After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 205 200. He gradually accepted his physique.

Chapter 205 200. He gradually accepted his physique.

Mogami Kazuto realized that he seemed to have really done something wrong.

Because of unconscious arrogance, like taking other people for granted as idiots.

Logically speaking, Mogami Kazuto is not that kind of person, but he did that.

Then any rhetoric sounds like a weak sophistry.

Unconvincing and ugly.

This kind of thing obviously needs only a little thought to know how to choose. Qingshui Yousha is a sensible girl, and she will definitely understand herself if she explains it all.

If that was the case, he wouldn't have to see Qingshui Yousha's sad expression now.

I'm really... lousy.

Kazuto Mogami opened his mouth: "There is sand."


Hidaka Rina's voice suddenly came from beside her, she was at the table again, Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to shut up.

Afterwards, it was almost always time for Shimizu Yusa and Hidaka Lina to chat, and Mogami Kazuto had no room to interject at all.

Hidaka Licai seemed to be worried about whether they would neglect Mogami Kazuto, and would strike up a conversation with him from time to time. After all, it was necessary to show some face for a meal in vain.

Ordinary high school students would not do this kind of thing, so it can be seen that Hidaka Rina is a high school student who is quite good at dealing with adults.

After that, Hidaka Rina never left the table, and Mogami Kazuto couldn't find an opportunity to talk to Shimizu Yusa.

In the end, after eating and paying the bill, the three of them split into two ways and left separately.

Shimizu Yusa came by car today and left with Hidakari dishes, while Mogami Kazuto walked silently to the station alone.



Getting off at Tsukishima Station, Kazuto Mogami went to the supermarket to replenish the ingredients at home.

Because during this period of time, Qingshuiyousha did not come to Cengfan again, and the number of times Mogami and Ren went to the supermarket was significantly reduced.

When passing by the fresh food section, I picked up a box of fat beef rolls in the freezer, planning to make a fat beef bibimbap tonight.

However, the reason why the singularity is called a singularity is that it will always repeat endlessly the coincidences that have happened in the past.

At the same time that the fat beef roll in Mogami Kazuto's hand fell into the shopping basket with a sound, a familiar voice came from not far away.


Mogami Kazuto turned his head, his face was calm, he would no longer be surprised by such things.

"Hello, Miss Uchida."

Uchida Maaya stepped forward and walked towards Mogami Kazuto.

She is wearing a light-colored dress today, which completely covers her calves.

"Mogami-san, thank you very much for last month."

Kazuto Mogami thought she was talking about the Obon Festival, so he smiled lightly: "It's not a big deal, I was very happy that day."

Kazuto Mogami confessed everything about himself to his parents on the day of the Obon Festival, and relieved the biggest burden in his heart, so he was not lying.

"Huh? Mmm... Mmm, I had a good time too."

For some reason, Uchida Maaya who was smiling was suddenly taken aback, then immediately lowered her head, even her voice became softer.

Mogami Kazuto didn't think much, glanced at the shopping basket in her hand out of the corner of his eye, and asked with a smile, "Buying snacks for my brother again?"

After hearing this, Uchida Maaya nodded immediately after being silent for three seconds: "That's right, I bought them all for my brother."

"Miss Uchida is really a good sister."

"No, nothing like that~" Uchida Maaya smiled shyly.

Kazuto Mogami smiled slightly, and Maaya Uchida stared straight at him, but he immediately stopped laughing helplessly.

I glanced at the panel in the upper right corner of my field of vision. Fortunately, the icon didn't flicker.

"What did Mogami-san come to buy today?"

"The ingredients for dinner."

"Well, speaking of it, Mogami-san lives alone."


"Do you cook by yourself every day?"

"Well... basically."

"It's amazing!" Uchida Maaya expressed her sincere admiration.

Girls her age always have some longing for mature men.

Seeing Uchida Maaya's flickering eyes, Mogami Kazuto suddenly felt a little regretful. So far, he has really provoked too many female voice actors, so it's better to stay away from this group.

"Speaking of which, Mogami-san."


"I successfully signed a contract with a seiyuu agency."


Really want what to come.

Mogami Kazuto was not good enough to spoil his interest, so he could only say congratulations with a smile, Uchida Maaya seemed to be very pleased with it, with a cute curve on the corner of his mouth.

"It's a pity that Mogami-san no longer works in the game company, otherwise I would really voice your game character."

Mogami Kazuto smiled calmly and did not confess that he was writing a novel.

This kind of mood seems to have happened not long ago. When Shimizu Yousha questioned him about promoting the dubbing of the PV, he also chose to hide it like this.

However, Kazuto Mogami and Maaya Uchida just met by chance, they are not even considered friends, so it is quite normal to choose not to talk about it.

Mogami Kazuto convinced himself inwardly like this.

"'s already this time." Inner Maaya glanced at her watch.

"Is there anything going on after this?" Mogami Kazuto asked.

"Well, I have to go to the office in the afternoon."

"Well, if Miss Uchida has something to do, you can do it first."

After Kazuto Mogami finished speaking, she thought that Maaya Uchida would leave, but she didn't want her to look up at Kazuto Mogami after hesitating for a while.

"That...Mogami-san, can I, make a request?"

Kazuto Mogami looked into her eyes in surprise.

"What is it, please?"

"Please tell me your LINE number." She blushed slightly, looking anxious, but did not flinch.


One thing to say, facing this request from Uchida Maaya, Mogami Kazuto was prepared long ago.

It's very early here, already a few months ago.

And Kazuto Mogami prepared the refusal speech in advance, of course he had already thought about it, such as the phone is out of battery, the phone is out of gas, next time, next time, and so on.

Although it sounds lame, if she really said it, I believe Uchida Maaya would not be able to say anything.

Anyway, we just met by chance, maybe we will never meet again next time.

Mogami Kazuto back then had such a naive idea.

But after going through so many things, Kazuto Mogami should probably find out.

He found that he was prone to encounter the special physique of female seiyuu, so he gave up.

It is impossible for him not to go out, and it is impossible not to visit the supermarket. As long as he goes out, there is a high chance of meeting Maaya Uchida.

Kazuto Mogami called it a "force majeure encounter."

Moreover, Uchida Maaya has also become a professional voice actor. He is now a rookie singer. The industry is only so big, and he will always encounter it at work in the future.

Instead of embarrassing each other here, it's better to be generous and admit it earlier.

In summary, Mogami Kazuto concluded that:
Isn't it just a LINE number, just change it.

As a result, there is one more female voice actor on the list of Mogami Kazuto.

At the same time, at this moment, the panel icon in the upper right corner of his field of vision finally flickered.


Maaya Uchida: 78 (+1)

 Hmm~ Nathan!Really happy birthday!

(End of this chapter)

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