After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 208 203. Miss Shimizu wants to launch an attack.

Chapter 208 203. Miss Shimizu wants to launch an attack.

With a worried mood, Mogami Kazuto stood there with a little apprehension and doubts. He didn't think he had performed well.

After a while, Mr. Watanabe appeared in the recording room, and walked towards Kazuto Mogami with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Watanabe?"

"Totsuka-san, congratulations."


"Just now, we unanimously decided that Totsuka-san will be the theme song for this animation."

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback when he heard the words, and stayed for about three seconds before he understood the meaning of this sentence.

It turned out that he didn't sing well, but that he was too strong.

Finally, Kazuto secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

After that, the two parties formally signed the contract, and gave Mogami Kazuto a copy of the paper lyrics and the audio of the theme song. During this time, Mogami Kazuto went back to practice first.

Regarding matters related to the official recording and shooting of the MV, a plan will be formulated first, and the implementation will start after the two parties confirm the schedule with each other later.

Kazuto Mogami was shocked when he heard it. It was the first time he knew that this thing would be filmed in an MV, but after asking later, he found out that the record company was responsible for this aspect.

The record company is of course King Records, Kazuto Mogami's owner.

Even if it was shooting the MV, the company would not ask him to show his face, it was part of the early sales strategy, so Mogami Kazuto felt relieved.

How to say that, the handsome guy in Tokyo must maintain 30.00% of the mystery at all times, and Kazuto Mogami feels that his mask can at least maintain 80.00% of the mystery.



After the work was over, Kazuto Mogami had a simple meal with Dai Qiuhui, and informed him of the next work.

In terms of songs, in addition to the single created by the company for Kazuto Mogami, Kazuto Mogami has another song that needs to be performed at the same time.

However, the current singers can't just have songs, just like voice actors can't just dub, don't participate in broadcasts, and don't participate in events. Unless they have mines at home, they will definitely starve to death.

Therefore, in addition to singing, Mogami Kazuto also has to appear on some radio programs of senior artists belonging to the same company.

Because Mogami Kazuto is an NG who shows his face, the variety show on the TV station will definitely not be available, so he will pass directly.

Having said that, at Kazuto Mogami's current level, there is no program to invite him.

In addition to recording songs, participating in broadcasting, and filming MVs, the company has also formulated a bundled sales strategy.

If it is in the seiyuu industry, this is actually not difficult to understand. Senior seniors bring juniors from the same agency, and let the juniors play supporting roles in the animation that they are the main characters.

Until the younger generation grows into an outstanding voice actor on its own, then train new younger generations.

But in the singer industry, there is actually very little such a saying, or there is a backstage, and the company is desperately investing its own resources.

Or form a group with other singers in the same period, so that they will receive more attention.

Mogami Kazuto was very worried that with his handsome appearance, he would be called to the office of the female leader one day, and after he came out, he would be highly praised by the company.

But thinking about it carefully, this kind of development is actually not bad, if it is called to the office of the male leader, it will be called a big deal.

As for who to form a group with, Mogami Kazuto himself has no such idea.

With Mogami Kazuto's singing skills, if he can't find an artist who can match his singing skills, then the combination is meaningless.

After lunch, Dai Qiuhui returned to the company, while Kazuto Mogami took the tram home alone.

Not long ago, I received a text message from Yousha Shimizu, saying that she said something bad yesterday, and I hope Kazuto Mogami can forgive her.

Kazuto Mogami could only sigh and say that he was wrong, and after the conversation, it became a situation where he owed her three meals.

【By the way, Kazuto-san, did you go to the recording studio in Roppongi today? 】

【how do you know? 】

[Ask Miss Dai. 】

[It seems that King Records needs to improve the privacy of artists. 】

【Hey hey, Kazuto-san, congratulations, you got the job so soon. 】

【thanks. 】

[In that animation, I starred as the lead actress, hee hee. 】

[I know, I have read the CV form. 】

[Currently, the dubbing of Chapters 1-3 has been recorded, but unfortunately because of the confidentiality agreement, I can't spoil it. 】

[Understand, and I didn't ask. 】

【Really, why didn't Kazuto-san ask me? 】

【what? 】

[Of course I asked who sang the ending song! 】

[Since you have said so, you must have sung the ending song. 】

【Half guessed right, the ending song is me and Neru-san's chorus. 】

[So that's it, it looks like she's overjoyed. 】

Kazuto Mogami has seen the public CV list of the animation. The first female lead is Yusa Shimizu, the second female lead is Ayane Sakira, and the name of the first male lead is not recorded.

But what is more bizarre is that the first and second places on the CV list are the names of Shimizu Yusa and Sakura Ayane. The main view also shows the profiles of the two female characters. The male protagonist is more like a soy sauce character. It makes Mogami Kazuto suspect that this is actually a Yurika.

[That is to say, Neru-san said that it has been a long time since he sang such a soothing song, and he was almost moved to tears, which shocked me. 】

【What the hell is that guy doing? 】

【That rascal? 】

【Sakura that guy. 】

【Hmm... Kazuto-san, do you have a good relationship with Neru-san? 】

【what?How could there be such a thing, I have nothing to do with her. 】

【Is it?I just think that with Kazuto-san's personality, it's rare to call other people, and they're women, "that guy". 】

[Thinking too much, I'm just not very good at dealing with her, no, this kind of statement is too euphemistic, to be blunt, I think she is very troublesome. 】

【This is too straightforward, hahahaha~】

[Why do you seem to be very happy instead. 】

【What do you think? 】


Mogami Kazuto understood immediately.

[Neru-san, it seems that he has participated in a mysterious project recently. 】

[Mysterious plan? 】

[Yes, it is said that it will be kept secret for the time being, but I feel that her mental state is not very good. When I met her on the set, I found that the dark circles under her eyes became heavier and heavier. 】

[Isn't she being squeezed out of labor? 】

[In short, I will try to let her rest more, Neru-san likes work very much, I am worried that she will break down her body. 】

[Don't always talk about others, you are the same. I recently discovered that voice actors seem to be creatures who don't eat well on time. 】

[I will not treat myself badly when it comes to eating. 】

Kazuto Mogami thought for a while, and felt that what she said was right, so he didn't speak out.

[However, thank you Kazuto-san for your concern. 】

【oh oh. 】

[But I haven't forgotten about the three meals owed to me, please be prepared for me to come and eat at any time. 】

[Do you have to come to my house? 】

【Hmm... that's right, it's really not good to go to Kazuto-sang's house all the time, so Kazuto-sang, do you want to come to my apartment? 】


 It's past five in the morning, try to write another update before eight in the morning, I'm a little sleepy, so stick to it.

(End of this chapter)

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