Chapter 191 186. Obviously she came first.

October nineteenth, eight o'clock in the evening.

Kazuto Mogami uploaded a video with Aimi Terashima.

This is the first time that Kazuto Mogami has shown other people in the video he has released so far.

After two days of fermentation, with the mysterious masked look, impeccable singing skills, and tacit cooperation between men and women, the video successfully appeared on the website's hot search, attracting the attention of thousands of people.

For a while, Kazuto Mogami's twitter was swallowed up by messages, and the original comments urging updates had been overwhelmed by comments from music lovers.

Obviously, what is shown in the video is by no means the level that amateurs can have, let alone Aimi Terashima.

Regarding Mogami Kazuto alone, many people in the industry commented that it is completely capable of producing records, and it is also the result of Mogami Kazuto controlling the level in order to save face for Aimi Terashima.

As for Aimi Terashima, her singing skills are slightly inferior, but that sophisticated typhoon is definitely not something that can be developed overnight.

The lyrics and composition of the two are a little immature, but for a singer, the most important thing is still excellent singing skills. Naturally, more professional musicians can replace the lyrics and composition.

After this battle, Totsuka and the name became famous in the ACG circle within a short period of time.

A new super popular light novel writer, a cooking master recognized by many popular voice actors, a non-famous food blogger, and an online singer with tens of millions of views.

With so many BUFFs superimposed on him, Totsuka and the three characters became the wealth flow of the industry for a while, and many bloggers wanted to catch a wave.

As a result, Mogami Kazuto's private message received invitations from many record companies, large and small.

At the same time, some people also set their sights on Aimi Terashima.

Aimi Terajima is just the lead singer of an underground band, but fans who often go to Across to watch live, it is obviously impossible not to pay attention to the public opinion storm on the Internet.

Even though she was wearing a mask, Aimi Terashima's recognizable voice and figure were opened by someone in the comment area after only a few hours.

The real identity was dug out at once.

In contrast, Kazuto Mogami usually keeps a low profile and doesn't know many people.

Even if there were former acquaintances or saw him at the same time, they would not think that his real identity was Mogami Kazuto, so he escaped a catastrophe.

However, in real life, some people knew that Kazuto Mogami was Kazuto Totsuka.

For example, those female voice actors, as well as Natsuki Yuta of Denki Bunko, and several leaders of its editorial department.

If you count carefully, it's not too small.

But these people are professionals in the industry, so naturally they will not expose the identity of Mogami Kazuto indiscriminately, this is the most basic industry rule.

However, this does not mean that Mogami Kazuto will be safe and sound.

After the video was released, the first person to come to the door was not the record company, nor the people involved in the editorial department.

It is clear water with sand.

She came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.


【who's that person? 】

[When did you meet? 】

【What is your relationship? 】

[Why did it appear in the piano room of Kazuto-sang's house? 】

[Did you take other women home when I was locked up by my manager? 】

[Obviously I came first. 】

[Why haven't you responded to my message after reading it? 】

[So love will disappear, right? 】

Such LINE bombings made Mogami Kazuto dare not reply at all, so he could only tremble silently.

After that, Shimizu Yousha called directly.

Finally, Mogami Kazuto got through the phone with trepidation.

Different from the questioning on LINE, Qingshui Yousha's tone on the phone was surprisingly gentle.

First of all, he expressed his affirmation of the song, and said a few soft words like "I really want to sing a duet with Kazuto-san" from time to time to hint him.

Such words entered Mogami Kazuto's ears, somewhat making his scalp tingle.

It seems that clear water with sand is also a troublesome master, and it can be regarded as the black one who is close to ink.

But in fact, whether it is Mogami Kazuto or the clear water and sand, they all know very well that these are just jokes among "good friends".

Shimizu Yousa really cared about the girl's identity, but she also knew very well that she was not Mogami Kazuto's girlfriend.

Therefore, if you speak more openly, it may disturb Mogami Kazuto in a short period of time, but it will not have any substantial impact on their relationship.

If she pretended not to care about anything, it might make Mogami Kazuto think too much, so she deliberately pretended to be awkward.

The woman Qingshui Yousha is not stupid at all.



October 21.

Two days after the video was uploaded, the Internet was full of rumors about Kazuto Mogami.

At this moment, Kazuto Mogami was sitting at home, talking on the phone with Yusa Shimizu.

"Heren-san, although he is obviously not from this industry, he always makes some unexpected big news."

"Is it that exaggerated?"

"When I was working recently, I often heard Kazuto-san's name."


"Said there must be a handsome guy under the mask."

Kazuto Mogami was amused.

Qing Shui You Sha also said with a smile, that person's guess was really accurate.

After the greetings were over, Qingshui Yousha expressed the purpose of calling.

As Mogami Kazuto had expected, it was still Dai Qiuhui's commission, and I hope he can consider signing with a record company again.

In fact, Dai Qiuhui had already called yesterday. This time, she must have asked Qingshui Yousha to be a lobbyist, and Qingshui Yousha couldn't refuse.

But this time, perhaps because of Mogami Kazuto's masked behavior, it sparked a frenzied discussion on the Internet, and the company agreed with the condition of Mogami Kazuto not to show his face.

During the period of practicing with Terashima Aimi, I learned about Terashima Aimi's longing for her dream, and Mogami Kazuto has actually seriously considered the matter of debut.

So this time, he didn't say anything to death, but said that he would seriously consider it.

In this way, clear water and sand can be explained.

As for Shimizu and Yousha himself, he naturally hoped that Kazuto Mogami would join the industry.

It's just that this matter has its own advantages and disadvantages for Qingshuiyousha.

The most beneficial thing is to be able to use the name of work to have an excuse to get along with Mogami and others openly.

The disadvantages are naturally to be wary of other female singers or voice actors in the industry.

Kazuto Mogami hadn't made his debut yet, but someone who could sing so well appeared out of nowhere, and his singing skills were obviously higher than hers.

This more or less aroused the desire to win in clear water and sand.

After finishing the phone call with Shimizu Yusa, Kazuto Mogami was in a daze for a while, thinking too much was useless, so he opened the document and started writing.

Because of the previous lyric writing experience, as well as devotion to music and enjoying the beauty brought by music, Kazuto Mogami's inspiration seems to be supplemented by this.

The stagnant storyline once again emerged in my mind, easily breaking through the previous writing bottleneck, and the writing was particularly smooth.

And during the period when Kazuto Mogami was writing, the girl who sang with him in the video.

At this moment, I came to the entrance of a certain general hospital.

 Add more (6/22)

  good night everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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