After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 176 171. How much Ms. Shimizu does Mr. Mogami eat in one meal?

Chapter 176 171. How many Miss Shimizu does Mr. Mogami eat in one meal?

Speaking from conscience, Kazuto Mogami doesn't like to show his face in public. If he just sings in the recording studio, the record company will handle the rest. To this extent, Kazuto Mogami can accept it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be shooting videos at home and becoming a video contributor.

Of course, showing your face is absolutely NG.

Kazuto Mogami knew very well that relying on his own face, among female fans, the sales of singles could at least triple.

But in exchange, his peaceful life so far is likely to be broken, and it is unlikely that he can recover.

Debuting as an artist is not something that can be said to be successful, there are many things to consider.

In short, for Mogami and people, this is a very troublesome matter.

Parents, family members, relatives and friends, and former company colleagues, once they become artists, they face the risk of being discovered by these people.

At that time, if a casual insider appears and throws away the fact that he was married to the popular voice actor Konishi Saori, his life may be ruined directly.

Just thinking about that kind of thing gave Mogami Kazuto a headache.

Instead of becoming a singer with a trembling mood, it is better to refuse from the beginning and completely deny the possibility of becoming famous.

If you don't show your face, maybe you can still consider it.

"Mr. Mogami, is it because you are worried about practical issues?"

"Well... that's about it. I don't like being disturbed."

"I see."

"I am very grateful to your company for being able to see me, but due to my personal reasons, I am sorry that I cannot debut as a singer."

"That's really a pity." Dai Qiuhui shook her head with a sigh.

Mogami Kazuto kept his expression on his face, he just wanted to get out of here quickly, he had to go home and write a novel, he was very busy.

"However, I heard what Mr. Mogami said. If the problem of showing his face can be solved, is Mr. Mogami willing to debut as a singer?"

Now it was Mogami Kazuren's turn to be surprised, he couldn't understand the meaning of Dai Qiuhui's words for a moment.

I also know that it is impossible for the company to agree to the condition of not showing their face, not to mention what the company thinks, most other artists will have their own ideas.

Why give newcomers such a big concession? Kazuto Mogami doesn't have the capital to make the company do that.

"If it's really possible to do that, I might be willing to give it a try...maybe."

"That's really an ambiguous statement."

"I'm very sorry."

Dai Qiuhui paused for a while, and said slowly: "Mr. Mogami, although this question may not have anything to do with music, I want to confirm the relationship between you and Qi."

"Pray? Oh...there is sand."

Dai Qiuhui smiled without saying a word, waiting for Kazuto Mogami's answer.

"We are very good friends."



Dai Qiuhui stared at Mogami Kazuto for a while, seeing that his eyes did not obviously dodge, she chose to believe what Mogami Kazuren said.

"Then I'm relieved."

"Does your company still prohibit artists from dating?"

"It's not that dating is forbidden, it's just that Qi is a little special."

Kazuto Mogami can probably understand it, but it's the same thing as an idol voice actor anyway.

If you think about it in this way, maybe the idea of ​​frying CP is not suitable for Qingshui Yousha.

Seeing that Kazuto Mogami remained silent, Dai Qiuhui continued, "Mr. Mogami, I have a heartfelt request."

"Please say."

"Can I hear your live performance?"

This request did not meet Mogami Kazuto's expectations, he is now playing the role of an interviewer who has received an off offer, even though he has never submitted a resume.

Kazuto Mogami thought about the request made by Shiguan before agreeing.

One thing to say, he didn't think Dai Qiuhui would agree to his conditions. Although the title of faceless singer sounds like a gimmick, in fact, it has already been played badly.

Mogami Kazuto didn't have any expectations for this, but due to Qingshui's embarrassing face, it's not easy to refuse directly.

He planned to show off in front of Dai Qiuhui, and then went home to code after the show.

The sky is big, the code is the biggest, nothing can stop Kazuto Mogami from wanting to write.

So Mogami Kazuto went out with Dai Qiuhui, and Qingshui Yousha was sitting on an office chair outside, chatting with a staff member sitting beside him who didn't know what their duties were.

"Ah... Sister Qiuhui, He Rensang, you two came out, how was your chat?"

"I'm about to take Mogami-san to the recording studio, do you want a piece too?"

"Huh? Is it okay?"

"It's just listening to Mogami Kazuto sing, there's nothing wrong with it."

"I'm going! Hehehe..."

Long time no see, she hasn't changed at all.

The three of them came to the recording studio in the company together. The overhead light was bright, and the surroundings were almost pure white ash.

After waiting together for a short time, a man in his thirties also came to the recording room. After greeting everyone, he began to test the equipment, and then walked into the tuning room with Dai Qiuhui and Qing Shui Yousha.

Kazuto Mogami was the only one left standing in front of the microphone in the recording room.

Kazuto Mogami put on the earphones, and gestured OK to the people inside through the transparent glass.

After all, this is the headquarters of King Records. In order to avoid copyright disputes and a series of unnecessary troubles, Kazuto Mogami specially selected songs with clear water and sand.

To be honest, Kazuto Mogami only listened to it for the first time just now.

Most of the songs with clear water and sand are soothing and soft-sounding songs, which can't play the best and most human strengths.

Perhaps because of the influence of Aimi Terashima, Mogami Kazuto himself prefers rock songs. Obviously, clear water with sand is not that.

Adjusting the position of the earphones with both hands, took a shallow breath, and pressed the tip of his straight nose against the fine grid-shaped windscreen. After the sound sounded in the earphones, Mogami Kazuto slowly closed his eyes, and the singing voice flowed out.

During the singing process, Kazuto Mogami deliberately imitated Yusa Shimizu's vocal skills, and even the vocal lines were half or six points similar. At first glance, anyone would still think it was a girl's voice.

When everyone in the tuning room heard Mogami Kazuto's voice for an instant, Wu Yi was stunned on the spot, especially when the clear water was covered with sand. She never knew that Mogami Kazuto had such a hidden trick.

In fact, this is something that even Mogami Kazuto himself was not aware of.

This was the first time he deliberately imitated someone's voice, and he himself did not expect to be able to do this.

It wasn't until the sound in the earphones was completely still and the song ended that Mogami Kazuya stopped.

In the recording room, Shimizu Yousha ran in first, his eyes widened, and he circled around Mogami Kazuto.

Kazuto Mogami took off his earphones and looked at her strangely:

"What's wrong? Is there sand?"

After Shimizu and Yousha had finished taking a look, he raised his head, fixed his eyes on Mogami Kazuto, and said seriously:
"Heren-san, I was thinking, how many pieces of me do you have to eat in one meal to make the sound just now?"


 Add rewards (2/22)

  The speed is not bad, before seven o'clock, I can still take a short nap.

  Early, sleepy, Ann.

(End of this chapter)

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