Chapter 188 183. Terashima Aimi (2)

It was a girl with long hair similar to mine, and the skirt was also the length stipulated in the student handbook.

Holding the light brown guitar, his slender white fingers kept plucking the strings, and some beautiful sounds came from it.

I didn't bother her, nor did I domineeringly tell her that was my seat.

Leaving the door open, I sat on the stairs and unwrapped the checked cloth that wrapped the bento.

I enjoyed this lunch very happily, with the soothing sound of the guitar in my ears, and it seemed that even my mother's food, which I was used to, was a little more delicious than usual.

When the sound of the piano stopped completely, there was the sound of footsteps behind me. I looked back and saw that the girl playing the guitar had already walked to the gate.

She was a little careless, obviously it was the first time we met, she just looked at my bento with bright eyes.

I had to ask her if she wanted to try a piece of fried chicken, and she nodded sharply.

After eating, she said a lot. If my mother heard it, she would probably regard her as a compliment from her goddaughter.

Even though our family already has two daughters.

This is me, my encounter with music.


Since then, every day at noon, I can meet her on the school rooftop.

I also did not continue to eat on the stairs, but sat away from her unwilling place.

I will not open the bento box until the sound of the piano falls.

She always eats the chow mein bread sold in the school cafeteria. I have tried it a few times and it tastes really good, but if I eat the same food every day, I will always get tired of it.

So I always share my food with her, and in return, she will play the tunes I like to hear.

When encountering a track that she doesn't know, she will play it to me the next day, just like the me who used to look up information deliberately in order to have a common topic with my friends.

So, during lunch break one day.

As usual, I was sitting beside her, listening to her music quietly, the original melodious piano sound stopped abruptly.

I looked at her with some doubts.

She suddenly said to me:
"Hey, do you like music?"

At this time, I just think that music is a comforting thing, and it can indeed make me forget my troubles for a short time, so I answered without thinking:
"Yes, I like it."


From this day on, I, who was supposed to be in the home club, now have my club.

There are only two members, me and her.

I like to call her Xiaoxing.

Xiao Xing is the initiator of the club, and besides me, there are also her friends.

They all have their own musical instruments, only I don't know anything.

Even so, no one looked at me strangely, and even looked at me in amazement, asking me if I had thrown away Matsuyu's desk before.

I nodded.

They say I'm cool.

Well, I might be able to get along with them.


Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Drums.

The four of them are a band, and I am the audience sitting in the audience watching their performance.

They didn't ask me to do anything, just that if I liked music, I could just sit there and listen to it.

I thought of those four people in the past, even though I knew they were different from those in the past, I still couldn't help being afraid, worried that I would become the extra one.

If the previous ending will be repeated, then I think, I would rather not meet them.

They are the brightest stars in my entire high school career. I am attracted by the light on them and chase them tirelessly.

So, I, Aimi Terashima, once again, took my own steps in order to get a real friend.

From now on, I don't want to just watch in the audience, and I don't want to be the redundant one.

"I also... want to join the band."

So, I know nothing, I am useless.

became their lead singer.


At the beginning, it didn't go well. The problem was me. I never thought I would go down the road of music.

But in order to stand by their side, I, who don't understand anything, have to work harder.

I started running every morning, exercising, rain or shine, just to make my voice more stable and able to sing their dreams.

Their dream is to become a famous musician all over the country.

Compared with them, I just want to stand beside them, and I can't call music a dream, which is a blasphemy against them.

So whenever they ask me, what is Amy's dream?

I would smile and say to them, "Be the best band with you guys."

They all smiled happily, hugged me and said thank you.

Actually, I should be the one to say thank you.

Actually, my real dream is not "to be the best band", but "to be with you".

Unfortunately, no matter which one, I couldn't achieve it.

At Christmas, I received a message from Xiaoxing that I don’t need to participate in club activities today. I thought to myself that Christmas has its own arrangements, which is a matter of course.

So, when I came home from school and walked into the house, I was startled by the sound of cracking cannons. They all appeared in front of me with smiles, and countless colorful confetti fell on top of my head.

The house is very warm.

The ribbons falling on my head are beautiful.

"Happy birthday!"


My singing level is improving day by day. They all praised me for my talent, so I can only smile embarrassedly.

They said that I look good when I smile, and instead of pinching my face, they choose to hug me.

Well, I can't hate it, not at all.

If this continues, I may like girls, maybe.

I started to learn the guitar, and Xiao Xing deliberately made a funny appearance, imitating the mysterious old man in the comic book, and said that he would teach me what he had learned all his life. We were all amused by her.

In a band, if there are two guitarists, we will be able to play more lively songs in the future. I hope our band can become better.

Just with my guitar level, I'm not good enough to be a guitarist, but it doesn't matter, they will wait for me, when I become a strong enough guitarist, and become a better lead singer.

I'm not scared at all.


What color is youth?


Or rosy?
I think it would be a bit lonely to describe it with one color, at least what I felt in that narrow activity classroom.

It is a color like the vast starry sky, which makes people unable to resort to words.

This is my band, my youth.

After entering the second grade, Xiaoxing and I were in the same class, which made me very happy.

Not only lunch break and club time, I can talk to her all the time, we have become a closer relationship than too much.

Xiao Xing is my best friend.

The thing we talk about the most is music, which is Xiaoxing's dream.

And my dream is to fulfill their dreams together with them.

And that dream is one small step.

It is this year's cultural festival.

(End of this chapter)

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