After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 213 208. She seems to be addicted to playing straight balls.

Chapter 213 208. She seems to be addicted to playing straight balls.

After a lot of effort, Kazuto Mogami finally cleared up the misunderstanding, and Shimizu Yousha reluctantly chose to believe him.

However, that doesn't mean it's over.

"Heren-san, can you see it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm angry."

"Don't say it's angry, it's already mad."

"What did you say?!"

"I did not say anything."

In short, it's better not to provoke her here.

"Really, you really can't take Kazune-sang lightly, and you actually made such a difficult opponent for me."


"That Miss Amy."

Kazuto Mogami jumped his head: "Why, why do you say that?"

"Is Kazuto-san an idiot? That Miss Amy likes you right away."


Mogami Kazuto was shocked immediately, how did she see it?

"That child, the look in Herensang's eyes is the same as mine."


"Heren-san, you have to be careful. Girls from the tenth generation will chase after you relentlessly."

Are you qualified to speak of others?
"One more thing, please don't forget Heren-sang, I was the one who fell in love with Heren-sang first, and I even said such a shy confession."

No, if you have to say that, she confessed first, and you have to be behind her.

Of course, I can only think about this in my heart. Kazuto Mogami would never dare to say it out. He doesn't want to experience the grip strength of 49.4.

"Although due to professional reasons, I can't associate with Heren-sang for the time being. But if Heren-sang changes his mind one day and thinks that being with me will make him happy.

I would be happy to step down from being an idol voice actor. "


Mogami Kazuto suddenly didn't know what to say. It's not that he didn't know the feeling of sand in the clear water, but he didn't expect that she would be willing to do this.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't even doubt the authenticity of what she said, because she was as clear as water.

In the relationship so far, has she ever told a lie?

It seems that there is no such thing.



"like you."


"What about the response?"

"Oh... oh oh, I hear you."

Is this the first time she has expressed her feelings bravely like this?Kazuto Mogami almost lost his memory, but he just thought she was such a formidable girl.

Being able to express my sincerity wantonly like this is completely different from myself.

Will one day, like her, respond to someone's feelings?

"Well, that's all right, I'm done. Good-bye, then, and good night."


As soon as the word "night" was said, Qingshuiyousha had already hung up the phone, and Mogami Kazuto stared blankly at the phone screen, strange emotions spreading deep in his mind.

It seems to have been planted with a gentle seed, invisible, shadowless, and everywhere.

Mogami Kazuto reached out to touch his left breast with some doubts.

Perhaps it was because of drinking tonight, the rhythm of the heart seemed to be much more active than usual.

Still, go to bed early.



The next day.

Kazuto Mogami woke up early as usual, and the temperature has dropped slightly recently, especially in the morning, which is the season when you need to wear a coat to go out. Kazuto Mogami looked for clothes in the closet and found that most of them were suits.

After thinking about it for a while, Mogami Kazuto decided to find some time to go out and buy clothes. Now that he has a little savings, and he debuted and became a public figure, he has to buy some suitable clothes for himself.

But to be honest, Kazuto Mogami is not very confident about his taste. His favorite is a loose white T and shorts.

But now this season is obviously not suitable. In order to save trouble, Mogami Kazuto directly approached Dai Qiuhui, and the other party said that the company would be responsible for the matching and purchasing by professionals.

As for the convenience of size, when ordering MV clothing, the company keeps a record of the size, and you can just buy according to that size.

Of course, this part belongs to Mogami Kazuren's private server, and the money is naturally paid by Mogami Kazuren.

Even so, it saves Kazuto Mogami the most annoying part. He doesn't need to choose the products himself, but someone will match them for him and send them directly to the company. Is there anything easier than this?
Mogami Kazuto expressed his satisfaction with this.

As for the price, Mogami Kazuto didn't have too many requirements. As an artist, he would need to spend a little money on clothing. Mogami Kazuto expressed his understanding.


11 month 15 day.

Kazuto Mogami's job today is to record a song, not the theme song of the new show in January, but a song made for him by the company's music team.

It is Kazuto Mogami's debut song.

The style is the rock and roll familiar to Kazuto Mogami, which is more or less influenced by Aimi Terajima. For a band singer like her who hangs out in the live house, rock is the easiest to drive the atmosphere of the scene.

In order to determine the style of the debut song, Kazuto Mogami sang countless songs in the recording studio. The strength of Kazuto Mogami lies in the comprehensive singing skills given to him by the panel.

Excellent breath is the basis for building excellent resonance. The sound has tension, and the continuous and stable treble makes the music team all surprised when they hear it for the first time.

When the music team first decided on the style, they hesitated for a long time. According to common sense, the debut song is of great significance. Naturally, it is necessary to give full play to the singer's area of ​​expertise.

So what is Kazuto Mogami good at?

After Kazuto Mogami's audition was over, they found in a daze that Kazuto Mogami was good at everything.

In layman's terms, this is not a person.

As long as Mogami Kazuto performed mediocrely in a certain aspect, they would also be shocked by Mogami Kazuto's talent, but the ability displayed by Mogami Kazuto could directly overwhelm the music team.

In the end, I consulted Kazuto Mogami's opinion and asked him what he wanted to sing. Kazuto Mogami said he wanted to sing explosive rock music.

Under the influence of Aimi Terashima, his preference for music has a tendency to develop in the direction of secondary school.

When Kazuto Mogami arrived at the recording studio at the company headquarters, he found that the song hadn't been fully completed, so he was asked to audition today.

A large part of the singers under King Records are voice actors. This is what Kazuto Mogami found out after he officially signed the contract. It seems that it is quite rare for him to debut as an amateur and become a singer.

After the sound audition, Kazuto Mogami chatted with some members of the music team, and somehow the topic of voice actors came up during the conversation.

"Speaking of which, Totsuka-san seems to have a good relationship with Ms. Minase."

"Huh? Well... I'm pretty familiar."

Because of the previous scandal, people in the company still know something about their relationship. Although many people don't say anything, most of them must be curious.

It's just that Qingshui Yousha's positioning is special, and they are enjoying the bonus brought by idol voice actors. Even if they are not in a relationship, in order to avoid suspicion, Qingshui Yousha's voice actor firm will not give them a chance to cooperate.

 Hint: There will be four times the monthly ticket for the reward now, please ask for the monthly ticket!

  By the way, the recent writing feels quite joyful, a bit out of my style, isn't it more appropriate to make someone cry?
  If someone is destined to cry, why can't I be moved to cry by your monthly pass?

  Shui Shui loves beauty rushing ducks!

(End of this chapter)

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