After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 204 199. He was in the family restaurant, listening to Miss Shimizu's monologue.

Chapter 204 199. He was in the family restaurant, listening to Miss Shimizu's monologue.


Why is this happening?
For the first time, I have someone I like.

I have a seiyuu partner who can get along with me for a lifetime.

Two joys overlapped...

(omit chants)
Deep in the eyes with clear water and sand, there seems to be snowflakes falling.

Ignoring Shimizu Yusa's silent gaze, Mogami Kazuto pretended not to be familiar with her.

"Mizose-san? What's the matter?" Hidaka Rina looked curiously at the motionless clear water with sand.


Qingshui Yousha pushed one of the three glasses of drinks to Hidaka Licai, and the remaining two glasses, let alone who she gave them to, are now being drunk by herself anyway.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help feeling ashamed at this, it was obvious that Shimizu and Yousha were having a fight.

Hidaka Lina was very surprised by Qingshui Yousha's attitude. She originally thought that the two were just ordinary acquaintances, but judging from Qingshui Yousha's behavior, the relationship between the two is obviously not just ordinary acquaintances.

It seems that it is indeed as she said, they are good friends who can joke with each other, which really surprised Hidaka Licai, she always thought that Shimizu Yousa was not good at dealing with men.


"Yes, Minase-san." Mogami Kazuto responded with a guilty conscience.

"I'll trouble Totsuka-san with a treat today, is that all right?"

The implication is that this meal made her lose, and she can ignore the fact that Mogami Kazuren cheated on her.

Mogami Kazuto didn't dare to disagree, he quickly said yes, and after getting Mogami Kazuto's affirmation, Shimizu Yousha waved his little hand, and ordered another five, six, seven or eight desserts.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't make any other expressions except for a wry smile. The corner of her eyes inadvertently fell on Hidaka Rina who was holding her chin, as if she was thinking about something.

Kazuto Mogami was a little worried at first that his acting skills with Yusa Shimizu would be exposed, but Hidaka Rina's naive and ignorant appearance gradually made him let go of his guard.

When you think about it, she's just a high school student.

"Miss Hidaka."

"Yes." Hidaka Rina looked at Mogami Kazuto suspiciously, while Shimizu's sandy ears were more serious than hers.

"About today's matter, if possible, I hope that Miss Rigao will not spread the word."

Hidaka Rina tilted her head: "Does it mean that Totsuka-san and us have dinner together?"

Mogami Kazuto nodded, Shimizu Yousha opened his mouth, but finally remained silent.

"After all, I'm just a newcomer in the industry, and I think Ms. Hidaka should be aware that I was once misunderstood by the media about my relationship with Mizuse-san. It's better to keep a low profile."

After Hidaka Licai finished listening, she remembered the rumors about clear water with sand in the past few days. During that time, she was busy with her studies and did not pay too much attention to what happened in the industry.

Later, after the turmoil subsided, no one would take the initiative to mention it to her, but they just got to know her a little bit.

So she nodded understandingly: "Don't worry, I won't say it. I'm a professional in the industry. I know what I can say and what I can't say."

"thank you very much."

Mogami Kazuto finally felt relieved, and couldn't help showing a charming smile.

The plan of clean water and sand will be ruined because of this, but the future is long, and there is no rush for this moment.

Having said that, she ate a little faster and added two more creme brulee.

Mogami Kazuto became more and more speechless, and said that "I no longer have an appetite for outside food", this is not eating more than before!
But Mogami Kazuto is still up to her, and it's not that she can't afford it anyway, I just hope she doesn't spoil her stomach.

On the way, Hidaka Rina left the table for a while, presumably to go to the bathroom, of course Kazuto Mogami would not bother with such matters.

Mogami Kazuto looked at Shimizu Yousha who was struggling to fight against the sweets, and sighed slightly:
"There is sand."

"What are you doing? A big liar and Rensang." Qing Shui responded without raising his head.


"How come, I won't be angry with people who don't keep their promises."

Saying so, the pudding in the bowl has been chopped into countless small pieces by the spoon.

"Sure enough, you are angry."

Qingshui Yousha suddenly put down the small metal spoon in his hand, making the sound of hitting the porcelain plate, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but frowned.

She stared at Mogami Kazuto, and said slowly: "Then...does Kazuto know the reason for my anger?"

"Uh, because I didn't appoint you?"

There is sand in the clear water and I shake my head.

Mogami Kazuto thought for a while: "Could it be that you have a bad relationship with Miss Hidaka?"

There is sand in the clear water and I shake my head.

Mogami Kazuto stopped talking, and for a while, he really couldn't think of other reasons.

It's just that Qing Shui Yousha's eyes at this moment made him unable to look directly, and couldn't help but want to avoid it.

Obviously they are not lovers, nor husband and wife, but Mogami Kazuto has received too much help from Qingshui Yousha, so under her gaze, Mogami Kazuto can't help feeling a little guilty.

"Heren-sang...even if he doesn't fulfill the agreement with me, I don't care.

Maybe she will be a little angry, and suddenly don't want to talk to you, get into trouble, and become what Kazuto-sang calls a troublesome woman.

However, this does not mean that I hate Heren-san. I have already expressed my feelings for Heren-sang very clearly, so I will not say it here a second time.

And the reason I was angry was not that Kazuto-san didn't choose me as the heroine.

Instead, Kazuto-san hid it from me, lied. "


"If it starts, Heren-sang will tell me honestly and express your concerns.

I can more or less guess the reason why you choose Licaijiang.

Of course, I will support your decision. After all, Heren-sang's choice is also because of me to a certain extent.

However, is this something that makes you lie?
On that day, at Herensang's house, as long as Herensang told me the truth, although there was a high probability that I would be awkward.

But as long as He Rensang is willing to coax me a few words casually, I will immediately become well-behaved.

It will still be the same as before, I will do whatever you ask me to do.

However, Kazuto-san chose to hide it from me.

Am I like the kind of girl... who would make trouble for no reason because of your decision? "

Mogami Kazuto was speechless, he had no reaction other than silence.

If Qingshui has sand at this moment, can it be said to be blamed?

It's impossible to think about it, and Qingshui Yousha is definitely not resenting him, she is not that kind of girl.

If she had to use a word to explain her mood at the moment, Kazuto Mogami could only hear grievances in her heart.

The girl who had been by his side, encouraged him, and bravely conveyed her feelings was showing a sad expression at this moment.

"Heren-san, as for me... I hate being cheated by the person I like."

 There are two more before dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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