After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 175 170. Mr. Mogami doesn't want to show his face.

Chapter 175 170. Mr. Mogami doesn't want to show his face.

King Records Co., Ltd. is a record company under Kodansha. In addition to many seiyuu singers, the large female idol group AKB48 is also the main artist of King Records.

Famous singers in the seiyuu world, such as Nana Mizuki, Mamoru Miyano, Shota Aoi, etc., as well as Inori Minase, who has suddenly become popular in the past two years, are all artists under King Records.

Although many artists have left in recent years, leading to a certain degree of crisis, it is a big company after all.

Although Mogami Kazuto had received many invitations from record companies in private messages, they were almost all small companies with no artists. Even if they signed a contract, most of them would not get any money, and they might even sign a contract of sale in a daze.

But Kazuto Mogami never had the idea of ​​making a debut, so none of them responded.

And when Qingshui Yousha contacted him today, Mogami Kazuto already knew what was going on.

He chose to come here, largely because he didn't want to brush the clean water with sand.

At the same time, I am also a little curious about singers.

After all, he has not forgotten that it is Aimi Terashima's dream to debut as a hot singer.

He couldn't help but also wanted to see what kind of dream the guitar girl was pursuing.

"Mr. Mogami, I sincerely ask you, are you interested in making your debut and becoming a professional singer?"

Facing Dai Qiuhui's words, Mogami Kazuto was silent at first, and then asked a question that stunned Dai Qiuhui.

"Miss Dai, may I ask, debut...does it mean that you are about to show your face?"


Dai Qiuhui was stunned, she imagined that Mogami Kazuto would have many questions, such as about music, or about money.

Unexpectedly, Kazuto Mogami's first sentence was to ask if he wanted to show his face.

"Uh... In principle, you really have to show your face, but if it's a virtual singer, it's a different matter.

But in this day and age, virtual singers are not very popular anymore, and everyone appears on camera as a real person. "

"That's it."

Mogami Kazuto showed a regretful expression.

To be honest, Mogami Kazuto doesn't hate money, and of course he doesn't hate the way it comes in, but Mogami Kazuto just wants to be an ordinary person.

He is absolutely unwilling to be recognized by people when he walks on the street, or even to watch and be followed by paparazzi.

The previous original owner had been invited to become a model or an idol countless times, but they all refused without exception.

On this point, the current Mogami Kazuto has the same idea as him.

Kazuto Mogami didn't want to be watched.

As ridiculous as it sounds, that's the reason.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I have the idea of ​​debuting as a singer." Kazuto Mogami thought for a moment before giving an answer immediately.

When Dai Qiuhui heard this, she didn't show an overly surprised expression. Before he came, she had already obtained basic information about him from Qingshui Youshana.

Although more than 50.00% of them are praising his cooking skills and literary talents, Dai Qiuhui still has a preliminary impression of Mogami Kazuto.

Do not like to be close to people.

In fact, after a little contact, her judgment was not wrong.

Mogami Kazuto looks a little cold, not because he is rude to others, but because he is indifferent by nature and doesn't like to deal with people.

To put it more plainly, it just looks a little cold.

If people of this type can still receive crazy praise from a crazy girl like Qingshui Yousha, they will most likely be the type who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Then the difficulty of dealing with it will drop a lot.

Today's King Records is in urgent need of fresh blood. For this kind of young singers who have emerged recently, they usually do some research first to discuss whether they are worth signing, and then they will send out invitations like this.

And the appearance of Kazuto Mogami was completely an accident.

Every day, countless cover singers contribute videos online, and many of them are extremely talented.

It is impossible for a record company to extend an olive branch to everyone who sings well. This is unrealistic.

Like Kazuto Mogami, apart from his own solid background, he has also caused moderate disturbances on the Internet, and has certain gimmicks on his body.

He is a light novel writer himself, and he has good friends with many female seiyuu, and some time ago, he had an affair with an artist under his own banner.

Although the rumors have been refuted, in terms of gossip, the Internet has always had a memory. Isn't it popular to speculate on CP and play bundle sales now?

What kind of male pulling, female straight ball, the audience will eat this set.

Especially after Dai Qiuhui saw the appearance of Mogami and Ren, years of experience in the industry immediately told her that Mogami and Ren must be popular.

Excellent singing skills, good looks, as long as you give him a pleasing personality, he will be hell if he is not popular.

Dai Qiuhui smiled lightly, pretending not to hear Mogami Kazuto's refusal, and said with a light smile, "Mr. It is also appreciated.”

Miss Mizuki.

Kazuto Mogami is certainly no stranger to this name. In the two-dimensional game industry that the original owner was engaged in, it is impossible for him to have heard of this kind of singer who is at the ceiling level among voice actors.

And Kazuto Mogami once seemed to have heard Yusa Shimizu say that Ms. Mizuki often took her to the gym to exercise in private.

In short, the grip strength of 49.4 should be credited to Ms. Mizuki.

"I dare not take it." Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to answer modestly.

"If Mr. Mogami is willing to make his debut as a singer, I believe it will take less than a year, not to mention being popular, to be able to go to the Red and White Song Concert."

Good guy!It's red and white when you open your mouth, so let's put it here to draw cakes, right?
"I'm not interested in red and white." Mogami Kazuto said frankly.

"It's not necessarily impossible to hold a concert at Budokan or a dome."


More and more outrageous.

Mogami Kazuto understands his singing background, but for a manager of a big company, isn't it a little too despicable to use this method to try to persuade newcomers to sign?

I haven't even heard of Mogami Kazuto's live performance, but just relying on the video, I feel that there is a problem no matter how I listen to it.

"Miss Dai."

"Yes, is Mr. Mogami moved?"

"Uh... If you're telling the truth, you can probably make a lot of money."

"It does make a lot of money."

"You don't mean to say this to everyone, do you?" Kazuto Mogami asked suspiciously.

"how could be."

Mogami Kazuto was skeptical, and after a slight sigh in his heart, although he was somewhat conflicted, he still gave Dai Qiuhui a gentle and affectionate smile.

Dai Qiuhui blushed, her heart beat faster, and said coyly: "Today, you are the first."

Kazuto Mogami: "..."

 It's past five o'clock, and there is another update, try to be before eight o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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