Chapter 187 182. Terashima Aimi (1)

My name is Aimi Terashima.

I am from Kansai. I have a younger sister and an older brother in my family.

Born in an ordinary family, grew up in an ordinary family, with an ordinary face, ordinary grades, and ordinary thoughts.

Well, this is my nonsense, in fact, I read it from the book, it sounds very philosophical.

And I don't look ordinary, if the aunts in the neighborhood didn't lie to me, I should be considered a beautiful girl.

Although I was told that I was beautiful since I was a child, I was always smiling and super cute.

But I'm not actually smiling all the time, it's just the shape of my mouth.

Perhaps out of resistance, after entering middle school, I began to practice how to treat people with no expression, at a time when other girls fantasized about encountering love.

I, Aimi Terashima, my biggest pursuit is to hope that others will not treat me as a child, so I often keep a straight face, trying to improve my dignity in such a funny way.

Such behavior is undoubtedly stupid, but when I found out about it, I was already a high school student.

Then it shouldn't be too late, I entered a new school, I didn't have any classmates I knew before, and the teachers and classmates were faces I didn't know. Under such an environment, I should be able to make some changes.

Because when I was in junior high school, I always looked like I was not close to strangers, so I didn't have many friends. Therefore, after I went to high school, I hoped to have my own small group.

We eat lunch together during the lunch break. After school, we can wave and say see you tomorrow. When we go to school the next day, we discuss the TV series we watched last night and the outfits from fashion magazines.

I just want to be such an ordinary high school girl.

And I did.

It's just that I often can't understand the topics they talk about, and it's a little difficult to blend in.

Therefore, I always secretly search the Internet for the topics I heard during the day, and then make up some of the stalks and knowledge, and then talk with them the next day.

Even so, I liked them very much and considered them my friends.

Although, whenever I talked about the topic of the previous day, they would say that what I said was boring, and then laughed and said that my reflexes were too slow.

At times like this, I also laugh.

However, I don't find anything funny in my words.


Speaking of the word high school girl, what is the first word that comes to mind?

Sailor suit?Hot girl?in love?
Unfortunately, in the high school I attended, girls don't wear sailor uniforms, but Western uniforms.

I think this style is very good and can wrap the skin tightly. I don't like wearing clothes that are too revealing.

My friends always deliberately increase the height of the skirt, but I abide by the school rules and keep the skirt at the specified length.

Maybe it's because of many little things like this that I can't really get close to them.

But it doesn't matter, they are still my friends, they will call me Amy affectionately, and tell me what they want to drink at noon.

It is also very important to know the hobbies of friends.

I never tire of it and want to become better friends with them.


We were a small group of five, and every time there was an activity in the class that required pairs, I always seemed to be the one left out.

But I don't mind. If it's not me, it means someone else will be excluded. In that case, I still think it's better for me.

And when they were chatting between classes, they would always bring me with them. I sat on a chair in the classroom and listened to them saying which girl in the class had a bad personality and which boy was handsome.

In fact, I don't agree with it a bit, because the girl they mentioned will form a team with me to do warm-up exercises during physical education class.

But when they said, "Amy-chan thinks so too, right?", I couldn't shake my head, I could only smile and say "Yeah".

They would smile and pinch my face, saying things like "Amy-chan is so cute when she smiles, if only I were so cute."

If at that time, I could follow my heart and speak out what was in my heart, maybe I would not have encountered the following things.

Among the four, Mafuyu seems to be the center of our group. I heard that her family is very rich, and mobile phones and bags are the most popular styles nowadays. Everyone likes to surround her.

Mafuyu has someone he likes, a boy named Sato from the next class.

He seems to be the ace of the football club, very popular among the girls, and many girls like him.

I once looked at him from a distance, and I only thought he was a very cheerful boy, other than that, I had no other thoughts.

Mafuyu is unwilling to confess to him, but always finds troubles with him in different ways. I can't understand such behavior.

You obviously like him, why do you want to do things that annoy him?
If I have someone I like one day, I will definitely express my heart loudly.

However, to my surprise, one day after that, I was asked for my contact information by that boy.

If he could tell Mafuyu his contact information, there might be some progress between them.

I was so focused on supporting my friend's love affair, but I even forgot the most basic things.

After I told Mafuyu about this, my four friends in this school, including Mafuyu, fell silent.

After class, I was taken to the girls' restroom in the old school building by them.

The compartments are narrow.

The water poured over my head, was cold.

The water basin was thrown on the ground, and the buzzing sound was exactly the same as the sound in my head.

Can this be called breaking up?
I don't think so.

Perhaps in their hearts, I have never been their friend for a moment.

My textbooks often grow wings and fly out of the window, but they can't fly too far, and always fall into the grass in the school courtyard.

When I wanted to change my shoes to look for them, the shoes in the shoe cabinet disappeared.

I can only go to them with my socks on.

Fortunately, whether it is the textbook or my shoes, they are all in the courtyard and have not gone anywhere else.

So, the next day, I sent all their desks and chairs to the playground.

Standing at the window of the classroom, watching them struggling to carry the desks and moving them back in embarrassment, I showed a smile that they called "cute".

After that, they never came to provoke me again.


The rooftop is a great place to go.

I started to like the school rooftop. I eat the bento made by my mother alone. It is delicious. If I have friends, I hope to exchange the food in the bento box with them.

Miraculously, I didn't feel a tinge of sadness at the loss of my friend.

Perhaps deep down in my heart, I have never regarded them as true friends.

During the lunch break of this day, I went to the roof of the teaching building as usual, walked on the stairs, and could hear the sound of the piano from nowhere through the door.

It's obviously lunch break, is there someone in the music classroom?

I pushed open the door to the rooftop, and the originally hazy sound of the piano suddenly became clear.

In the place where I always eat bento alone, someone has already sat there before me.

 Add more.

(End of this chapter)

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