After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 211 206. He seems to have heard this question somewhere before.

Chapter 211 206. He seems to have heard this question somewhere before.

"Totsuka-san, Aimi-san, welcome to King Records."

"Thank you, Minase-san."

Terashima Aimi responded very politely.

"Mizase-san, I'm still underage, so I can't drink, I can only have this with you, please forgive me."

Aimi Terashima raised the cup in her hand and drank the juice in the cup.

Although she still doesn't quite understand the fact that the senior came to offer a toast, she doesn't seem to be a malicious person.

As for Mogami Kazuto beside her, he had no choice but to act with her, calling out "Miss Minase", and Shimizu Yusa glanced at him with a smile on his lips.

However, Qingshui Yousha did not leave immediately, but sat down beside Aimi Terashima, which made Aimi Terashima confused.

"I've heard Amy-san's song before."

"Huh? Really?!"

"Yeah, some time ago, it seems that I performed with Totsuka-san. Many singers around me have seen it, and I praise you two very much."

Aimi Terashima smiled shyly, and Kazuto Mogami silently huddled in a corner, not daring to speak out.

"Not only the song, but also the video production is good, presumably because of the use of very expensive shooting equipment."

She was clearly talking to Aimi Terashima, but Kazuto Mogami clearly felt that the words were aimed at him, and at some point, a little sweat dripped from her palm.

It's really strange, since I obviously haven't done anything, why do I have the attitude of a good-for-nothing boyfriend who was caught cheating.

Mogami Kazuto himself couldn't figure it out.

Similarly, he wasn't the only one who didn't understand the situation. Terashima Aimi also didn't understand, so she had to reply:

"Well... I don't know much about those things. It's all Totsuka-san's doing. I don't know anything except singing, which caused Totsuka-san a lot of trouble."

Shimizu Yousha looked at Mogami Kazuto kindly: "Hey~~~ So that's it, Totsuka-san is really a gentle person."

"Wow, where, Ms. Minase has flattered you." Mogami Kazuto responded hastily.

When you ask someone for something, you call him "Yousha", and in public, you call him "Miss Minase".

Good for you!Mogami Kazuto.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't understand Qingshuiyousha's thoughts, so he couldn't help laughing, regretting deeply in his heart, he should have pretended to be sick and absent if he knew earlier.

On the side, Shimizu Yousha and Aimi Terashima had a lively chat, Mogami Kazuto didn't say a word, he just felt a stomachache, and just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

And Qingshui Yousha seemed to be chatting with Aimi Terashima, but he never got up and talked to Aimi Terashima with a smile on his face.

Kazuto Mogami listened to a few words, and the sentences were "Aimi-san seems to have a good relationship with Totsuka-san", "How did you know each other", "Hey~~~ So you have been to Totsuka-san's house. "This kind of words made Mogami and Ren break out in cold sweat.

It wasn't until Uesaka Jin in the distance came to drag her that Shimizu Yousha reluctantly left, and the look he gave Mogami Kazuto before leaving almost made him tremble.

Now, things seem to be getting more complicated.

He knows that there is sand in clear water.

Also know Terashima Aimi's mind.

He rejected Aimi Terashima once, and he also rejected clear water with sand once.

What is this called!

Kazuto Mogami covered his forehead with a headache.

"What's wrong? Totsuka-san, you look a little uncomfortable."

Mogami waved his hand: "It's okay, maybe I drank too much alcohol, just rest for a while."

Aimi Terajima glanced at the wine glass on the table where the liquid had hardly dropped, thinking that he was unexpectedly weak in drinking.

She secretly wrote it down first, maybe it can be used as a breakthrough in the future.

The reception lasted for nearly two hours. When it was about to end, Kazuto Mogami was invited to the second meeting. Kazuto Mogami didn't drink much, but he just wanted to go home, so he had to pretend that he couldn't drink enough to decline.

Aimi Terashima looked at him worriedly: "Totsuka-san, are you okay?"

Mogami Kazuto shook his head, staggered a few steps pretendingly, and followed the others towards the door of the store.

Seeing this, Aimi Terashima thought he was really drunk, so she quickly reached out to support him, and just when she touched Mogami Kazuto's shoulder, she felt a stinging gaze on her back inexplicably.

Aimi Terashima looked back, but she didn't find anyone looking at her.

Taking Mogami Kazuto out of the store, Terajima Aimi volunteered that she could take Mogami Kazuto home. After all, she was just a newcomer and had no relevant awareness of precautions. She didn't pay attention to the impression it would make on other people.

Fortunately, everyone else knew that they were friends who recorded songs together before they joined the company, so they told them to be careful on the road.

So Terashima Aimi happily dragged Mogami Kazuto to the station.

After walking for about a few minutes, there were no other colleagues behind him, and Kazuto Mogami silently broke away from Aimi Terashima's hand holding his sleeve.

"Huh? Mogami-san? Are you alright?" Aimi Terashima looked at Kazuto Mogami in surprise.

Once the two were alone, Terajima Aimi changed the address back, and she was still used to calling him by his surname here.

"Well, I'm fine."

Aimi Terajima stared at him for a few seconds, seemed to think of something, and immediately asked, "Are you pretending?"

"Don't tell others." Mogami Kazuto said flatly.

Aimi Terashima laughed out loud immediately: "Puff haha, Mogami-san, you are really... as to this point?"

"I'm not good at dealing with crowds."

"Although I know it, I didn't expect you to think of pretending to be drunk. If you want to pretend, drink more so you won't be suspected."

"That's not pretending to be drunk, but really drunk."

Aimi Terashima laughed even more unscrupulously when she heard the words.

So, the two naturally walked towards the station with their companions.



"Mogami-san, are you familiar with Minase-san?"

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback: "Why do you ask that?"

"A woman's intuition."

"You're still a child, what a woman."

"I'm not a child, I'll be an adult next month and I can drink legally."

"Is this a hint to me that your birthday is coming up?"


Kazuto Mogami thought she was quite honest.

"I see, I will prepare a gift for you."

Aimi Terashima suddenly looked at him suspiciously: "Mogami-san, I really wanted to talk about Minase-san, why did it suddenly involve my birthday, I was almost changed by you."

"Mizose-san and I are good friends."

"If it's a good friend, why Mogami-san kept his head down and didn't speak when Minase-san came, it's too strange."

Well, preface retracted, she's not a kid, she's a detective.

"Hmm... It doesn't matter if I tell you. Anyway, you just need to search the Internet to find out. Before I debuted, I was rumored by the media."



Therefore, Kazuto Mogami explained the Bunshun Cannon incident to Aimi Terashima.

After listening to it, Aimi Terashima stopped, and after a long time of contemplation, she raised her head to meet Kazuto Mogami's eyes.

"Mogami-san, can I ask a more spiritual torture?"

"What is it?"

" did you meet Minase-san?"

 The double monthly ticket starts today, please ask for a ticket.

  There is one more before dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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