Chapter 186 181. She and her dream.

Mid to late October.

It was evening now, the summer heat was gradually receding, the clouds in the sky were dyed a reddish color, and the air was filled with the smell of cool wind.

Aimi Terashima was walking on the streets of Akihabara, heading to the live house as usual.

During this time, apart from part-time work, Aimi Terashima's daily routine is to rehearse with Blessing Star's band members and hold live.

In addition, it is to go to Mogami Kazuto's house every now and then to practice the new song, and the main purpose of the practice is to sharpen the tacit understanding between the two when singing.

And the recording of the new song has been completely over, and Terashima Aimi has lost the reason to go to Mogami Kazuhime's house.

If it is a manga or a light novel, the beautiful girl in the cardamom age goes to the single man's house alone, which will more or less trigger some ambiguous plots.

But both the novel and the manga are deceptive. Apart from practicing singing every day, she has never had any more intimate behavior with Kazuto Mogami, nor has she triggered the flag that looks like a love story.

If there is no previous confession, the relationship between them does not seem to be much different from that of the band members.

Although there is a small loss in her heart, Aimi Terashima feels that getting along like this is not bad, and the fact that they have common hobbies is enough to make her cheer.

When I came to Across, I greeted my acquaintances, and then walked into the backstage preparation room, where Ms. Asano was resting.

It's still early, and the band members haven't arrived yet. Aimi Terashima is always the first one to come.

"Good evening, Miss Asano."

"Good evening, Amy-chan."

Aimi Terajima is completely used to this nickname, she is no longer a wild cat wandering the streets.

Across, Blessing Star, is her home, where she should be.

"It's early today, too."

"Well, I came over after I finished my part-time job."

Miss Asano nodded.

For some reason, Aimi Terajima felt that she looked a little weird. Ever since she first entered the preparation room, Ms. Asano's gaze had been on her.

Putting down the guitar bag, Aimi Terashima sat on the chair and began to confirm the songs to be sung today.

Ms. Asano stared at Aimi Terashima silently for a long time, and said, "That... Aimi."


Ms. Asano pondered for a moment, but decided to speak up.

Some things, if not put on the table, will create unnecessary barriers over time.

"Recently, rumors of you have been circulating in the live houses around Akihabara."

"Huh? Oh..."

Aimi Terajima doesn't care about this kind of thing, no matter before or after she joined Blessing Star, the rumors about her have never stopped, she doesn't care.

It's nothing more than those who want to compare the two generations of lead singers of Blessing Star and compete for the top. Aimi Terajima thinks this kind of thing is boring.

"It's okay, Miss Asano, I didn't take it to heart." Aimi Terashima only thought that what Miss Asano wanted to say was this kind of thing.

Miss Asano shook her head at this moment, got up and walked a few steps, and sat down beside Aimi Terashima.

"Little Amy."

"Hmm... what's the matter? Ms. Asano, with a very serious expression."

Aimi Terashima looked at Ms. Asano suspiciously. In her memory, Ms. Asano was a big sister who was very approachable all the time, and she rarely had such an expression.

"I heard something about you when I held a reception with other live house bosses recently."

"What is it?"

"I heard that you were invited by the record company to sign a contract. Is it...really?"


The astonishment in Terashima Aimi's eyes all fell into Ms. Asano's eyes.

She didn't even need to say anything, Miss Asano had already gotten the conclusion she wanted to know from Aimi Terajima's eyes.

Aimi Terajima lowered her head in silence. She originally wanted to convey the news in person, but she didn't expect that Ms. Asano would take the initiative to bring it up.

Thinking about it carefully, it must have been witnessed by someone when he was invited.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, Ms. Asano."

Aimi Terashima lowered her head, a little afraid to look into Ms. Asano's eyes.

At the next moment, Ms. Asano immediately reached out and hugged Aimi Terajima beside her. Aimi Terashima was startled.

"Congratulations, little Amy."

Feeling the hot body temperature of Ms. Asano, and her arms just hugging her, a sense of peace of mind arises spontaneously.

The unease and guilt hidden in the bottom of my heart gradually dissipated, leaving only soft warmth enveloping my whole body.

"That's great! It's really good! Congratulations, little Amy..."

"Miss Asano..."

Ms. Asano's gentle voice kept coming from her ears, and Terashima Aimi let her hug her, unable to say a word.

She could feel that Ms. Asano was happy for her from the bottom of her heart.

Because of this, Aimi Terashima's faith became more and more firm. She wanted to stay, stay in Across, and stay in Blessing Star.

"Miss Asano, I have already declined this matter."

Aimi Terashima's voice was very soft, and Miss Asano trembled when she heard these words, and looked into Aimi Terashima's eyes in disbelief.

"What did you say?"

Her reaction like this was completely within Terajima Aimi's expectations.

"I said, I have already declined the invitation to debut."


Looking at each other, Terashima Aimi looked directly at the shock and confusion in Ms. Asano's eyes. This has already been decided by her, and she just needs to say it now.

She said word by word: "I... am the lead singer of Blessing Star."


Ms. Asano thought of it. The moment Aimi Terajima said she declined the invitation, she had already guessed the reason.

She likes Terashima Aimi very much, and of course she likes Blessing Star very much. After her sister Asano Sora's accident, she once thought that Blessing Star would eventually be disbanded.

However, Aimi Terashima appeared.

As the lead singer of the second generation, he gave this dying band a new life, like a phoenix on fire, reborn from nirvana.

Blessing Star used to be my sister's everything, my sister's dream.

It was Aimi Terashima who continued her sister's dream, so the moment Aimi Terashima joined Blessing Star, she made up her mind to protect them.

However, Aimi Terajima is not Sora Asano after all, she also has her own dream.

He made his debut and became a well-known singer in the country, shining on the big stage.

It cannot be denied that when Aimi Terashima claimed that she would stay in Blessing Star, she was relieved in her heart.

But it was only for a moment, and such a mood disappeared.

A sister's dream is a dream.

Aimi Terashima's dream, isn't it a dream?
(End of this chapter)

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