Chapter 166 161. Obon Festival.

After that, Mogami Kazuto confessed his situation, divorced, resigned, and became a light novelist.

No one reprimanded him for his arbitrary decision, and even when his parents learned that he had earned 400 million royalties in just two weeks, they didn't show any expressions other than relief.

At least, the son has the guarantee of survival in this society, so no matter what he chooses to do, they decide not to interfere, this is his life.

Father is an insider, he didn't blame Mogami Kazuto, let alone mother.

In this way, Kazuto Mogami had nothing to hide from his parents except the secret that he planned to keep in his heart for the rest of his life.

He drank some wine after a long absence, and shared a small glass with his father, not drinking much so as not to get drunk.

Tonight, he didn't stay at his parents' house.

After nineteen o'clock in the evening, Kazuto Mogami bid farewell to his parents and got on the train to Tsukishima alone.

Outside the car window, fireworks splashing under the night sky reflected in his deep eyes.


After leaving the station, facing the evening wind, there are red lanterns that are not usually seen on the street, and the sound of singing and dancing during the Obon Festival can be heard in the distance.

Kazuto Mogami did not go home directly, but walked leisurely on the ramp, the lake was sparkling, reflecting the fireworks blooming in the sky.

Outside the familiar shopping street, there was a rush of people. Young and strong men stood on the wooden platform covered with red cloth one by one, beating the taiko rhythmically.

Under the wooden stage, men and women in bathrobes danced and danced, and children in twos and threes, smiling, chasing and playing in the open space with apple candies.

Today is the Obon Festival, is it the day of the return of the dead, or the day of saying goodbye to the dead?
Mogami Kazuto didn't quite understand.

But he feels that he can explain everything to his parents on this day, and that he will not have to live in anyone's shadow for the rest of his life, which makes him particularly happy.

Without the burden in his heart, Kazuto Mogami only felt that the air was much sweeter. Looking at the adults who were dancing and the children playing, Kazuto Mogami couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

From this moment on, he is truly free and can do whatever he wants.

A new career, a new encounter, a new life, and so many wonderful things waiting for him in the future, he no longer has to be obsessed with the past.

Inadvertently, among the crowd dancing under the wooden stage, Kazuto Mogami saw a familiar face.

She was wearing a bathrobe, and the long hair that was always loose when I saw her before was now tied into a bun, and the water polo she was holding in her hand swayed up and down as her arms swayed.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't help watching for a while longer, but she seemed to have noticed something, after looking around, she met eyes with Kazuto Mogami.

Kazuto Mogami stood there without moving, but she broke away from the dancing team and trotted towards him.

"Good evening, Mr. Mogami."

There were tiny beads of sweat flowing on her forehead, and she didn't know whether it was from the tiredness of dancing, or because it was blowing on them with a trace of hot August evening wind.

"Well, good evening, Miss Uchida, we met again."

Uchida Maaya covered her mouth and smiled lightly, her pretty eyes shining brightly.

"I'm sorry that day, but I left suddenly."


"The day the streets were cleaned."

"'s okay." Uchida Maaya waved her hand and said.

Mogami Kazuto looked around and asked, "Are you going out with your brother again today?"

"Yes, he went to buy food, is Mr. Mogami alone?" Uchida Maaya nodded.

"Well, I wanted to go out for a walk alone, but I didn't expect to meet Ms. Uchida here."

"Mr. Mogami and I seem to have been meeting each other all the time." The girl in front of me smiled lightly, her face was slightly pink, maybe it was because she had just danced.

"Yes, because we live very close."

Facing Kazuto Mogami's response, Maaya Uchida just smiled slightly.

Girls are creatures who like to fantasize. Even if they don't have to do anything, if they don't hate and have a slight liking for them, they can increase the girl's favorability by encountering the incident itself unexpectedly.

They are more willing to believe that it is due to fate than the logical reason of living close to home.

Words like "fate" with a touch of romance will arbitrarily raise their expectations for the future, and firmly believe that whoever they are destined for is the one they are destined for.

Of course, there are girls in the world who don't believe in fate and like to think logically, but Uchida Maaya doesn't seem to be one of them.

"Hey, Mr. Mogami."


"It's a rare opportunity, can you... go shopping with me?"

