After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 212 207. Miss Shimizu's defense was broken.

Chapter 212 207. Miss Shimizu's defense was broken.

Once upon a time, Shimizu's father seemed to have asked the same question.

How did you answer it?

Kazuto Mogami tries hard to remember.

So, Kazuto Mogami once again showed his calm nature.

Mogami Kazuto would hide a little bit about many small things. Such behavior is based on what he thinks is insignificant, but wants to save trouble.

But when it comes to certain things, Mogami Kazuto is a stubborn guy, he knows very well what can be lied and what can't be said.


"She is my ex-wife's best friend." Kazuto Mogami told the truth without hiding anything.


Aimi Terajima imagined many answers in her mind, such as what happened when she was hiding from the rain on a rainy day, or at a supermarket near her home, or maybe at a summer festival.

It is quite normal for young men and women to meet each other by chance, just like the meeting with him that night in Akihabara.

She could accept such an answer, and naturally she wouldn't blame anything. She didn't have that qualification.

And she thinks that Kazuto Mogami is a very good man, and it is normal to be surrounded by other women.

However, Aimi Terashima never expected that Kazuto Mogami would answer like this.

She knew that Kazuto Mogami had been married once, and that he had an ex-wife she had never met.

She knew, but never asked.

The past is the past. Aimi Terajima is quite open-minded in this regard. If there is still a gap that can be eliminated between them, they will not develop to the end of divorce.

Such a conclusion was made by Terashima Aimi based on her understanding of Mogami Kazuto, and it is not suitable for other people.

However, she failed to connect this matter with Qingshuiyousha at all.

"Mogami-sang's ex-wife, could it be..."

"Well, it's a voice actor."

Aimi Terashima didn't know what to say. In essence, Aimi Terashima's industry is the seiyuu industry.

Although Kazuto Mogami debuted as a singer, contact with other voice actors will be indispensable in the future.

She didn't understand why Kazuto Mogami entered the industry since his ex-wife was a voice actress.

In fact, Mogami Kazuto no longer cared.

No matter what Xiaoxi Saori's status is, if he can't do what he should be able to do because he cares about her, then he is addicted to the past.

Kazuto Mogami has long since left that depressed stage, even if he will meet Saori Konishi at work in the future, Kazuto Mogami has the confidence to treat her as an ordinary stranger.

"Can I... ask who it is?"

Mogami Kazuto glanced at her indifferently: "You really care?"

"It would be a lie to say that I don't care. The person Mogami-san once liked, of course I would like to know what kind of woman it is."

Mogami Kazuto heard the words, shook his head silently and said, "I never liked her, and she didn't like me either."


After finishing speaking, Kazuto Mogami stopped talking, and walked leisurely, with a relaxed expression on his face.

Kazuto Mogami, who has already untied his knot, is not interested in recalling the past.

Everyone is safe and well, this is the best ending to this three-rate dog-blood story.

Aimi Terashima called his name from behind, and trotted after him.

"Really! Why do you half-talk! Mogami-san, don't you know that this is annoying? What do you mean?!"




After returning home alone, Kazuto Mogami went to take a bath first, it was getting late, and he was going to bed after reading a novel for a while.

Glancing at the phone, there was only a message from Aimi Terashima saying that she had arrived home safely.

He said good night, but Mogami Kazuto always felt that something was wrong.

So peaceful.

A certain female voice actor who met at the reception was really too calm.

It was even so calm that it made Kazuto Mogami feel creepy.

Clicking on the head portrait with clear water and sand, Kazuto Mogami hesitated for four or five minutes before sending a message.

[Yousha, have you attended the second meeting yet? 】

Kazuto Mogami thought he would have to wait a long time to receive a reply. However, the moment he sent the message, the word "read" was added next to the text he sent.

Shimizu Yousha seems to have been staring at the dialog box with him.

Shimizu had a "smiling" emoji from the sofa, and there was no further text after that.

[I'm home, good night. 】

Kazuto Mogami had just finished sending this message and was about to go to bed. The phone seemed to be suffering from a chronic disease that could not be cured for a long time.

Countless pop-up windows popped up.

[Is the family alone now? 】

[Should he go home alone? ! 】

[There will be no such stories as "drunk and sent home" will happen! ? 】

[He actually brought the girl home again, please Kazuto-sang be more self-conscious as an artist! 】

【Shouldn't you still cook for her? ! 】

[Are you going to use the camera I borrowed from you to shoot your intimate videos again? 】

(omitted in the middle)
[Heren-san is too much!Obviously I came first! 】

Mogami Kazuto obviously didn't drink much, but at this moment, it was like the morning after a hangover. He just wanted to dig out his brain, put it in the washing machine, wash it, and then put it in the sun. Destroyed in his own head.

[Yousha, please calm down first. 】

[The person I like was taken away by a little girl who appeared out of nowhere, maybe I will hear her strange cry when I call now, I am too scared to call now! 】

Has this woman finally started talking incoherently!
Kazuto Mogami never expected that Aimi Terashima's appearance would bring her such a big stimulus, so he held his forehead and dialed the number of Shimizu Yousha.

"Hey, there is sand."


"Is there sand?"


"Isn't it connected?" Mogami Kazuto glanced at the phone screen suspiciously, and it was indeed true that he was on a call.

"Herensang, please don't talk yet, I'm listening to your breathing."

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

a long time.

"Did you hear that?" Mogami Kazuto asked.

"No, but it's also possible that Kazuren-sang is hiding in the toilet and making a phone call."

"It's almost enough for you, don't talk like Ms. Sakura."

"Huh? Why did Neru-san's name appear? Has Kazuto-san mentioned her a little too much recently?"

Mogami Kazuto patted himself on the mouth and scolded himself for being too talkative in his heart.

But I don't want the clear water on the side of the phone to be sandy, and it will blow my hair straight away.

The high-pitched voice of a professional voice actor, through the handset of the mobile phone, shook the eardrums of Momo and others.

"I heard a 'crack' just now! 'Crack'!!!"


 Add more (11/22)

  I'm going back to my hometown today. There are two guaranteed shifts at night, and the addition depends on the situation. My mother will definitely not let me stay up late when I go home.

  The addition has not been completed, but Haolai has made up half of it and will continue next month.

  Friendly reminder, double the monthly ticket at the end of the month.

  Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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