After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 192 187. This month when everyone is transforming, she asked her for something.

Chapter 192 187. This October when everyone is changing, she asked her for something.

Aimi Terajima took the elevator and came to the inpatient department. Wearing a basket of flowers and fruit, she raised her hand and tapped on the door of a certain ward.

A voice of "please come in" came from inside, and Terashima Aimi walked in.

In the single ward, a girl in a striped shirt was leaning on the bed, staring out the window, as the maglev train hanging upside down on the track passed by in a hurry.

"Hi, long time no see, Amy-chan."

"Long time no see, Kongsang, how is your health?"

"As you can see, it's not bad."

Asano Sora raised his arm, the forearm was pierced with a needle tube, and the indwelling needle kept delivering fluid into the slender blood vessel.

Aimi Terajima silently placed the condolences and flowers on the bedside, and a faint smile appeared on Asano Sora's pale and weak face: "Thank you."

"It's hard for you to visit me. If I can go to the ground, I should go to Across to find you."

Aimi Terashima shook her head: "It's me, I'm really sorry I haven't visited Kongsang for a long time."

"It's okay, little Amy is usually very busy, she has to work and practice, I know that."

Aimi Terashima sat down on the chair beside the bed. There were many precision instruments beside her that she couldn't understand, displaying numbers and lines. She didn't dare to get too close, for fear of touching those lines or knobs.

In fact, it was not Aimi Terashima's own idea to visit Sora Asano today, but Miss Asano's proposal.

As the two generations of lead singers of Blessing Star, this is the first time they are alone together.

If it weren't for Asano Sora's physical reasons, Aimi Terashima felt that she might never be able to appreciate the joy of the band again.

For Sora Asano, Aimi Terashima is her, the salvation of Blessing Star.

Because of the existence of Terashima Aimi, her dream can continue.

She thought that she could safely hand over the Blessing Star to her, until...she heard about Aimi Terashima.

For Terashima Aimi, Blessing Star is the first star that dragged her from the dark abyss.

No one can leave anyone.

Terajima Aimi didn't speak. After a long silence, she asked softly, "I heard from Ms. Asano that the date of going abroad has been decided?"

"Well, I'm leaving next month to go over there for more systematic treatment."

Asano Sora smiled very easily, but when he was talking, he could vaguely hear his heavy breathing.

Her physical condition is not good.

"That's it."

Aimi Terashima responded in a low voice.

She couldn't help but think of her band in high school. At that time, it seemed like this. The departure of a member caused the band to fall apart.

But compared to the previous band, Blessing Star is lucky. It quickly found a new lead singer and became more and more famous in Akihabara. As long as you work hard, there will be an album day.

However, he received an invitation to fly solo.

Aimi Terashima could no longer experience the same story a second time.

The bird that broke free from the cage, covered in bruises, flew into another larger and more luxurious cage.

There are other birds, owners who appreciate them, and countless foods.

Then, there is nothing wrong with staying in this luxurious cage.

"Little Amy."


"I watched the video uploaded on the Internet recently."


"That girl wearing a mask is Amy, right? That's what everyone says, and I think so too."

"Well, it's me."

"What about the tune and lyrics?"

"I composed the music, and the lyrics are mine...well, partner."

Asano Sora laughed: "That partner should be a handsome guy, hey, when I recover from my illness in the future, can you introduce me?"

Asano Sora said a witty joke, Terashima Aimi had no expression on her face, she just looked at her worriedly, looking at Asano Sora's bony hands on the quilt.

Those weak hands, obviously able to play such majestic music, are like dead branches falling on the roadside at this moment, as if they will break when the wind blows.

Noticing Terashima Aimi's eyes, Asano Sora couldn't help showing a gentle smile.

The domineering lead singer who controlled the audience on the stage was nothing more than a sickly girl at the moment.

"Little Amy, you are such a gentle person."

Aimi Terashima shook her head: "There is no such thing."

"As for me, the first time I saw little Amy singing, I was thinking, it must be this person, the person who can take over Blessing Star from me must be you."


"The voice is clear and powerful, and the most irresistible thing is the sparkle of kirakira in your eyes.

At that moment, I finally found a reason to put down Blessing Star. "


Sora Asano interrupted what Terashima Aimi wanted to say: "Listen to me, Aimi-chan, Blessing Star, is my dream."


Aimi Terashima knew, knew all of this, that's why she was unwilling to leave Blessing Star.

Once again, she took over her dream from someone else.

The difference is that this time someone entrusted her with her dream, and Aimi Terashima wanted to respond to her expectation.

"So far, I know what Amy-chan has done for the band and for the music.

That's why I'm feeling the way I am now.

Amy-chan, bound you up, tied up in Blessing Star, and pinned my dreams on you without authorization.

Really, very sorry. "

Asano Sora lowered his head.

"No, it's not like that, I stayed in Blessing Star voluntarily."

Aimi Terashima understood.

Rather, before coming to the hospital, Terashima Aimi already understood what Sora Asano would say to her.

"Hey, little Amy, why did little Amy start singing?"

Of course Aimi Terashima will never forget the reason she started singing.

Because in that narrow community classroom, she was the only audience, and she also wanted to stand by their side, so she picked up the microphone, and gradually, the guitar.

"It's for the sake of others that I sing, play the piano, and chase the ethereal music.

I always thought that I had no dreams. "

Sora Asano looked at Aimi Terashima and listened to her quietly.

"But someone told me that if I really like singing, then this is not someone else's dream, but mine, and it is Aimi Terashima's dream."

Sora Asano noticed the change in her expression, a beautiful smile gradually appeared on her always serious face, her smile was beautiful and contagious.

She asked softly, "That person is very important."


"So, don't you want to respond to him?"

Aimi Terashima shook her head, the image of that person, that person's voice, and that person's music appeared in her mind.

"If it was that person, he would definitely tell me that these things are for me to decide, don't think about responding to him, and don't think about responding to other people, let me do what Terajima Aimi really wants to do. "

Asano Sora showed surprise, then giggled and said, "What an exaggerated person."

Aimi Terashima also laughed: "That's right, that's it."

When the two gradually stopped laughing and the air in the ward was not as dull as before, Sora Asano said slowly:

"One day, I will return to Blessing Star, absolutely."


She looked out the window, and the maglev train was speeding past in mid-air, as if it could go anywhere.

"I want to take them on a tour across the country, meet more people, see more scenery, and let more people know our name.

As captain and lead singer. "


She looked at Aimi Terashima again, and said softly, "Blessing Star is my dream, not yours."

Asano Sora raised her slender arm, and Terajima Aimi immediately held her hand worriedly.

Sora Asano stared at her with a serious expression and firm eyes:
"So, little Amy, can you please return the Blessing Star to me now?"

(End of this chapter)

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