"Didn't you say you came with your brother?"

"Don't mind him."


In the end, Mogami Kazuto nodded hesitantly, in exchange for Uchida Maaya's bright smile.

And when a short boy in a dark gray yukata came back with two servings of takoyaki, Kazuto Mogami and Maaya Uchida had long since disappeared.



In the market, Kazuto Mogami looked curiously at the stalls on both sides of the road, most of them were food stalls, as well as various stalls for people to play.

After Kazuto Mogami came to this world, he had never personally experienced such a festival, and it was also the first time he walked with someone in a lively market like this.

A Tokyo girl in a yukata is carrying a swinging water polo, and the clogs under her feet make a crisp sound, bringing the summer breath into her face.

Before this, Kazuto Mogami never thought that he could experience the excitement of this world.

This feeling is not bad, rather, he also wants to blend into it, no longer as a bystander.

In front of the chow mein stall, the uncle with a white towel tied on his head is vigorously waving the subway shovel in his hand. The noodles on the iron plate are lifted high, and the iron shovel and the iron plate rub against each other, giving off a fiery summer atmosphere. sound.

"Yo! Miss over there, do you want some fried noodles?"

The uncle who sells fried noodles smiles happily, and seems to keep such a smile on every passing customer.

Not a fake smile for business, but a warm smile from the heart in a festive atmosphere.

Mogami Kazuto smiled slightly, looked at Uchida Maaya, Uchida Maaya shook her head, and said with some feigned reserve: "I'm not hungry."

Mogami Kazuto is not hungry, he just wants to visit the market, and he rarely eats food sold outside.

"Oh! Brother, your girlfriend is really beautiful. You are so lucky."

Uchida Maaya immediately said: "Boss, please give me two fried noodles."

Boss: "Okay!"

Kazuto Mogami: "..."

Uchida Maaya showed a slightly embarrassed smile, and whispered: "It seems to be a little bit hungry again."

When it was time to pay, Uchida Maaya was looking for her wallet, and Kazuto Mogami paid first.

"Ah... Mr. Mogami, I'll just pay for it."

"Miss Uchida didn't bring a wallet, it doesn't matter."


Uchida Maaya looked at her hand, there was nothing there except the water polo, because she was wearing a yukata and there was no place to put a wallet, so she remembered that she gave the handbag with the mobile phone and wallet to it. I let my brother take care of it, and I blushed for a while.

"Thank you... thank you."

The two sat down on a bench by the market and began to enjoy the fried noodles they had just bought. Just like all the women Kazuto Mogami has met so far, Maaya Uchida also likes to say "I'm starting".

Kazuto Mogami used to hate this sentence, but now, when he hears this sentence in his ear, he will feel at ease that he is accompanied by someone.

He smiled and put his hands together: "I'm starting."

When the noodles entered the mouth, the aroma of the sauce was very strong and quite chewy, which surprised Kazuto Mogami who was used to cooking with his own hands.

Even though he had already had dinner not long ago, he still finished a whole serving of fried noodles.

I don't know if clear water with sand will like this taste.

If it weren't for that incident, Kazuto Mogami would probably go to the market with Shimizu Yousha today.

But after that, Shimizu Yusa was lectured by his agent, and it must have been a long time, he could no longer come to his house for food, and complained on LINE every day, saying that he wanted to eat his food, which made Mogami and Ren I can't laugh or cry.

"That, Mr. Mogami."


Uchida Maaya's voice came from next to her ear, Mogami Kazuto turned to look at her, her skin was really white, her slender stature had a graceful arc, and the silver earrings kissed the air, shaking slightly.

"Thank you."

"Why do you say thank you again?"

"Well... thank you for willing to go to the market with me?"

"Isn't this a question sentence?"

"It seems to be oh."

She laughed at herself.

Kazuto Mogami suddenly remembered what she had said to him, and said, "Miss Uchida, you said before that you are a voice actor, right?"

"Hmm... now I'm just studying at the voice actor training institute."

"That's it, come on."

"Thank you."

"Thank you again."

"This sentence is to thank Mr. Mogami for supporting me."

Kazuto Mogami smiled faintly, and soon realized that Maaya Uchida was staring at him non-stop, and immediately put away his smile.

