After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 207 202. Singing skills at Lv4 level.

Chapter 207 202. Singing skills at Lv4 level.


Dai Qiuhui stopped the car and entered a certain building with Mogami and Ren. The appearance of the building was not very gorgeous. On the contrary, it can be said to be a bit old. Many recording studios are set up in such places, which is not considered rare.

Take the elevator to the recording studio.

Dai Qiuhui directly took Mogami Kazuto into a studio-like place, and introduced Mr. Watanabe, the audio supervisor, to Mogami Kazuto.

In addition to Mr. Watanabe, the sound supervisor, Mr. Inagaki, the producer, and Mr. Yoshinari, the animation supervisor, are all in this room.

Mogami Kazuto greeted these people one by one, although as a singer, Mogami Kazuto was still a complete newcomer.

But he used to work as a game screenwriter, and he had heard their names more or less, but only heard the names, and had no intersection.

And the one who favors Kazuto Mogami is Mr. Watanabe, the audio supervisor standing over there.

For this audition opportunity, Mr. Watanabe contacted King Records specifically. Originally, this kind of matter should be handled by the brokerage company. Some big-name artists will also consider various factors such as schedule and talent selection.

Kazuto Mogami is still a newbie in the industry, so the company is in charge.

Moreover, Kazuto Mogami has no reason to refuse to work. Since he has chosen to become a singer, he will naturally put in corresponding efforts where he should contribute.

"Totsuka-san is right, you are younger than I thought."

"Thank you very much Mr. Watanabe for your love this time." Mogami Kazuto nodded slightly.

"There is no conclusion on this matter. It depends on the decision of the supervisor and the investor. Later we may choose a few songs and ask Totsuka-san to record them. It shouldn't matter, right?"

"Yes, it's okay."

After that, Kazuto Mogami was briefly explained what kind of work this is. Of course, because it is an original work, it is obviously impossible for Kazuto Mogami to know the specific plot before it starts broadcasting.

As for the recent original works of supernatural powers, in the later stage of the story, there will always be troubles with human nature, blackness, and disability. Mogami Kazuto can be regarded as a famous creator after all, and has a natural sense of sympathy for such things.

Kazuto Mogami was asked to record three songs in total. Mr. Watanabe specifically asked Kazuto Mogami if he had heard these three songs, and Kazuto Mogami responded by shaking his head honestly.

Therefore, during the preparation period of the staff, Kazuto Mogami was listening to the original singing with headphones, which made Dai Qiuhui very worried.

But Kazuto Mogami behaved very calmly, like a hundred-year-old vampire, living in a dark castle and embracing each other peacefully, as calmly as red wine and bread.

A few minutes passed, Kazuto Mogami took off his earphones and said to Dai Qiuhui, "Miss Dai, can we start?"

"Eh? Are you ready?"


Dai Qiuhui looked at Mogami Kazuto with some doubts. Seeing Mogami Kazuto with a calm demeanor and a confident look, she suppressed the worries in her heart and conveyed the news to the staff.

Then, Kazuto Mogami walked into the recording room.

In the recording room, Kazuto Mogami stood in front of a certain piano in the recording room, and a female pianist was sitting there, and the two bowed to each other.

Inside the transparent glass on one side is the control room, and the faces of Mr. Watanabe and Ms. Dai can be seen, and Mr. Inagaki and Mr. Yoshinari are also sitting in it.

Kazuto Mogami put on the earphones, took a few deep breaths, puffed up his cheeks and made a sound, adjusted the state of his vocal cords, and then gestured OK to the control room.

"Please advise."

As the sound of the piano gradually rose, Mogami Kazuto's expression gradually became serious. This was the first job he received after becoming a singer, and Mogami Kazuto had an attitude of going all out.

So far, Kazuto Mogami has never shown his Lv4 singing skills, even for the song that he and Aimi Terashima appeared in together, Kazuto Mogami did not show his full strength.

Faced with this unknown job that took the initiative to come to the door, Mogami Kazuto could tell that only Mr. Watanabe had a good impression of him, while the other two seemed to be inclined to use famous singers. Not optimistic.

Kazuto Mogami felt that this might be an opportunity.

He doesn't have lofty dreams like Aimi Terashima's, and he just goes with the flow when he debuts. He feels that since he has this ability, there is nothing wrong with it.

And now, it's time to test his ability.

There is no deliberate show off or hidden strength, Lv4's solid and gorgeous singing voice is his most powerful weapon.



control room.

Mr. Watanabe looked in surprise at Kazuto Mogami who was singing heartily in the recording room.

When he heard Mogami Kazuto say that he hadn't heard those songs, he was actually a little disappointed.

The level that Kazuto Mogami has shown so far can indeed be said to be good, comparable to the top singers in the industry today. What he lacks is enough exposure and famous songs that can be talked about by the audience.

However, at this moment, when he heard the scene of Kazuto Mogami, he realized that he was wrong.

With such a level of signing with King Records, it won't be long before his talent will be discovered by the public, he can be called top-notch singing skills and idol-level appearance.

As long as the private life is not too erosive, becoming popular is basically a certainty.

Kazuto Mogami in the recording room finished singing a song and was adjusting his breathing to rest.

He set his sights on Mr. Inagaki and Mr. Jicheng, they also had incredible expressions, and he couldn't help but feel a little proud in his heart.

"Miss Dai, I would like to ask, what is the age of Totsuka-san?"

"Well... I think it was 24 years old."

"It is really rare to have such solid singing skills at the age of 24. His singing style reminds me of Mr. Xi Chuan in his youth, but his vocal range seems to be wider than that of Mr. Xi Chuan.

It's just that Mr. Xi Chuan probably didn't have this level of singing skills at this age.

right?Mr. Yoshinari, Mr. Inagaki. "

The other two don't know how to make a sound. In terms of music, Mr. Watanabe is much more professional than them.

As the supervisor, Mr. Inagaki thinks more about whether the singer's voice fits the tone of the whole work and the tune that has already been composed.

But at present, he thinks that Kazuto Mogami's calm and explosive voice is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Although Dai Qiuhui is the manager of a record company, she doesn't know much about the professional field, and she can't really feel the gap.

I just simply feel that Kazuto Mogami seems to have performed better today.

Kazuto Mogami standing in the recording room was about to sing the second song after the break, but Mr. Watanabe's voice came from the earphones, saying that he didn't need to sing any more.

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback, thinking that he should have made no mistakes just now, so could it be that he was rejected by one vote?

He couldn't help but have such doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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