the light novel matters, Kazuto Mogami boarded the tram to Ueno.

Today is the Obon Festival, and Kazuto Mogami is going back to his parents' house.

The sun was shining brightly and the weather was charming. Standing alone at the bus stop and waiting, Kazuto Mogami did not feel anxious, but surprisingly calm.

When the bus arrived, he sat in the back row by the window, watching the scenery on the street recede, and the aisle seat next to him was vacant, and no one came to sit.


"I am back."

"Heren? You're back."

After taking off his shoes at the entrance, his mother's voice came from the living room. Kazuto Mogami glanced at his father who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, and greeted the two of them.

"Huh? Is Kazuto alone today? Where's Saori?"

"Well... Saori, there's something wrong. I'll talk about it later. Mom, why are you cooking in the kitchen again? Didn't the doctor tell you to take a good rest?"

Mogami Kazuto walked into the kitchen frowning, and gently pushed Mogami Chiyo out.

"You kid, if I don't cook, should I let your dad do it? What can he do? He can read."

Mogami Junpei on the sofa once put down the book in his hand, wanted to say something, paused, and pretended not to hear.

"Let me cook today, you have a good rest."

Mogami Kazuto pushed his mother onto the sofa without any explanation and asked her to sit down.

"You?" Mokami Chiyo looked at his son in surprise.


"How can you cook?"

"Okay, leave it to me."

Mogami Kazuto's attitude was a little tough, and he went straight into the kitchen. Mogami Chiyo couldn't hold back and walked over to see him again. Seeing that Mogami Kazuto was skillfully handling the ingredients, he looked at him incredulously.

It wasn't until Mogami Kazuto finished handling a dish very neatly that Mogami Chiyo was relieved, and said with a smile: "It must be Saori who taught me."

Mogami Kazuto just smiled back and told his mother to rest.

What Mogami Chiyo said was actually not wrong, Kazuto Mogami's cooking skills were obtained from Saori Konishi after all, but the current him must be better than Saori Konishi in this respect.

The reason for Mogami Kazuto to go home today is very simple, except that it is the Obon Festival, he will confess to his mother today.

He will talk about divorce and resignation today.

No more hesitation and entanglement.


At dinner time, Mogami Chiyo and Mogami Junpei were full of praise for Mogami Kazuto's craftsmanship.

Apart from praising Mogami Kazuto all the time, Mogami Chiyo also said that Saori taught him well.

His mother is such a person who always thinks of the situation in a gentle way. Kazuto Mogami also imagined that if everything developed as his mother imagined, the son and daughter-in-law would be a loving young couple. Such a life might really be his ideal happiness.

But it's nothing to be sad about. Mogami Kazuto firmly believes that he will meet the right person in the future, maybe he has already met the right person now.

At that time, you can also show your happiness in front of your mother.

Unfortunately, not today.


After dinner, a family of three was sitting in the living room, Mogami Junpei winked at Mogami Kazuto, and Mogami Kazuto took a sip of tea tactically, ready to confess.

"Speak up, talk to people."


Mogami Chiyo took the lead, and Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to agree.

"Today is the Obon Festival, but Saori didn't come back with you, and I sent her a message recently, and she seemed weird.

You and Saori probably didn't quarrel. "

Facing the concern in Mogamiyo's eyes, if it were the former Mogami Kazuto, he might say deceitful words, deceiving his mother and himself at the same time.

But that's obviously pointless.

The environment and surrounding things can really change a person.

Perhaps everything Mogami Kazuto has suffered so far is related to his character. He is difficult to be controlled rationally, he is not good at words, and it is difficult to refuse others.

It would be great if I was a better guy, able to skillfully handle everything around me, as strong and decisive as the male protagonist in an online novel, without hurting anyone, and able to achieve the ideal perfect ending.

How wonderful.

However, a novel is a novel after all.

What Kazuto Mogami is with, what he feels at this moment, and all the emotions that are intertwined in his heart, are undoubtedly reality.

"Mom, Saori and I didn't quarrel."


"Hmm." Kazuto Mogami smiled weakly.

What words should be used to describe this state of mind?

Kazuto Mogami thought that he was very good at metaphors. As a novelist who played with words, he couldn't even use words to describe his mood at the moment.

The sofa under her body, the ceiling above her head, and the tea table she once told her that she was knocked on the head here when she was a child.

All strange and familiar objects seem to have opened their eyes.

It's like the crowd watching the execution ground, waiting for the moment when the death sign with the word "cut" falls to the ground.

"Mom, there is one thing that I have kept from you for a long time. I am really... sorry."

Mochiyo was taken aback, and stared blankly at the son in front of him. He didn't say anything, but Mochiyo seemed to have expected something.

Mogami Kazuhito's aching timidity flashed in the originally gentle eyes.

Even so, he had to say it.

"Actually, when I went home last time, I already wanted to tell you. It's just that your mother was sick and hospitalized at that time, so it was delayed until now."

Mogami Kazuto has already noticed.

I noticed the movement and fear in my mother's eyes, as well as the slightly trembling hands with some age spots.

"Heren, what are you talking about...?"

Mogami Chiyo suppressed the trembling voice, which seemed to stop Mogami Kazuto from pleading words, perhaps what she thought in her heart was that if she stopped at this moment, things would turn around.

But Mogami Kazuto knew that this matter was over.

As early as when he accepted this body, the ending was already set.

"Saori and I have registered for divorce."


"Sorry, I kept it from you all this time."

Kazuto Mogami thought that he would avoid his mother's gaze, afraid of seeing those tender eyes dim in an instant, but he didn't.

He stared into his mother's eyes seriously and sincerely. If he dodged here, he didn't think he was worthy of being the son of the mother in front of him.

However, the shock and sadness in Mochiyo's eyes still hurt his heart.

See, what can a false marriage bring?

There is only real pain.

Mogami Kazuto stretched out his hand and held his mother's trembling hand tightly. On the other side, Mogami Junpei remained silent, gently stroking his wife's back with his palm.

Mother's tears fell on the back of Kazuto Mogami's hands, one after another.

Her father took out a tissue and stuffed it into her hands, but she remained indifferent.

"Heren, during this time, I really... have worked hard on you, it must be very hard.

Sorry, mom didn't notice at all. "

Mochiyo choked with sobs, and tears fell from his reddened eyes every time he blinked.

"There is no such thing. Mom has already done a good job. Saori often said that her mother was very good to her. The divorce is the reason for the two of us. There is no need for mother to blame herself."

"Mom, I don't know anything, and I said that to you."

"It's okay, it's all over, I just want to say I'm sorry, let you see your son's marriage ended like this."

Mogami Chiyo shook his head, and Mogami Kazuto squatted in front of her, slowly wiping her tears, trying not to let his emotions be infected by her.

Worrying that if she shed tears at this moment, Mokamichiyo would feel even more uncomfortable.

So hold back.

"Mom, there's no problem, your son is handsome and talented, and he will definitely bring home another girl who satisfies you.

Saori is very good and she did nothing wrong, but in the process of getting along, we found that we are not suitable for each other.

We seem to be more suitable to be childhood sweethearts than husband and wife. "

"However, Kazuto, you have liked Saori since you were a child..."

"You said it was when you were a child, and people will change."

Kazuto Mogami held his mother's face in his hands and tried his best to show his most gentle smile.

"My favorite person right now is you."

(End of this chapter)

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