"Mr. Mogami, it feels a little different from when we met before. Did something good happen?"


"I always thought that Mr. Mogami was a cold-looking type, but after getting along today, Mr. Mogami seems to be surprisingly fond of laughing."

It was the first time for Mogami Kazuto to hear such an evaluation, and he couldn't help reaching out and touching his face.

"Ah...the appearance of indifference does not mean to belittle."

"It's okay, I know."

"However, Mr. Mogami is just as I thought, very approachable."

"Didn't it mean that the appearance is cold?"

"That's just my first impression. If I had a cold personality, Mr. Mogami wouldn't have given me an umbrella on a rainy night."

It seems that such a thing did happen. To be honest, for that memory, Kazuto Mogami’s impression is all stuck in the Sao operation after Sakura Ayane.

"Well, Mogami-san, can I ask you a question?"

"Please say."

"The girl who left with Mogami-san on the day the street was cleaned..."

Kazuto Mogami frowned, thinking that the woman Ayane Sakura was indeed recognized.

Also, since Uchida Maaya is a student of the voice actor training institute, it is a matter of course that she can recognize popular voice actors by their voices.

To be honest, Mogami Kazuto didn't really want to tell the truth, mainly because he didn't really want to get involved with that troublesome guy.

"Is that girl Mogami-san's girlfriend?" Uchida Maaya lowered her head slightly, her voice soft.


Well, for some naive Tokyo girls, I really can't use my own set of logic to analyze.

Kazuto Mogami shook his head: "I don't know her well."

Uchida Maaya looked at Mogami Kazuto suspiciously, he didn't know how to explain, and said slowly: "Well... how should I put it, he is a strange guy who got entangled for no reason, so I am not familiar with him.

Sorry, it's hard for you to understand me. "

"I see." Uchida Maaya nodded heavily.

She seemed to understand.

"Mr. Mogami's suitor, right? I understand very well."

She didn't understand at all.

"Mr. Mogami, you are handsome and gentle. It is understandable that such suitors will come to you." Uchida Maaya blushed slightly, fingers kept twirling the hair hanging by her ears.

Not to mention understanding, it is simply a complete misunderstanding.

Kazuto Mogami covered his head with a headache, thinking about how to answer.

It can't be said that the other party is the popular voice actress Ayane Sakura, and I have a bit of a festive relationship with her.

Well, speaking of it, the cause of this holiday seems to be the person sitting next to me at the moment.

This relationship is really complicated!

Uchida Maaya seemed to be about to say something, but her voice was interrupted by a distant voice.

"Oh, oh... Nathan, uh~ Nathan."

The boy in a dark gray yukata ran towards them with a lady's handbag in one hand and a box of takoyaki in the other. The toothpick stuck in the takoyaki was shaking non-stop.

The boy came to the bench where the two were sitting, bent over and panted, "Ha... ha... um~ Nathan, why did you suddenly disappear? I thought you were lost."

"What nonsense are you talking about, am I here right?"

"But you disappeared without saying a word. I've been looking for it for a long time."

"Sister, I have nothing to do, I'm just chatting with Mr. Mogami."

"Mr. Mogami?"

It was only then that he noticed Kazuto Mogami sitting next to Maaya Uchida, and felt that this person looked very familiar.

"Hi, I'm Uchida, thank you for taking care of my sister."

"Hello, I'm Mogami, please take care of me." Kazuto Mogami nodded to him.

"Nathan, it's almost time for us to go home, otherwise Mom will be nagging again."

"Huh? Is it this late already?"

"No, you didn't bring your mobile phone with you."

Uchida Maaya took the mobile phone from Uchida Yuma, and said to Kazuto Mogami apologetically, "Sorry, Mr. Mogami, I have to go back first, thank you for the fried noodles you invited today."

"Okay, it doesn't matter if I'm alone, Miss Uchida doesn't have to worry about me."

After that, the Uchida siblings bowed slightly to say goodbye to him, and left.

Until the surrounding crowd gradually thinned out, Mogami Kazuya stood up and walked slowly on his way home.

Feeling the summer evening breeze, Kazuto Mogami is in a particularly comfortable mood today, as if his connection with this world has become closer.

 How can someone be reincarnated from the dirt xs
(End of this chapter)

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